What Are They and Why Can’t I Make Them?
What Are Review Demands?
The short answer would seem fairly obvious. Unfortunately, given the limitless ways one might go about “demanding” reviews, the real answer is more complicated.
A Review Demand is any way in which you make your reader feel that they MUST review your story or you will not continue it. Or you will not update it. Or you will make your readers wait for updates. Any time you pressure your readers to review with threats of not continuing, or not updating promptly, or not updating at all, THAT is a Review Demand. In short, Review Demands are THREATS.
You may not tell your readers that you will only update if you get reviews.
You may not tell your readers that you won’t update until you get a certain number of reviews.
You may not tell your readers that you will discontinue or delete your story if you don’t get reviews.
You may not tell your readers that you will update more quickly if you get reviews.
These are a few examples of Review Demands. If you have any doubt that what you are saying to your readers might be misconstrued as a Review Demand, please be sure to contact a Site Administrator. You will receive ONE warning when found to be issuing Review Demands. If not corrected, your story will be deleted.
You MAY tell your readers that reviews help you with your ideas. You may tell readers that reviews are the “fuel” that drives your writing. You may tell readers that you will get more ideas for the next chapter if you get some feedback, but you cannot make it seem as though you will abandon the story if you don’t.
This is one site where Review Demands are taken very seriously and dealt with harshly.
Just. Don’t. Do. It.

PS - As usual, if you have the slightest inkling that you may have said something that resembles a Review Demand in an Author’s Note, please review it and correct it BEFORE I issue a warning. It will be greatly appreciated!!