Me and a few friends have been looking for a way to practice our animating skills, and we all came up with different ideas. I, specifically, wanted to turn a fanfiction I like into an animated short-series (like 1-6 eps, depending on the length of the fic).
I also really want it to be a Sess/Kag fic and thought...what better place than Dokuga!? But...I can't figure out which one. D:
Now I'm asking...would anyone be interested in seeing this? Also, I'll be taking nominations on what fanfics to animate. Check out the thread in the "Fanfiction" section
The style of the anime would vary depending on the style of the fanfic itself.
Like, if the series is more humor-based, the style would be very light-hearted. Similar to my works like these:
Style 1 /
Style 2 /
Style 3
If the series is more adventure, romance-centric, serious, then it'd take a more realism-based style. Similar to my works like these:
Style 1 /
Style 2
Another question I ask...would anyone be willing to volunteer time or anything within it? I ask because I know there are loyal people here on Dokuga, and I'd feel remiss if I didn't reach out about it, in case there are people who have been waiting for a project like this to come around.