So this was written like.... decades ago... but I would like to re-read it again.
Kagome and shippo are on their own, after Naraku has died ( i think, don't quote me on this..) so Sango and Miroku are in the village settling down. Inu Yasha ended up getting a village girl pregnant or something, because he's not in the picture. Only mentioned a few times. They come across Sesshomaru in a field i think? and he is unconscious on the ground, fevers, chills, sweating, like he's been poisoned. Shippo tells Kagome that he's going through a growth spurt, so all the things he normally has, like his poison, yoki, and all his abilities are getting stronger over a short period of time. Thus, he has to go through the symptoms of his new poison to become immune to it. (like a clownfish in an anemone) It means he is really vulnerable. Rin and Jaken are elsewhere. But anyways, she notices that yokai, all lower yokai are starting to appear and approach him, looking for an easy meal. Shippo explains that Sesshoamru would be easy pickings rn, and that masses of yokai would be after him.
She vaguely remembers sango telling her to not do what she is about to do, but Sango herself was young when she learned this, and doesn't really remember why her father said not to either. So Kagome protects Sesshomaru, hunts for him, feeds him, and takes care of him while he is growing.
Turns out it's because yokai grow bonds and attachment on anyone who helps them during their time of weakness, which is what happens. Sesshomaru becomes so grateful to Kagome for repelling the hordes of yokai that wanted to eat him alive, and so happy to be near her, that he has basically insta love happening, and wants to take her as his mate. Thing is, i'm not sure if this fic was finished. There is a part i vividly remember, her having rabbit bits cubed up, some for her are entirely cooked, shippo likes the little bit cooked ones, but sesshomaru eats it raw, and he has several of them. (rabbits)
I would very much love to read this again. It's been a while since I've been here. Hello again Dokuga!