'A Trick of Fate' Q & A Session 11 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
Hello there!
So, I'm not really sure if this is the correct place to post this thread, because I don't use the forums much, as their ways are strange and confusing. But now that A Trick of Fate is complete, I'm getting a few PMs with similar questions, so I thought I'd just answer questions about the story this way, so that everyone can see the answers and I don't have to repeat myself.  If you have any questions not answered below, feel free to ask here!
Questions I have fielded so far:
I have a question in ATOF ch 44,
"He wore Inari’s ki-pearl on a chain around his neck, charmed to be invisible. He pulled it out now, squeezing the small jewel in his fist. With a mental twist, he accessed her youki."
and in chapter 55,
"wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pressing the blades of her tessen into his throat. He tried to buck her off, and she groped for the ornaments stuck in his warrior knot, aiming for the comb that held Inari’s ki-pearl.
My question is just, is that suppose to happen or what?
I realized in writing the final chapters that I needed the ki-pearl to be visible so that Kagome would know to go for it. So, the out of story context answer is I wrote the pearl being worn in a visible way, and figured everyone would either not remember how Myobu wore it before, or would assume he had started wearing it differently for whatever reason. The in story context answer is that Myobu can't hide the pearl and use it at the same time, so when he goes into battle he changes how he's wearing it so that he'll be able to control Inari constantly. But those chapters are not from his POV, so his reasoning is not explained.
What kind of kitsune fox is kagome?
Did you ever say which kind of kitsune Kagome was? the golden one was super powerful/rare?
As of present day, she is a red fox of eight tails. She has not earned her ninth tail yet, though I am toying with writing a companion piece in which she does. Yes, it is rare for a kitsune to earn nine tails. According to lore, when a kitsune earns their ninth tail, they turn either gold, white, or dark red/black. The red-black ones are the most common, and are malicious and have dark powers. The gold ones gain the ability to fly, and are guardian spirits. And the white ones are the rarest of all, and have the power to grant life.
Would you consider making this into a doujin?
I don't have the patience/skill myself, but if anyone else is interested, I don't mind so long as I'm credited as the author of the story, and a link to the fic is provided. <3
87 years for earliest kid? that means they didnt get a kid for 413 years? o.O
Read a bit more closely. You'll notice that Sesshoumaru says "brother and sisters" - Sukuna has more than one sister. She is their youngest child, but not the only one besides Rin and Shippou.
It is my thinking that youkai, who age slowly, must also breed slowly. Otherwise, they would very quickly overpopulate the world. And a child of Sesshoumaru and Kagome's wouldn't reach adulthood for 300 years anyway. All that being said, aside from Rin and Shippou, Kagome and Sesshoumaru have two children: Yashima, who is a red inu youkai the equivalent age of a teenager, and unfortunately demands to be called Inuyashi; and Sukuna, a white kitsune of one tail, who, at 87, is essentially at the same developmental stage as a 7-8 year old.
Last Edit: 2013/10/17 10:54 By PristineUngift.
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Re:'A Trick of Fate' Q & A Session 11 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 67
I have one question. Whatever became of the human who was once known as Myobu after he was arrested?
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:'A Trick of Fate' Q & A Session 11 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
DemonQueen17 wrote:
I have one question. Whatever became of the human who was once known as Myobu after he was arrested?
That story may be eventually told in detail, so for now I'll just say that he's been released into Kiyohime's custody, and is awaiting trial. In some ways he is very relieved to be human - a lot of his crazy could be put down to the schism in his youki, so he's thinking clearer these days. On the other hand, he feels he's been essentially handed a death sentence. He only has, what, maybe 70 more years to live if he takes good care of his body? The hoorrrooorrrrrrr. 
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Re:'A Trick of Fate' Q & A Session 11 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
How does the original timeline with Kagome growing up in a world with no youkai and being pulled into the well function with the new future of… technomagic was it?
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Re:'A Trick of Fate' Q & A Session 11 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
Lumi wrote:
How does the original timeline with Kagome growing up in a world with no youkai and being pulled into the well function with the new future of… technomagic was it?
Ooh, this one's a doozy. In answer, let me quote Dr. Who: People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a... big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey... stuff.
Lol, but in seriousness, the way I think of it working is, the original timeline stays in place for Kagome and Inuyasha until they live through those years the second time around as their older selves. I mean, who knows how that actually works in terms of magic and physics and reality, but as far as their memories go, it's something like the original timeline flows into the altered timeline in an ever repeating loop, and their memories from the original timeline displace where the memories from the new timeline would be, so while they exist in the new timeline, they don't remember that existence.
Let me know if I need to draw a graph. I feel like this might necessitate a graph, if not a power point presentation.
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Re:'A Trick of Fate' Q & A Session 11 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
how is the government run in this future? from the sounds of it there are still four ruling youkai lords, but do they rule the humans as well? or is it separate?? Also, how many kids did Kagome and Sesshoumaru end up having? just Sukuna?
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Re:'A Trick of Fate' Q & A Session 11 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
oh wait! ignore that last question. you all ready answered it. haha
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Re:'A Trick of Fate' Q & A Session 11 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
momo1o1 wrote:
how is the government run in this future? from the sounds of it there are still four ruling youkai lords, but do they rule the humans as well? or is it separate?? Also, how many kids did Kagome and Sesshoumaru end up having? just Sukuna?
Ooh, technical question. Okay, here goes:
The youkai and human governments are neither completely separate, nor completely integrated. Think of it as sort of like the regular Prime Minister and the Minister of Magic, if you're a Harry Potter fan. The humans govern things that only affect humans, and the youkai govern things that only affect youkai, but for things that affect everyone, there is a council that is comprised of humans, hanyou, and youkai representatives.
There are still four ruling families and Japan is still divided into four territories, but they are treated much the same as the Japanese Imperial family or the English royals - they are diplomatic leaders, figure heads, and can certainly influence politics, but they don't have as much direct power in the legislature as the Prime Minister. (The first hanyou Prime Minister was recently elected, Inuyasha is very proud.)
There are laws against one of the Lords or Ladies also holding an executive office. However, a member of their family who is not currently the ruling Lord/Lady may hold an executive office, so long as they are not the heir apparent.
There was a time in the past when the four ruling families ruled absolutely, and they put several practices into place that continued with the rise of the human government. Things like environmental controls, and protected nature reserves.
Does that satisfy your curiosity? I mean, I could get really detailed and go on all day, but I don't want to bore anyone >_>
momo1o1 wrote:
oh wait! ignore that last question. you all ready answered it. haha
No problem. 
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Re:'A Trick of Fate' Q & A Session 11 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
What ever happen with Takeshi? And did Kagome truly have feelings for him?
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Re:'A Trick of Fate' Q & A Session 11 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
SorrowfulKikyo wrote:
What ever happen with Takeshi? And did Kagome truly have feelings for him?
Honestly, I haven't really thought about what happened to Takeshi. He became one of Sesshoumaru's scouts, and he's probably still alive. Aside from that, I'm not sure.
As for Kagome's feelings, I think that is really up to the interpretation of each individual reader. But the point I was trying to get across with Kagome's various romances, is that I've seen a lot of fic where Kagome pines after Sess or Inuyasha or whoever even when they've treated her badly, or are pursuing someone else. I wanted to turn that trope on its head. Kagome has her own romantic autonomy and schedule, and if Sess really wants her, he'll wait for -her- to be ready, which is what he did.
I did see Kagome's relationship with Takeshi being an inversion of her initial relationship with Sesshoumaru. Takeshi and Kagome had mutual respect and consideration, but very little passion. Sesshoumaru and Kagome, once they took the initial romantic plunge, had oodles of passion, but Sesshoumaru was more concerned with his emotional needs than with considering and respecting Kagome's. It's only after he's learned his lesson and done some growing as a person that Kagome gives him another chance.
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Re:'A Trick of Fate' Q & A Session 11 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Are you going to write another fic? Maybe no so much a sequel, but just another fic in general? I'd love to see more of your writing.
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Re:'A Trick of Fate' Q & A Session 11 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
Midnight Song wrote:
Are you going to write another fic? Maybe no so much a sequel, but just another fic in general? I'd love to see more of your writing.
Thank you!
At the moment, I'm working on WIPs in different fandoms, but I am toying with the idea of writing a shorter companion piece in the same universe as A Trick of Fate. I don't have ideas/plans for any new SessKag stories, but never say never, I suppose.
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