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Another problem...?
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TOPIC: Another problem...?
Shrine Girl
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Another problem...? 11 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 50

In addition to all of the issues we've been having lately, since the recent crash and all, I'm rather...concerned to say that I've encountered another one.

I don't know if it's just me, or if Opo found a new pastime or something, but I was trying to update my story with multiple chapters (drabbles, if you want to be technical about it) and was only able to post one. Just one. When I tried to post the others, this appeared on my screen:

All I want to know is why? I haven't done anything differently in regards to my updating process and have never seen this before. I haven't tried to update any of my other stories, so I do not know if the same problem would occur with them as well.


I would sincerely appreciate it if anyone can explain this...thing. Please.

Thank you.
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Re:Another problem...? 11 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 53
Hi Aviel,

Do you know the general time (and time zone) this happened at?

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Re:Another problem...? 11 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 53
Okay, scratch that....

Found the error. Seems this new system has something that checks the in coming data and parses it for generic pattern matches. What you uploaded matched it's generic SQL injection pattern.

I've went a head and disabled the specific one that was causing causing problems, so you should be able to upload the chapter now.... unless it matches one further down its list.

If that's the case, I'll just disable the thing because it's much more trouble than it's worth.

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Shrine Girl
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Re:Another problem...? 11 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 50
I think I'm a bit allergic to this new system of ours...but I'm ever thankful the site is up and running as it is.

More importantly, thanks so much for fixing the problem! I (as well of my fellow Dokugians, I'm sure) truly appreciate all of the hard work you do for us! You're like the tech-wizard friend I never had!

Thanks again, Mr. Mith!
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