Is there someone in this community who has an artwork they would like a story for? I just notice that the next story I upload will be my 20th so I'm giving it away. Normally when I give away a story it ends up being a songfic, so this time I am only offering to artists. I will only be giving to the first person to comment with a link to his/her artwork.
Here are the rules:
No nudity, swearing or otherwise
mature art. *I no like eye scarring!*
Must be your art, not someone elses.
Must be something with
at least one of our favorite couple in it. Kagome or Sesshoumaru must be present in the art.
Must be on this site before you comment!
What will you get in return, a
oneshot story based on your artwork!
I think that's it.
Let's see what we can come up with.