Kikyo is, I believe, the most famous character to bash about. There's a bunch out there bashing Kikyo, but the quality of those stories... you have to be picky to get a good one.
Let's see.
Illumination by Kanna37 (I think I always recommend her works, but whatever, I love her).
Summary: Betrayed by Inuyasha's inability to go against Kikyou's will in anything, Kagome finds herself saved by Naraku - and horrified by his sudden desire for her brilliant soul. He wants her to love him... but it is the knowledge he gives her that shocks her the most. Sesshoumaru himself also wants her - for the same reasons. And when the daiyoukai comes to take her from the spider, she's unable to deny him... Third Best Romance FA 3rd Quarter 2011
MA. No YIMs!
Kikyo is the antagonist one here. Real nasty, that one.
In Death, Trust Me, As You Didn't In Life by Kanna37
Summary: Two people, separated by death, then reunited by the same, find that the old saying 'Death is only the Beginning', is true. A love story told across the boundaries of death and time - and one that conquered both. Dedicated to TruGemini - Happy Birthday, love! Winner of 13 awards including 1st Place Best Act/Adv, 2nd Place Best Kagome Portrayal 3rd Quarter 2010, 1st Best Romance 1st Quarter 2011, and 2nd Best Action/Adventure IYFG for 2nd Quarter 2011.
MA, so no YIMs)
Kagura's supposedly evilness is hilariously failed. As if Sesshoumaru would let her seduce him.
The Once and Future Taiyoukai by RosieB
Summary: The well was supposed to be stable. It was supposed to send her to Inuyasha. And it failed. Now, Kagome's even farther into the past and she must depend on a young Sesshoumaru, who has no idea of what their shared future holds. But neither does Kagome.
Good cunning Kikyo.
Pure of Heart by Saphireanime
Summary: She healed him because he was hurt and she had the power to help, paying no heed to the fact he was a Taiyoukai. facinated by her selflessness he found himself desiring her pure soul that called to his tainted one. *Possessive Sesshoumaru* rating will up
Rating: T on FFN, but I think it will be either
M/MA here on Dokuga.
It's jealous sister Kikyo.
A Heart's Recompense by Time on my hands
Summary: Lies and betrayal. Both of them were victims of the single-minded obsession and unreasoning hatred of another. Will they ever find their way again? It's possible. If the recompense is great enough.
Sadly, it's still unfinished. However, since you ask for Sango-bashing...
That's all I can remember. There's also one, very angsty, with Kikyo puts Kagome on an altar or something and bleeds her to death. I can't recall the title. Or the one where Kikyo and Inuyasha teamed up to kill Kagome after some - ten, perhaps - years of disappearance (all the while Sess and Kag have already mated)... I think it's one of Knight of Disorder's works.
I hope that helps.