Title: Dirty Laundry leads to... by lady_myth
Rating: MA
Genre: Erotica, Humor, Kink, Romance
Chapter total: 5, currently still updating/~11k
Summary: Sick and tired of not getting enough “attention”? “Get On With It!” Bra is guaranteed to make any girl’s natural “assets” perk up at their best! Slip this delight on and watch the fires begin to burn in eyes of your man! Guaranteed to bring on a happy girl and tips! Promoted by the Chica Bartenders of Japan, this bra is the best and only choice for acquiring that desired height and look which—
My Opinion: This fic is well, down right hilarious! And i'm counting on you Dokuga to start hitting it up and getting her to write more for it! Basically, Kagome ends up in her last bra, which just happens to be a gag gift from her friends in the future that gives her ample bosom! because of this everyone is suddenly in love with Kagome and her chest. >:3 its terribly amusing and i have to say i find myself laughing a lot when reading it. So i'm giving it prompts so that everyone else will go read it too!