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Why do we not review?
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TOPIC: Why do we not review?
Shrine Girl
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Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 55
I will outright say that I am guilty of not reviewing everything I find enjoyable. And to be honest, I don't really know why.
Maybe it's because once I get my enjoyment I move on to the next story, just updating myself without pausing to acknowledge the effort of one who has continually entertained me.
Maybe it's because it really doesn't cross my mind sometimes. I will finish a chapter, hope for more, but move on to the author's homepage or other work before stopping to review what I had just read.
I find it is a conscious effort to write the one-two line claim of "Hey, I like your story. Look forward to the update." when in all honesty I should have that in the forefront of my mind to acknowledge those who put their work out for our enjoyment.
So this is me saying, "Writers, Thank you. I will make it more of an effort to show appreciation for your work, even if it's just through a short review. Keep it up, because our community could not exist without you."

This applies to artist too, because what you Dokugians do is amazing! I will leave lots more comments from now on! My word might not be much, but I hope it adds fuel to your fire to continue what you love to do!

*end of random post*
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 95
LOL Cake! I think we are all guilty of doing it, I know I am.

I think sometimes it's because I really can't describe why I like the story and hate to leave such a crappy, generic review. Or it might be because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings if they have read a longer review I've left for someone else when my brain was actually working and managed to say something other than "nice story" I'm trying to be better though.
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 32
We love our silent readers just as much as our reviewing readers<3 We don't expect reviews, we write because it's what we do. Of course, we all love reviews, but they are not like "OMG! I DIDN'T GET A REVIEW!" -dies-. Hehe, long story short, readers are readers and we love them all the same

But, thank you for the message, Cakeiton, I am sure we all appreciate it :3

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Shrine Girl
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 55
insomniac_amy wrote:
LOL Cake! I think we are all guilty of doing it, I know I am.

*YOU* have been one of the most loyal reviewers/supporters on this site! So to hear that you have felt some of the same dilemma makes me feel better, and also encourages me to do better with supporting our authors!

MissKatt wrote:
We love our silent readers just as much as our reviewing readers<3 We don't expect reviews, we write because it's what we do. Of course, we all love reviews, but they are not like "OMG! I DIDN'T GET A REVIEW!" -dies-. Hehe, long story short, readers are readers and we love them all the same

But, thank you for the message, Cakeiton, I am sure we all appreciate it :3


Oh yeah, I agree. In no way am I suggesting that. This is more me saying that I wish I expressed more how I enjoy spending some of my free time reading what you authors have put out.
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Last Edit: 2012/03/03 00:41 By cakeiton.
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Duchess Of Darkness
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 7
Im a read and dash culprit too.

I wanted to leave reviews to let the author know how much I enjoy it...but since I be on my phone almost 80% of my life Im not able to leave one because the window to leave reviews dont allow me to type into the review box....and when i get to an actual compy I completely forget to go leave the actual review I wanted to leave in the first place. Im horrible I know and Im sorry to those who stories didnt get the proper appreciation they deserved. One of these days Im going to make a mission out of leaving a proper wall post or review to those who stories captured my heart and smutty mind...

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Shrine Girl
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 55
Duchess Of Darkness wrote:
I wanted to leave reviews to let the author know how much I enjoy it...but since I be on my phone almost 80% of my life Im not able to leave one because the window to leave reviews dont allow me to type into the review box....

I have the same dilemma sometimes. I tell myself "Don't forget to review once you get home... Oh look! *something distracting comes by*" lol
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Last Edit: 2012/03/03 00:44 By cakeiton.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 95
Thank you Cake, but I'm not as dedicated as I should be.

I also have the same dilemma with the cell phone
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Lover of Blue
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 5
We love our silent readers just as much as our reviewing readers<3 We don't expect reviews, we write because it's what we do.

That line is why I never felt bad about leaving review. Up until a few weeks ago I didn't even bother to have an account and I think it is distasteful to talk to/about someone without them being able to say something back.Now that I actually do have an account I will make the effort to at least leave a <3.
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Bird That Flies At Dawn
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 12
I don't know. I always leave a review, and I love it. I feel that leaving a review is part to the reading process, and it really puzzles me why people don't do it. I don't think badly of them, I just don't understand why they don't review. It's not hard, and it doesn't take up a lot of time. Often the authors really appreciate too. Maybe some readers find it annoying. I would honestly say that I probably would not be part of this site if I was not allowed to review a story. On FFNet, I've left over 850 reviews, and they are one of my favorite things about fanfiction sites in general.
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 56
cakeiton wrote:
Duchess Of Darkness wrote:
I wanted to leave reviews to let the author know how much I enjoy it...but since I be on my phone almost 80% of my life Im not able to leave one because the window to leave reviews dont allow me to type into the review box....

I have the same dilemma sometimes. I tell myself "Don't forget to review once you get home... Oh look! *something distracting comes by*" lol

I do that as well.
If it a long story, I don't like to review every. single. chapter. I like to take the story as a whole and give my thoughts.
The only time I purposely avoid giving a review is when the author ends a chapter with threats of not updating if they don't get a certain number of reviews. I don't see it here, really... seems to be a thing with some writers. It's just my pet peeve and totally turns me off of reading what could, otherwise, be an excellent story.

But to those that I haven't reviewed....writers and artists alike... thank you for some wonderful pieces.
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 8
I admit I'm a read and dash person as well, but I too am trying to change that about myself.
I find I have this problem because once I finish reading, I'm already looking to the next thing. I am completely greedy and glutenous when it comes to fanfiction - I could read all day if I were allowed to, one story after another. Even then, though, I find it difficult to find stories that I REALLY love, by way of writing quality and story quality, so once I do find one, I go to the user's page to read everything else they have. After that, I might leave a review on one of the stories.
A lot of this has to do with the fact that I read during my breaks, so once I'm done, I have to get back to work, and the in the evenings I forget to go back and leave a review, because the feelings I got from it are gone.

I want to change that about myself, though - especially now that I'm writing stories of my own and receiving reviews. Each review I get and reply to makes me feel totally amazing, and I want to be able to return that to other authors.
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Aurora Antheia Raine
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 24
KEdakumi wrote:
The only time I purposely avoid giving a review is when the author ends a chapter with threats of not updating if they don't get a certain number of reviews. I don't see it here, really... seems to be a thing with some writers. It's just my pet peeve and totally turns me off of reading what could, otherwise, be an excellent story.

The reason you haven't seen it here is because it's against the rules. XD If someone were to hold a chapter ransom for reviews, the story will be removed by the admin, I believe. And after a number of repeated offenses, the author gets their profile deleted off Dokuga entirely. At least, that's what I recall. XD

As for why I don't review - I dislike leaving a generic review and often times, I really don't know what to say other than "Hey, Loved your story! Update soon!" But I hate doing that. I feel that reviews should be more heartfelt, but if it's like, a drabble series, it's hard to leave a decent review for that. Or if I can't pinpoint WHY I love the chapter, I JUST DO, then... generic review. >___>; And I am a complete hypocrite because when I get reviews, I don't care if they are generic or not, I just appreciate that the reader took the time to review and let me know my story is being read and enjoyed.

I HAVE, in the past, read multiple chapters and left one long review. It's something I do frequently. Like, not too long ago, I read 200 chapters in two days and left them close to a 1,000 word review. It's not the first time I've done that. (Granted, it wasn't always 200 chapters and it wasn't always a 1,000 word review. lol) Point being, I really do try to review. I don't intentionally NOT review. lol.
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Last Edit: 2012/03/03 12:29 By Aurora Antheia Raine.
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Bird That Flies At Dawn
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 12
When I read a story that already has twenty chapters, I don't usually review every single chapter, but I leave a review and review the chapters that come after. I used to review every single chapter, but on FFNet an author criticized me for it, so I stopped. I thought it was a good thing and not a bad thing, but that author obviously thought differently.
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 9
I read a lot of the more popular authors, those that already have a ton of reviews and reads and I don't always send one myself. However, when I read a particularly fantastic chapter, one that just gets to me, I will send a review to let them know that I loved it and why. There are times that I save a story alert as a reminder that I need to review that chapter.

Then there are those what I call 'starving writers.' You know, the ones that don't get the visits or the reviews - if I really love what I've read, I will review and let them know it.

But I'm also a member of 'read and dash' group. You can't always control it.
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Aurora Antheia Raine
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 24
Bird That Flies At Dawn wrote:
When I read a story that already has twenty chapters, I don't usually review every single chapter, but I leave a review and review the chapters that come after. I used to review every single chapter, but on FFNet an author criticized me for it, so I stopped. I thought it was a good thing and not a bad thing, but that author obviously thought differently.

You were criticized for leaving them a review for every chapter?! I have never heard of such insanity!! lol
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 95
Aurora Antheia Raine wrote:
[quote]but if it's like, a drabble series, it's hard to leave a decent review for that. Or if I can't pinpoint WHY I love the chapter, I JUST DO, then... generic review. >___>; And I am a complete hypocrite because when I get reviews, I don't care if they are generic or not, I just appreciate that the reader took the time to review and let me know my story is being read and enjoyed. [quote]

I agree! It is harder to leave a decent review for drabbles. It's not that I didn't like them it's just because I can't come up with anything to say. I'm guilty of leaving generic reviews all over the place, but I hate to do that.

I'm also guilty of being a hypocrite lol Now that I've started posting myself, I don't care if it's just a "nice story" I love getting them.

I'm going to try to be better about leaving reviews even if they are just a generic "great job I loved it"

So for all you authors out there, if I leave you a generic review, know that it's not because I didn't think your story was awesome, it's just because my brain shut down and I couldn't think of anything to say at the moment.
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Last Edit: 2012/03/03 13:21 By insomniac_amy.
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 9
Sometimes a generic review is welcomed by those that don't get many at all. It just gives an idea that someone is reading and enjoying what you've taken the time to write.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 29
I gotta say, I love this topic and I'm glad someone has posted about it. I'm also beyond tickled that everyone has been so understanding about NOT getting reviews, and that the reviewers recognize that its not a commentary on NOT liking a story if they don't review.

From the administrative side, we've seen a decline in reviews over the past year (I've only been here in an administrative capasity for the past year) and I know that other websites in other fandoms have been experiencing the same anomaly. None of us are exactly sure why reviews are dropping off.

And reviews are important. For as much as our readers love the writers, and as accepting and understanding as writers are about not receiving reviews, none can argue that the encouragement of reviews helps motivate and inspire. While its true that we do not tollerate review demands, its also true that the reviews really do offer incentive and motivation.

One great advantage of reviews is the opportunity to get feedback on a story. Reviewers have been known to change the direction of a story or offer creative consultation about the plot. I've always thought of my reviewers as my own personal team of editors. Some of my best friends were made in the "reviews" section of mine or their stories.

Its important to remember that when writers upload their work, they are effectively putting themselves in a vulnerable place. Reviews empower! They let the writers know their efforts are appreciated and that they are safe among their fellow dokugans.

THIS IS ALSO WHY WE DO NOT TOLERATE FLAMES OF ANY NATURE! We ask that anyone who sees a flame or who has received a flame bring it to the attention of an admin so that we may handle the situation swiftly. At no time should a member try to address a flame with the flamer. Admins are happy to be the security detail We carry sparkly batons, and all sorts of other blunt objects.


1) Concrit: constructive critisism isn't always appreciated. Sad, but true. However, concrit is a huge advantage to the writers willing to accept it. As a reviewer its your right to offer it, however its not your place to be put out if the writer neither appreciates or accepts it. When you offer concrit, be sure to watch the tone of your writing - smileys go a long way to lightening the mood of a concrit review. After all, concrit, even when appreciated, isn't easy to hear. Remind the writer that your subjective concrits are opinion only. And emphasize the fact that you left a review - no matter the concrit - because their writing inspired you to respond and provoked enough enthusiasm to make the efforts to try and offer unsolicited help.

2) Compliment: this is especially important if you've given a concrit review. Something about their work had to have inspired your review. Tell them what that was! If it was a single line that made you outright laugh - tell them. If you found any imagery particularly compelling - share! Or if at the end you've just been left with such anticipation for the next update - let them know. Its best to end reviews on an upbeat note, so offer your compliments throughout but be sure to close on a high note!

3) Question: we love to know what your thinking! Hit writers with all your questions, your thoughts, your suspicions on just who the bad guy REALLY is. Hearing the thought process of the readers gives us feedback on if we're being too vague or too obvious. Sometimes it even inspires plot twists that take our stories in a new direction! Just be sure you let them know that you arn't asking for spoilers

4) Kindness: If you hate a story, then move on. If you liked it, then let them know and always consider how you'd like to be treated should you put yourself out there for potential vulnerability. The writers (and artists) of any fansite are the bread an butter which keep them running. So in that regard should all be offered the utmost in respect.

Reviewers remember.... nothing says you can't read a story, go to work, and review when you get back home. Sometimes we read a story, but are rushing on to the next thing before we have time to review. But when you do have a free moment, nothing says you can't come back to it.

Writers remember.... you arn't writing FOR the reviews. You're writing for yourself and the reviews are gravy on top. The value of your efforts, the quality of your story is NOT reflected in the number of your reviews. So 0 or 100 reviews, you're always a better writer than the chapter you posted before.

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Last Edit: 2012/03/03 15:07 By MoxyMikki.
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 21
I don't know how this may sound, but I want to share something quite small but something I think it's important. It's not meant to be rude or anything of the sort.

As an author, I've received good feedback for some stories, bad feedback for others and no feedback for the rest I guess that's what writing is about. I read and take into account every review... even if it's just "Update". That's one word but it does, one way or the other, give a solid message. To me, that means "I like your story and I want more". Reviews have helped me get ideas for new plots and new characters and I am really thankful for them.

As a reader, I review everything that I read. If I read the story you bet you have one review or one review per chapter. It IS a tiring process, I won't lie but it's one I feel is very gratifying and perhaps, even one of those 'must do' things of my life.

When I started fanfiction at FFNet ( 5-6 years ago) I was very nervous about my story. Not only was my first time writing something but to me it was like going to faraway place and just face everything because my main language is not English. If it weren't for those 3 reviewers who kindly left me feedback on the first chapter of my story...I can't say for certain I would have continued. Thanks to the support of those readers I pushed on and on, always trying my best. Years later I found Dokuga and I can say that I have improved a lot. Fanfiction is not something I share much with my family or friends in real life. Many don't like to read much while others don't understand the language, so yes, the only people who supported me in this were readers and reviewer.

This is why I review everything I read. It is my way to say 'Thank you' and my way of supporting new writers and not so new ones. I believe there are many authors out there that feel like their stories are not appreciated or they are not good writers and leave when who knows, they could have ended up being really awesome. However, I can't read every story Sadly, as of late I am even reading less because of real life and my on-going projects. I hope more people, or at least one, share my cause to help motivate the authors that need it so in the future we get a lot of new authors and maintain the ones we have.

Have a nice day dokugans! Thanks for everything!
*Sorry for ALL the grammar mistakes you will find I have improved as a story teller and weaver of English is nowhere near perfect yet
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Last Edit: 2012/03/03 17:46 By JeniNeji.
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Bird That Flies At Dawn
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 12
When I read a story that already has twenty chapters, I don't usually review every single chapter, but I leave a review and review the chapters that come after. I used to review every single chapter, but on FFNet an author criticized me for it, so I stopped. I thought it was a good thing and not a bad thing, but that author obviously thought differently.

You were criticized for leaving them a review for every chapter?! I have never heard of such insanity!! lol

Yeah, I couldn't figure it out either. They asked me why I did it, then told me from now on only to review one chapter. I was shocked, and from then on I haven't done it again. I don't want to offend people or flood their inboxes, so I usually leave one review. I would hate for another person to get mad about it. I didn't know other people thought it was weird too.
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 21
Bird That Flies At Dawn wrote:
Yeah, I couldn't figure it out either. They asked me why I did it, then told me from now on only to review one chapter. I was shocked, and from then on I haven't done it again. I don't want to offend people or flood their inboxes, so I usually leave one review. I would hate for another person to get mad about it. I didn't know other people thought it was weird too.

I love flooding inboxes I always think the author will freak out in a good way
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Aurora Antheia Raine
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 24
Seriously! I would be SUPER happy if my inbox had been flooded by reviews. LOL. Jeni has done it to me before. I was like: lol. xDDD
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Last Edit: 2012/03/03 20:06 By Aurora Antheia Raine.
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 3
Hm, seeing it from other people's point of view changes things a bit! lol

I do want to share how I've felt, personally, because I used to write, but stopped for good. I'm not condemning anyone, I'm just being open and I hope it comes out the way I want it to lol We all have lives, and I get that (especially reading other's posts in this thread)! And I hate that we can't review via cell phone!

Side note: I also feel bad when I review and truly enjoy the story - but don't open my email to see what has been updated and miss like more than one update! I still want to read the stories I've reviewed - I just read too much at once! lol

When I used to write (on any site really - was a and a single spark member), I was really looking for some feedback - good, bad, anything to tell me whether I should bother writing or not. I did it for myself in a way, but I really wanted some confirmation. This has been for many years (on and off) that I've tried to write. During the times I've tried, I usually didn't get very many reviews and I was wondering why. I figured my story wasn't good enough for a review and shortly after gave up on the story altogether.

I do believe that reviews are inspiration and even if it's a generic review - I would rather get a generic "hey, I'm enjoying this!" than nothing at all.

Again, I just want to say that I am not condemning anyone who doesn't review! I completely understand, but when I was writing, I didn't understand and other people may feel the way I do.
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Bird That Flies At Dawn
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 12
Well that's a review. Maybe I'll start up my habit of reviewing every chapter again. I really enjoyed it too...I wonder why that author was against it...Oh well.
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Re:Why do we not review? 13 Years ago Karma: 3
That's strange the author didn't want so many reviews! If the person already has so many chapters up - say 5, I'll just review the last one and tell them how much I've loved their story so far along with other things that I may have to add! (reading takes up a lot of my time and I need to not read so much!!) But I think most people wouldn't mind a review per chapter!
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