Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 27
New stamp love!! Hope you like.
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 27
More stamp love. This was made using one of r0o's drawing. It started out a tribute to our beloved smut maker but it ended up for all smutty artness. Enjoy.
(Original art by r0o)
Last Edit: 2012/02/20 18:14 By Avadrea.
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 24
OMG! That is so awesome! "Dangly Bits" .... HAHAHA. 
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 3
I love these!! I cant wait to get more of them XD
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 27
For the kilt club by request. ^_^
(note: the tartan used is my own family tartan. That of Clan Carr (Kerr, Care, ect)
Sero sed serio!!
And two more for all you ookami lovers here are some wolf pack stamps.
And now a little snack break
Last Edit: 2012/02/20 01:26 By Avadrea.
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 216
Anyone willing to make me a "plunnie overlordess" stamp? =x
I'd also like if someone's up to it, "Mokomoko's accomplice" and " *is totally innocent* "
but only if any of you have the time to!
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 12
I couldn't get the white background layer to go away. I tried deleting the layer, erasing it, using a different template, uploading it onto a different site, and nothing worked, so I don't know how it will look.
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 27
Bird That Flies At Dawn wrote:
I couldn't get the white background layer to go away. I tried deleting the layer, erasing it, using a different template, uploading it onto a different site, and nothing worked, so I don't know how it will look.
I think it's because you saved it as a jpg. Try saving it as a PNG. (or a gif but PNG is better)
When you save a file as a JPG it dose not keep it's transparencies.
Last Edit: 2012/02/20 01:16 By Avadrea.
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 12
Thanks, let me try that.
Okay, you were right. Thanks, Drea! I'll have to remember that next time. So sorry that that stamp turned out kinda screwy. *grins sheepishly because of epic jpg fail*
Last Edit: 2012/02/20 01:29 By Bird That Flies At Dawn.
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 27
Bird That Flies At Dawn wrote:
Thanks, let me try that.
Okay, you were right. Thanks, Drea! I'll have to remember that next time. So sorry that that stamp turned out kinda screwy. *grins sheepishly because of epic jpg fail*
No no. Not at all. It's a lovely stamp. Glad I could help get it working for you. I did a fix for you if that didn't work. I hope you don't mind, it took me only a few seconds to copy past it into my template and save it as PNG.
Last Edit: 2012/02/20 01:44 By Avadrea.
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 27
sugar0o wrote:
Anyone willing to make me a "plunnie overlordess" stamp? =x
I'd also like if someone's up to it, "Mokomoko's accomplice" and " *is totally innocent* "
but only if any of you have the time to!
I could probably get to work on those tomorrow. Any suggestions of what images you would want with them. I am thinking one of your Mokomoko works for the "Mokomoko's accomplice"
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 216
Avadrea wrote:
sugar0o wrote:
Anyone willing to make me a "plunnie overlordess" stamp? =x
I'd also like if someone's up to it, "Mokomoko's accomplice" and " *is totally innocent* "
but only if any of you have the time to!I could probably get to work on those tomorrow. Any suggestions of what images you would want with them. I am thinking one of your Mokomoko works for the "Mokomoko's accomplice"Anything youc an come up with i'm sure will be awesome :3
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 12
Thank you so much, Drea. And no, I don't mind at all. It was a big help. 
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 27
Here you are r0o ^_^ I hope you like it. I choose pink just for you.
(Original art by r0o)
Last Edit: 2012/02/20 18:11 By Avadrea.
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 12
Haha, nice one, Drea.
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 29
It might be helpful, if creating these stamps for someone, that you add if its an open/free stamp for all, or one that is saved for someone specific. Just an idea, to avoid any potential isses.
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 27
MoxyMikki wrote:
It might be helpful, if creating these stamps for someone, that you add if its an open/free stamp for all, or one that is saved for someone specific. Just an idea, to avoid any potential isses.
currently all stamps are open/free. I don't think r0o's request was for a unique stamp but I will double check with her. If so than one of a kind commission stamps should probably be traded privately and not added to the forum, simply to avoid confusion.
Requests for commission stamps could still be made here. It was a detail I never really though about. Thanks Moxy.
Personally I prefer all stamps to be open/free simply but I understand if someone wanted a unique one just for them. I could see myself with an "Almighty Bucket" stamp.
Last Edit: 2012/02/20 15:17 By Avadrea.
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Calling all Dokuga Artists! 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 27
We've been having a lot of fun with the new stamp project. But one thing we stamp makers need is resource images. That's where all the artists in Dokuga come in.
There is such a nice collection of original works and talented artists here and I would like to see a lot of that work featured in these little pieces of profile bling. I think it would add to the community feel of this game/project. However, I think it is mandatory that no one's original artwork be used in the making of stamps unless they have given their permission.
So what I am looking for is artists who would like to be added to a list of contributors. If you join our list, stamp makers would have pre-approved permission to use the images in your gallery here on dokuga as long as they 1. Link back to the original image in their forum post. and 2. name you as their source.
This way stamp makers have a pool of original images to make use of and the original artists get recognition for their hard work as well. This would also cut down on misunderstandings. A stamp maker would know that if the artist is not on the list they MUST ask permission before using their art work.
So any volunteers?
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Posts: 287
Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 8
Sure, I'll volunteer my images with those guarantees.
Not sure what you'd do with them, but I'd be pleased to see anything they're in XD
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 38
Stamp Number Ten:
Got Wolf?
Ohemgeeeee; KOUGA!! I wanna wolf <3 <3
Stamp Number Eleven:
Yeah - he's evil and has tentacles... but that VOICE <3 Weak in the knees smexy; I'd be evil for that!
Stamp Number Twelve:
Sexxy Pirates
If Johnny Depp can do it, so can Sesshoumaru <3 Thank you see03 for offering up your artssss Original Image HERE!!!
Stamp Number Thirteen:
Drool Worthy
Yes, yes I drool over Inu-Papa like NOBODIES BUSINESS~
Stamp Fourteen:
Because Sesshoumaru doesn't have a stamp and this site is based on him and Kagome -______________-;;
Stamp Fifteen:
O rly?::
Stamp Sixteen:
Totally Innocent::
Shippo? Innocent? NEVER! Because r0o requested it; Whether it is a free/open stamp IDK. AVA! I didn't see that you were already working on this one~ MY BAD D:
Last Edit: 2012/02/21 13:15 By Kagome Yuki Niwa.
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 27
Great work Yuki!! *grabs a few for her collection*
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 29
Avadrea wrote:
MoxyMikki wrote:
It might be helpful, if creating these stamps for someone, that you add if its an open/free stamp for all, or one that is saved for someone specific. Just an idea, to avoid any potential isses.
currently all stamps are open/free. I don't think r0o's request was for a unique stamp but I will double check with her. If so than one of a kind commission stamps should probably be traded privately and not added to the forum, simply to avoid confusion.
Requests for commission stamps could still be made here. It was a detail I never really though about. Thanks Moxy.
Personally I prefer all stamps to be open/free simply but I understand if someone wanted a unique one just for them. I could see myself with an "Almighty Bucket" stamp.
Your welcome! I just remember that the "Claim Game" was getting a little nasty before r0o went all ninja and made sure everyone only claimed THEIR banners, and that the claims were valid. Personally, I don't know how she did it. She's a super hero ninja r0o!
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 24
Avadrea wrote:
And now BUTT STRIPES!! hehe love it.
(Original smexy art by r0o)
note: I linked the censored version for this but used the uncensored. There was just a little bit more butt to work with.
... I love me some butt stripes... <3 lol
Last Edit: 2012/03/09 14:22 By Aurora Antheia Raine.
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 27
Kagome Yuki Niwa wrote:
Shippo? Innocent? NEVER! Because r0o requested it; Whether it is a free/open stamp IDK. AVA! I didn't see that you were already working on this one~ MY BAD D:
Don't worry I hadn't gotten to work on it yet. I think you did a great job ^_^ As for r0o's request she has told me the only one she wants exclusive is the "plunnie overlordess" stamp. I am still working on a system for exclusive stamps but I think I have something worked out. I will implement it tomorrow.
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Re:Dokuga's Stamp Collecting and Trading Club 13 Years ago
Karma: 27
Sorry there was a break in the stamping. I needed a little bit of a break. Anyway something new for all those Naraku lovers.
Last Edit: 2012/03/06 01:20 By Avadrea.
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