Some help please? 12 Years ago
Karma: 76
I've been rereading some of my old favorites and I just can't get into them like I used to. So I figured it was time I looked for some new ones, after mulling through the fanfictions for the past two hours I decided that it would be best to just ask.
Light on the angst, or at least not a huge part of the story.
Decent action.
Prefer completed.
Other then that I don't care. Please help me as much as you can, thanks.
My Motto:
Honor mea arma est, timor mea stultitia est.
Respect is my Weapon, Fear is my Folly.
My Belief:
If you can, do. If you can't, try.
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Re:Some help please? 12 Years ago
Karma: 279
Have you read all of Demonlordlover's stuff on the 'Spark archive? She has several long one-shots that were relatively light on the angst, all with good endings. Look for Demonlordlover2 in the Author List on the Spark link!

PS - all MA-rated, no YIMs!
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Some help please? 12 Years ago
Karma: 76
I'll give it a look, thanks Wicca.
My Motto:
Honor mea arma est, timor mea stultitia est.
Respect is my Weapon, Fear is my Folly.
My Belief:
If you can, do. If you can't, try.
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Re:Some help please? 12 Years ago
Karma: 279
You are most welcome! I HAD to recommend her, since I beta-ed all her stuff, lol! Yes, you will still find a couple glitches, but no one's perfect?
A few others you might check out if you haven't already, here on Dokuga itself:
Aimee Blue
As I recall, all of the above have some humorous, relatively angst-free offerings that are complete. As I remember others, I'll feed you some more!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Some help please? 12 Years ago
Karma: 76
I've read one of Aimee Blue's works before as well as a decent bit of Kanna37's... though not recently. Those might be good for a reread.
My Motto:
Honor mea arma est, timor mea stultitia est.
Respect is my Weapon, Fear is my Folly.
My Belief:
If you can, do. If you can't, try.
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Re:Some help please? 12 Years ago
Karma: 279
OH! You might also want to check out Yabou, both her account on Dokuga and her account in the 'Spark archive... she has a couple of really hilarious ones in both areas that you might enjoy!
And I almost forgot that MissTeak was writing in the 'Spark days as well... I believe she has a few offerings there that aren't on Dokuga. Miss Kagura wrote a few light-hearted, frivolous things too - totally MA, but pretty funny as well!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Some help please? 12 Years ago
Karma: 76
I forget the titles but I've read and recommended work by Yabou before, a very good author. MissTeak sounds familiar, though I'm not sure I've read any of her work. I might find work worth rereading other then what I've found so far.
My Motto:
Honor mea arma est, timor mea stultitia est.
Respect is my Weapon, Fear is my Folly.
My Belief:
If you can, do. If you can't, try.
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Re:Some help please? 12 Years ago
Karma: 76
I've heard of a couple of those. I'll give them a look. Sorry to be short, I'm on this worthless tablet.
My Motto:
Honor mea arma est, timor mea stultitia est.
Respect is my Weapon, Fear is my Folly.
My Belief:
If you can, do. If you can't, try.
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Re:Some help please? 12 Years ago
Karma: 19
We haven't heard from her in a while but Tally Mark is still my favorite author. Among my favorites are Frivolous Sentimentalities, Utter Doom (RATED M), Courtesy Call (RATED M - It's also on the serious side, and marked "angst" but it has a good ending and it's only a oneshot)
Other than that, my favorite SessKag story of all times is Tears of the Fallen
Now I have to go read what everyone else recommended <3
Happy reading <3
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Re:Some help please? 12 Years ago
Karma: 76
Tears of the fallen was awesome, though I've read it to many times.
My Motto:
Honor mea arma est, timor mea stultitia est.
Respect is my Weapon, Fear is my Folly.
My Belief:
If you can, do. If you can't, try.
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