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story dilema
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TOPIC: story dilema
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story dilema 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 4
Alright. Here's the dilema, I woke up last night with a fantastic story plot in mind. I mean EVERYTHING was planned out to the T. As I was writting it out, my mind would not quiet focussing on the final chapter. (Its a dramatic end to a good story, one I havent seen yet and Im exceedingly eager to have it written.)Everytime I sit down to get my first chapters out (to get the story set up and moving) I lose focuss.-Im extremly stuck on the end-. Should I just write the ending out to get it out of my system? ...Im just nervous to do that since it seems to be inspiring me to finish this story.

what do you all as writers think?

I sincerly appreciate your advice.
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Re:story dilema 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 11
Weelll... have you written before? A lot of times I have the ending planned out too, but by the time I've finished writing the story the ending is completely opposite from what I had planned in the first place.

So if it was me, I'd probably write out the ending, but keep is as a guide rather than it HAS to be done like the ending says. For me, stories have a tendency to take on lives of their own, so I keep the ending as a guide for the general direction I want the story to take, but don't necessarily plan on using it in its entirety.

So... I'd write it out. Keep it, and if things end up not following the ending completely, then tweak it until it becomes the ending you want

That's my advice, but do whatever feels most comfortable to you.
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Re:story dilema 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 8
I almost always start from the end when I write (granted, I usually do oneshots). I've found that if I don't write something out almost immediately--if not in detail, then at least the outline--I'll forget it, and then it bugs me forever.

It probably will change a little as you write it, but you may also enjoy developing the ending over time, as it can sometimes turn out better than you originally imagined.
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Re:story dilema 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 14
Order is highly overrated.

Follow your inspiration.

If you want to write the end and then build up towards that, do so.

Also, remember, that in stories ends are not actually ends - they are merely conclusions. Most stories could go on forever, if the writer chose to keep going through many dilemmas/conclusions.
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Beat Cop
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Re:story dilema 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 29
I agree with Zandrellia. Just let it flow. Keep a journal or notebook nearby so as inspiration hits, you can jot it down. If the ending his first, or some other random scene, write it out until your muse quits screaming. As you go back to fill in gaps and make the content richer, the story will begin to evolve naturally. Some of the parts you have already written may get reworked into something a little different, or very different, or even scrapped completely. But thats the nature of story telling and its what keeps things interesting. Best of luck!
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Kagome Yuki Niwa
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Re:story dilema 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 38
Personally, I only write stories because there is a scene I am trying to get to. That scene will KILL me until I reach it but then another scene pops up and I am always eager to get to that new scene. I have never planned out an ending - they normally just hit me at the last moment.

I just concentrate on the beginning just so I can get to that end/scene/whatever. If it's killing you that much, then just write it out BUT if you think you'll lose the inspiration since it's already been written then I wouldn't bother. I would try the beginning.
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The Hatter Theory
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Re:story dilema 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 14
I write in a similar fashion to Kagome Yuki Niwa, all of my stuff is to get to one scene that I've had in my head for awhile, usually. I have a few random stories that I'm working on that I have the ending for, that I saw in my head and it wouldn't go away and it was perfect and amazing and etc etc. As I work on these, I get stuck if something doesn't match that conclusion in the story because (whether from pride or stubbornness) I don't want to change it. Unfortunately I think muses don't care about that sort of thing. If you write out the ending first, be sure to be okay with the idea of possibly having to change/rewrite it. Sometimes stories change even when we have them planned out in detail.
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Time Traveler
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Re:story dilema 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 57
I only use plans for original fiction, I don't bother with that sort of complexity for fanfiction. I tend to write blind, just letting the story evolve as it will, likely why I've stuck since to drabbles, and occassional oneshots instead of novels (that require greater depth, and complexity both in character and plot development than drabbles or oneshots). I agree with all of the previous suggestions, either jot down ideas in a brainstorm, notebook etc, and perhaps write the last chapter, maybe like a blurb that gives you the overview of what you want to happen there. Then write the rest of the chapters gradually building up to that final idea. Just remember that the beginning chapters may and could change as you progress, and thus the conclusion will change too even if it is planned out.

Stories evolve with the authors as they are written, taking on a life, and a personality of their own. You'll find your rhythm, we all do, gradually with some effort and patience. The story may turn out differently in the end than you planned, it really depends on inspiration, ideas, and spontaneity.

Have fun with it. You'll get to that conclusion one way or another.
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Re:story dilema 13 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 4
Thank you all so much. I appreciate the helpful advice :] thankfully I was able to placid my muse by jotting down alittle more than an outline of the ending which allowed for me to squeeze out the beginning of my story. Again, thank you so much for the advice. I think this is the most my muse has ever acted up....hopefully this is a good sign lol.
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