Whoo! Thanks r0o! I'll always be a steadfast and crazy SessKag fan but right behind them are InuPapa and Kagome! I fell in love with them after reading shadowsweaver's fics a couple years ago! Especially Temporal Twilight! *squee* For awhile there I was kinda obsessed lol, but there are so few good fics out there for Inupapa and Kagome

So I totally agree that they need some support! =D
While we're on other pairings, I gotta say I also fell for MirKag, who come up for me right after InuPapa and Kag, after reading forthy's Incorrigible and Unsought. OMG that woman has talent that goes on for miles! She really made Miroku so completely loveable! *loving sigh* Those are my top three pairings! XD I don't suppose any one has any recs for good MirKag fics?
Oh! And can't forget ByakuyaKag! Over the past year I recently got into Kag/other hot bishies, and after reading aura's great ByakuyaKag fic, Rebirth A Tale of Two Souls, I found that I really like her with Byakuya so they're my fourth fave pairing XP
Would anyone happen to know of other good ByakuyaKag fics as well? lol
If you guys haven't read any of these fics yet, I greatly encourage you to! They're amazing!

Anyhoo's that's enough of my rambling lol especially since this is essentially a site for Sesshoumaru and Kagome ^-^'' Tata Lovelies!