Update: I will allow a few more days for sign up, the deadline to sign up is Jan. 3, 2012. Please join!

It should be loads of fun! Thank you! (Also you can check out who has already joined below.
We all know how much we love fanfictions that inspire us or the art that makes us so happy. So I've decided that it would be nice to share the love through a tag team tournament.
So here's what I've come up with, I'm going to host a tournament for where an artist and a writer will team up to take on another team with the same prompt. Then everyone will vote and the winning artist and the winning writer will move on to the next round, and a new partner. The losing artist and writer will not, but they can still participate by voting. Please note that while you will work as a team, you will not necessarily advance as a team. The writer will face off with the writer of the other team and the artist will face off with the other artist, so that one partner doesn't hold the other back.
There will be banners to collect!

If someone wants to make one or all for me they can, If not, I will.
The ratings allowed are only PG13/T or lower because we have very talented young people here and I want them to be able to participate in all of the tournament. (from the creating to the judging.)
The tournament will begin soon, around New Years is when I want to send out the first round of prompts. I'll let you know, and you will have a week(or more if people agree it's needed, before the tournament starts) to complete the art/story, then your partner will have a week to either base a story off your art or make art based on your story. If you join this tournament, please see it through to the end, or your elimination. Thank you.
How many rounds there will be depend on the amount of participants. Each round you will be given a partner and a competitor with the same prompt and when it is time a voting will occur. The winner will continue to the next round, their next partner and their next story/artwork. Voting will be open to the public, here.
Writers: If you go first the story must be completed(as in not part of another story.), just so it will be easier for the artist. So not just part of a tale, sorry. One shots, just they must be finished by the deadline. The LEAST amount of words you can use is 1,050, just to make it interesting. Feel free to use as many as you'd like though.
Artists: Please remember if you go first that you need to have something for the writer to base a story on in the picture, or the feel of it. Also if you are last and can think of nothing to draw, a 'cover art' is acceptable. Also traditional, digital, dress-up, clay, paper, whatever you use as art, if you can make it fit, will be acceptable.
If you have a suggestion for prompt you think should be included then let me know by going to my profile and sending me a PM (I might not use it, but then I might, please don't be offended if I don't).
If you wish to join in the tournament then please comment below.
Any questions, fell free to ask.
PS. This tournament will only take place if there are 4 or more who wish to join. Their must be a writer for every artist and an artist for every writer. If we get more of one than the other, I will fill in as I can, and cry for help if there is a lot... but I'd like for there to be equal of everyone. No worries, I'll make sure It works out in the end.
Any suggestions would be appreciated as I am new to this. Thank you.
Partisapants: (Lets make these long lists.)
Aurora Antheia Raine