Title: A Heart's Desires by Walter205
Summary: It was a good wish, right? The Shikon No Tama vanished forever, Naraku is defeated, everyone was happy...so why did this happen?
Info: Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Tragedy - Updated: 10-21-10 - Created: 07-20-10 Chapters: 4 - Reviews: 6 - Words: 9,074 -
Reads: 1,797
I'm Honestly kidna disappointed in you Dokuga. For once, hardly anyone is actually giving this fiction a try just b/c Mr. Walter does tend to write one type of work doesn't mean that he's incapable of writing something else. This fic so far is awesome and i'm going to tell you why.
My Opinion: OKay first I'm going to start off by saying this fic is not at all complete, only 4 chapters into it thus far, but i have to say that I'm so very excited about it. For one this its CANON to a large point and is still set in modern times, and is NOT at all overly gory or anything that most people have come to expect from Mr. Walter. I always read his fics so i see them all, but this one is so vastly different from the majority of the other fics he's written. For one, this is a chapter fic, not a oneshot, and the story line is amazing, thoughtful, and well written! I realize i cant get everyone to just read and review, but i do have to say that i feel kind of sad that y`all will give a new author that usually isn't all that great the time of day but just b/c someone writes one type of fiction hardly anyone actually takes the time to read let alone review the fic.
I'm making a doujinshi out of it so far, and I'm lacking in doing so but at the same time, i'm in LOVE with this fic, I hope that people will take the time to follow this, read this, and review this.
As far as the storyline goes i cant say too much without giving it all away but just imagine this: what if the demons refused to hide away behind human eyes, what if they wanted to take the world back and save us from ourselves.
again please take the time to read this, you might miss a great fic if you don't.