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Borrowed Muse
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TOPIC: Borrowed Muse
Lily Noir
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 11
Here's another one for all of you who like to change Kagome to something other than human.


Naraku thinks of defeating Kagome by tainting her beyond recognition and having her powerful soul devoured, so he summons a hell-demon in her body. A clash within herself insues leaving her body in agony.

However, her soul is too powerful and defets (purifies) and assimilates the demon's into her own (thus becoming even more powerful and gaining more abilities). In his dying moments the demon places a curse onto her.

She becomes uncomfortable in sunlight - too bright, and a bit painful. Her sesnses sharpen and grow more acute, she becomes more perceptive of the things around her. Her instincts are stronger and her reactions grow faster.

She herself grows stronger than a human and much faster, not to mention her wounds heal almost immediately, without scarring.

The inutachi slowly discover each of her new traits (listed above), and over time she starts to covet blood. She can control it in the beggining, but as time passes it only grows stronger until it burns in her throat. During that time the tachi slowly begin to suspect that she has stipped aging.

One day, as Sango and she were bathing, she loses control of her 'hunger'(/thirst) and instinctively attacks Sango, biting her throat. Sango faints but is alive and Kagome is horrified.

Sango forgives her and the rest too as her craving seems to have lessened. But as things move on, Sango too begins to thirst for blood (much sooner than Kagome) and her strenght and speed grow (though are a bit less than Kaggie's).

It was then that they realise that she bacame the same as Kagome and that Kagome made her that way.

They look for help and information and search for Miyoga. He sends them to the western shiro and the vast library there. They go (the flea going with them, though meticuously avoiding Kag and Sango).

Duting the trip Sango looses control of her hunger and bites Miroku and takes blood from him, but he shovs no sings of changing and coveting blood. They conclude in relief that only Kagome can change other people.

They arrive and request Sessh for help. He denies and Kagome states thet she is a serious threat to all if they can't figure out what she was turned into (though she suspected she was a vampire for some time now) and that he is probably the only one strong enough to fight her and have a chance. He replies that that can be remedied and attacks her before anyone can react.

He pierces straight through her chest and heart then removes it from her. But she remains standing and looking straight at him. His mask breaks and his eyes widen in astonisment, shock and disbelief. She asks ''Do you believe me now, Western Lord?''

He gives his customary 'hn' and turns around saying come. They get to raid his library. His condition is that she fights with him in the dojo so that he can see the extent of her powers and abilities.

In the library, while reading a book, her hunger overcomes her and she colapses. Miroku is nearby and comes to see what's wrong, she tells him to get away from her but her refuses. When he gets the problem he offers her his blood. She is horrified and wants to get away from him but he says that he ows her at least that and that he would not be able to endure being different than Sango. She is reluctant but her violent instincts get the better of her.

Sessh sees the bite and narrows his eyes, though deeeeeep down his curiosity is piqued even more. He discovered that she is indeed quite strong and that she is still discovering the extent of her power. She can rival a daiyokai easily. He leaves them to think deeper on things and the possible repercussions of everyithing.

Kag is devestated by what she did to nor both Miroku and Sango and is out of it for days. Either burying herself in books or secluding herself in the gardens. One day Sessh comes to her in the garden and suggests a deal: he will give her his blood and continue to discover her strenghts in return for her loyalty (she will stay in the west and ally herself only to the west/him, be a part of his court, etc..) and the loyalty of her two friends. She says that she could turn him too, she scoffs at that saying that his blood will fight it off. She is sceptical but asks about Sango and Mir getting nurishment too, addind that they can't change others. He say that he will find 'donors' for them and that they can take from anyone that they ask and gives them willingly.

She accepts the deal. Sessh smirks, thinking about the new powerful allies he gained. They continue 'training' in the dojo, Mir and San with them (even IY looking from the side) and grow closer, gaining a tentative frienship between all of them.

They come into court (everyone from the tachi) and deal with all that court stuff: manipulations, taunting, insults, jousting for positions (who's higher than who). Kag even gets a challenge from a jelaous feamale after Sessh. She loses her temper and beats her easily, putting others in their places.

Sessh is impressed and approves. They have grown quite close by now, even having a kinda BF relationsip.

The tachi + sessh hear about Naraku and set out to fight him. During the travels and fights their feelings grow. They become more attracted to each other, the scenes where she takes his blood become more intimate, maybe even arousing. (I forgot to include this, but scatter some drinking scenes all over the plot before too, that's the main thing that binds them and allows their relationship to develop)

They return to the shiro just in time for a summit of all the mayor lords (the cardinal and others...). People become interested in the 'vampires' and Kagome in perticular, trying to 'woo' her and take her for themselves (some as mates some as power.... whatever floats your boat) and Sessh becomes possesive, slowly realising his feelings.

Aaaaaand, the rest you can come up with. (Meaning: I lost the ending somewhere.)

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Lily Noir
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 11
Aaand another one

This one is AU. And kinda a concept.

I liked the word when I heard it so the title of the fic could be Eidolon (though, as I said previously somewhere, everything is optional). It means aparation.

It takes place in a kind of shadow realm (very different from our own reality). There nature itself is their enemy, where aparations, ghouls, wraiths, etc. appear from nowhere and cause great calamities. (there are no yokai in that realm --> everyone is 'human'). Also things like great holes several hundreds of metres deep appear out of nowhere (cities can dissapear in such a way), storms raining corrosive acids can manifest everywhere, etc... (though those sre rarer than the aparations)

After dealing with those things for countless millennia, a part of human kind changed and evolved, getting the ability to control and manipulate the energies that cause the world to be so hectic. They are called the 'sentinels', extremely long lived and resilient humans (kinda like yokai healing).

Now, there is this special academy that searches for and teaches those humans how to control their powers and how to fight and defend against everything nature throws at them (how to 'kill' the aparations and interfere with the storms, earthquakes and such...). Then after they graduate, they are sent to a part of the world where they are needed. (some settle down in cities and protect them, some are wanderers that hunt down the numerous aparations).

Our dear caracters are the students/ teachers in the academy. The academy also has student hierarchy, wierdly enough, it's not by how many years you've been learning (they learn in the academy for 5 years... from the age of 15 to 20) but by your strength, power, skills and resorsefulness in battle. From the bottom up: Pawn, Apprentice, Soldier, Slayer, Guardian, and the one who finishes school is a Sentinel. (though, rank names too are optional, as well as the number of ranks you want to have)

The different ranks rarely mingle together. There is the typical highschool division, cliques, popular kids, nerds, those picked on, etc... So you could write about that for a while. Sesh is a guardian and so are a few others who jelaously 'guard' him, the girls are after him and keep others away from him (mainly those of lower rank)... ya know, popularity seekers. Sessh is the silent, aloof type who doesn't care about those things.

Then, Kagome unexpectedly comes to school (you could make her wathever age and explain it by not finding her sooner, something obscuring her aura, etc..). As a newbie, she is ranked a Pawn, but when someone stirrs her temper (an arrogant Guardian, possibly a girl) she shows the full power of a guardian/sentinel. Sessh's interest is stirred. Kagome ineracts with people from different ranks (thereby breaking the order of the school), finds Sessh interesting and hangs with him. This makes others, mainly girls, jealous, thereby hatching plots to 'take her down' and such things. (leaving a lot of room for caracter development, plot buildup,etc...)

For those who like action and adventure:
Then, when the story is well under way, something happens. An apparation shows up in school (the school's supposed to be the safest place, no apparation of disaster could happen there). Sessh, or Kag, or both fight it and manage to beat it.

Someone has a hunch that there is a person making and directing the apparations and disasters. It is soon proven true by whatever means you wish to use. A hunt for it is called, but there are too few wanderers so the strongers of the academy are called to 'hunt'. Sessh and Kag are among them. Since they are not full sentinels they must form teams of at least two. Sessh and Kag are a team (you could add someone with them if you wish)

aaaand, that's it . Do whatever you want with it, use parts, use the whole... whatever floats you boat (It make me giggle whenever I see this )

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Last Edit: 2011/09/05 05:45 By Lily Noir.

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Lily Noir
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 11
I like to read a good fic where they fall in love and she has to 'prove' herself to the court. But, it's always she that has to 'fight' for her place. Let's put a little spin to that. (For those that love to write long stories)


The manga is followed exactly, but with the little addition that Kagome is not your everyday girl from the future. Remember the dad we never got to see, well, he was not from that world at all. He was a king from another dimension that accidentally fell to Earth and fell in love with her mother.

Now, her daddy is dead and Kagome is the queen in his place. Her life was turned a little upside down with her traveling to the feudal era. With the death of Naraku, the meidou returned her to the feudal era and the well refused her passage to the future. So she was stranded in the past with no way to her home of her kingdom. And, she doesn't get her heritage (power from daddy's blood --> kinda like magical powers, can open portals and such) until she turns __years old.

So she waits in the feudal era and lives life with her friends/family when a new danger makes itself known. An unkown figure is targeting the cardinal lords with the intention to conquer and destroy. They ask for help from the inu tachi.

They fight the foe and Sessh and Kag grow closer. After some hard fights they discover that the figure is a human with the wish to take over the youkai world and destroy them. They manage to beat him, but realise that such attampts wont stop and with Kag's knowledge of the future, that they might succed.

So they try to figure out ways to stop that. Kag thinks of an idea and finally tells her friends and Sessh the full truth of who she is and proposes the idea that the yokai go to her world. People see the merrit in that and after her assurances decide that that's what they'll do. She still has a few years to go before she can open the portal and start the plan. So they wait and make preperations, during those couple of years Kag and Sessh work even more closely together and fall in love, but decide to 'mate' when everything is done.

She turns __ and things go smoothly, more and more yokai are leaving Earth (+ the inutachi --> they won't leave Kagome) and are integrating themselves into the new society. Now, the two are 'engaged' and must announce it to her court.

Sessh finds that he is not veiwed as suitable for their queen and must 'prove' himself to tham all as one worthy of her. He has quite a few jealous males that want Kag's hand as his 'rivals' and their efforts to eliminate him.

The yokai see that the humans rule the new world and try to dominate them, they find out that these humans are far different than their counterparts from Earth. More powerful, longer lived, far harder to intimidate and defeat. So they have to work on integrating themselves as 'equals'. Some yokai feamales after Sessh quickly find out that the are far outmached with a royal as their 'rival'.

Sessh nust fight tooth and nait to prove that the fact that he is yokai does not make him weaker and inferior to her and them all. Any interfearance from her part would be considered as weakness, but she still stands up for him when the time is right and supports him whole-heartedly (and doesn't hide that support from the court).

He has to compromise his world views as well, because there there is no dominance and submission in a relationship, both are equal....


Something like that

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Lily Noir
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 11
Here's one for all of you who like fluff, romance and some humor. (This one also has potential for a slow moving fic)

CU- post canon ending

Some time has passed since Kag came back to the feudal era, she and Inuyasha kind of figure out that their relationshp couldn't be that of lovers anymore so they settled on BFF's.

Well, one day Kagome is sitting underneath a tree and watching Rin and Shippo frolic in the meadow when the Western lord comes to check on his ward. She doen't aknowledge him verbally but knows he's there. He notices that her scent doesn't carry that of Inuyasha's on a more intimate level.

Rin spots him before he could point it out and the ineract for a while. He sends Rin back to play and sits by her. They talk and he points it out now, she says what their relationship is and they fall in a comfortable silence.

Suddenly, maybe an hour later, Kagome says something along the lines of 'I really feel like kissing'. Sessh looks at her oddly for a moment and then asks 'What is this 'kissing'?'. She stares at him thinking he was joking but realises soon after that he is not. She asks him if he seriously did not know what it is. And he says that he never had any interest in females, only in conquest.

It comes out that he never even had sensual contact or any such experiences with the female kind (making him basically a virgin). She wonders how that is possible (cause he is pretty old and those urges...) and he answers that yokai only have the urge to have offspring and that that one is easily controlled. They only have the urge for intimate relations if they ever fall in love.

Kag is flabbergastered and is suddenly hit with an idea. She studies Sessh for a minute from the corner of her eye (and he notices) and decides to go with it. She turns to him and says 'then I'll show you'. He lifts a brow inqusitively and she elaborates. She says that she will show/teach him the delights of a woman's touch.

She will start with gentle caring touches, slowly those will turn to sensual touches and that to kissing. Kissing and touching will then slowly too turn to more intimate actions, then that to making love.

With all that she will slowly make Sessh fall in love with her, and pull herself under as well. Each stage could probably indicate how their feelings grow too.

This one, as well as all the other ideas I've posted here, has and optional rating (whatever rating you wish to write the fic as)

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Last Edit: 2011/09/06 07:51 By Lily Noir.

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Lily Noir
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 11
My, I'm on a roll today.


Title: Whatever you wish. (Though, this idea hit me when I heard the word Inferno, so that could be the title)


Set in modern times, yokai and humans coexist together. Sesshomaru is a young pup (about 10ish in human age) when he decides to do someting from a human book he read. A summoning ritual. Even as young as he was, he knew that those books had no valit point and no truth to them(since his father said that the only way to hell is to die, and that there are virtually no ways for Akuma -hell demons- to ascend to this plane), but he still decided to do it for entertainmant's sake.

But something goes wrong and a powerful akuma female appeared befire him. She had midnight hair and blue/gray eyes, and was terrifying. She said that he gave her his soul by summonog her to this plane and that he now belonged to her. But she decided to let him off, for now, as he was still young. Before she dissapeared, she put her hand to the right side of his neck and he felt burning there, and as the last of her body dissapeared she told him a single word, a name, Kagome.

Now, years later, the young Lord (his dad is still alive though, but if you want to write him as dead, feel free) thinks that was all just a dream and keeps on with his life. (here goes the typical: he has a little brother that his father sired after he left his mother for a human female, they don't get along, yadda yadda yadda) There are rare times he questions his sanity and thet 'dream' as, under the right lighting, he gets a glimpse of black markings in the exact same place she touched.

(From now on the plot can go in two directions so I will write both and you'll see which one you like best )

- Direction 1:
Now, as a succesful and powerful male he is a magnet for females. Most of them are not even worth his notice, but there are some. One night, as he was being escortied by a beautiful but unassuming demoness to a ball he was invited to, he suddenly felt the air temperature plummet to almost freezing and the side of his neck heat to scortching. he has tolean on the wall for support and his escort goes to the party to get help.

In an instant someone appears where on one was before. He finds himself looking at a gorgeous black haired blue eyed female, one that was smirking at him. With her appearence the pain left him and he was able to compose himself.

His eyes were a little wide as he looked at her, bacause he rememberd this particular person. She said to him ''I'm here for you,-'' He inhaled sharply.''-As you are mine.''

And the rest of the story she obliterates any and all competition easily and fully, and he has to come to terms that he already belongs to someone. So, in essence, she is the one that woo's and conquers him(hell yea). Romance, falling in love and those things.
You are free to do what you want with the rest.

(This is a scenrio for those of you who dont like to write action/advanture stories but slow pace ones centered on romance)

- Direction 2..... and the one that first came to me (for the more action/adventure preferences)
Now the world is thrown into danger as a cursed bauble, also known as the Shikon no Tama, re appeares and causes massive calamities and fighting. The world is on the brink of caos when the jewel fall into the hands of a certain spider who causes havoc with it. With its power he is untouchable, but as the jewel is a thing from hell, only someone from hell could control and fight its power and energy, thus neutralizing it.

But, as the only way to hell is one you don't return from and the possibility of someone coming from hell almost utterly nenexistent, the people and leaders start to despair and grow weary.

Sessh remembers his 'dream' and atarts to think that maybe there is a way. He tries to summon akuma many times but fails, even his dad/brother say that is was a good idea but the circumstances were bad. As he has almost lost hope, he sees a split-second reflection of the side of his neck when he's washing his face. Suddenly hit with an idea, he concentrates on the marking and his wish for help.

A few mintures later, the graceful swirls become visible and he is suddenly hopeful and thinks he's on the right way. But the woman didn't appear.

He is interrupted by an attack and fights with the others. During the fight they realise that he is almost completely imune to the jewel's influence and pull and able to do some damage as well.

People get some hope, and the more distinguished leaders notice his new marking. He explains what it is and they decide to let him fight (though, are still a bit sceptical about being able to summon an akuma).

He fights the spider from then on and is able to put them in a stalemate. But the spider soon hatches a plan to destroy him. He almost succedes and Sessh is gravely wounded, but as he was getting redy to deliver the last blow (the others can only watch, unable to interfere) the temperature suddenly drops below freezing and a figure of a woman is standing between them.

Her striking eyes narrow on the spider and she says 'You dare touch what's mine' and attacks him, almost destroying him before he escapes. When she turns to him Sessh recognises her.

aaand, I'm suddenly feeling to lazy to fugure out the rest, this was the extent of the plunnie .... make an ending of your own

As I've said before, you are free to use any part of the idea for a fic (you don't have to use the whole plunnie).

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Lily Noir
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 11
Whoa, I really am on a roll here.



Kagome has finished the quest for the shards and destroyed Naraku, the shikon is destroyed and she was returned to the future and can't return back to the past. S kagome, like Kagome, moved on and rebuilt her life.

Now, 10 years after the feudal era adventure, which would make her 25-ish, she has moved out of the shrine and gotten her own penthouse. Seh is also a CEO in a big, sucessful corporation and very well off.

Though, the feudal era left it's marks on her, such as her need to keep in shape thus she runs a couple of miles/kilometres every day, goes hiking every once in a while and always hes her senses ready and scaning for possible danger. That is why she noticed there were quite a few well hidden yokai in society posing as humans.

It was also one of those particular quirks of hers that allowed her to discover something big in a suburb of Tokyo as she was driving back from one of her hiking trips. She felt immense youki on the edge of her senses and stopped to investigate. To her great surprise she noticed a beaten and battered Sesshomaru lying motionlessly just a little ways off the side of the road.

So Kagome, in her typical Kagome fashion, managed to somehow get him into her car and began driving to her home. (I'll let you figure out how she managed to get him out of the car, into the elevator - since she most certainly couldn't carry him up the numerous steps- and into her penthouse without anyone noticing)

So Sessh had injuries that needed to be tended to and she did that. He woke up disorientated and confused and attacked her when she walked into the room. She snapped him out of it as he was on top of her and holding her throat and his eyes widened as he realised just who he had pinned under him. He relaxes slightly then starts to feel the pain from his wounds and she ushers him back to bed.

He asks her how she still lives as she changes the, now bloodied through, bandages and she tells him her story. He is a little sceptical but can't deny what his senses were telling him. Besides, he was sure he would have known if she had returned to his brother.

She then asks what happened to him and he refuses to tell her. She gets annoyed and thells him that she was giving him care, sheltering him and trusting him not to kill her (nevermind the fact that she could kill him too) and that she at least deserves to know what got him there in the first place.

He reluctantly relents and tells her that he was captured after the westerners came and that his powers were sealed. He was forced to serve a family for centuries before the seal on his powers cracked and he killed them all. (though, you can think of your own reason) They were torturing him everyday to keep him weak (bruises and most of his injuries) and they managed to shoot him a couple of times when he attacked them.

Kagome continues to care for him as he slowly heals (the effects the seal left as it shattered) and tells him of the world now (as he was isolated for centuries), of the place of yokai, promising to help him adapt. He accepts her promise and continues to live with her (as it is the only place he can be).

So she brings him her old school books to study (he is a quick learner). Somehow she manages to make him a charm that would hide his yokai attributes (markings, claws, pelt, his hair turns platinum blond, eyes hazel) and slowly introduces him to the outside world. One of those times they go to the shrine.

She still regularily runs in the morning and one day Sessh decides to run with her (at human appropriate speeds), if only to feel his muscles work. She goes on her hiking trips with him on a regular basis too, it's the one time he can let go.

She decides to teach him business, he looked like the type to be a business man. So she first teaches him at home, then employs him as her secretary ( ) and then gives him his own job so he can supporet himself (male pride and all that).

Sometime when she was teaching him he spoke his mind and told her that it is a pity that she has such a short life as she is too 'incredible' and 'extraordinary'to have such a mundane human life.

Then a strange, perticular light enteres her eyes and she asks him how old dhe looks. He blinks and says that she looks around twenty in human years, she says that she is 26 (I'm thinking quite some time passed since she found him and this is at least that). He thinks it peculiar, but then she softly says that the Shikon retaliated one last time before it dissapeared. It made her immortal and sent her to the future, so that she would outlive all and have no one (her worst fear is to be alone). She smiles at him then and says 'guess the jewel didn't count on you.'

I left the choice when to start the romance to you, so whenever you want to.

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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 216
i really have NO where to go with this, but someone might want it...

Sticky Situation_ SesshoamruKagome

Never in all her years traveling the feudal era had anything like this happened to her at least. She had seen it done to other’s but not once HER! This was not only embarrassing but so very dangerous. When she got fixed, she didn’t care if she got in trouble for it but she was going to kill Kikyo. The once clay miko had been brought back to life, flesh and blood with her wish on the jewel selfless for who would want to HELP their enemy. She gained nothing from it. Thinking that she, Kagome would still get Inuyasha, after all, she had been by his side since day one, saved hi life many times.

Did she get her hanyou? No, the baka still couldn’t decide, trying to keep them both in the long run, but in the end Kikyo figured if she could get Kagome out of the way Inuyasha would choose her. Lured out into the forest to ‘talk’ about their situation the younger miko by about a year seeing as she was eighteen, and Kikyo’s now new flesh body was nineteen the age she’d been at death, never saw it coming. The older was more versed in all things miko and had laid a trap. No she hadn’t planned on it killing Kagome, but if the younger died, Kikyo wouldn’t mind. So here she was, approximately 17 CMs tall, basically she was one tenth of her previous 172 CMs height. She didn’t even know why she still wanted the hanyou really. He wasn’t worth all this trouble.

She sighed, tired from her struggle, after all, she’d tried to get back to the village, sure that Keade would be ale to set her straight, and then she would murder Kikyo. It was not her fault that her clumsiness had retuned now that she was aobut 7 inches tall. No it was not her fault that she had ended up in a cobweb of a large spider. She had killed it though, she hated spiders, desperately. But now she was stuck in the webbing and couldn’t get out.


all you...
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years ago Karma: 4
Here is an incomplete idea for a story. I hope to see someone make into a real good epic.

A womb's chance (need a better title)

I it been about five years after the death of kikyo and a year after naraku's death. Lord sesshomaru returns home tothe west to findhis home, servents, and ward destoried by the northern lord. as he search the place that once been his home; hecomes across his bearly alive pupped mate. sesshomaru gentle grabs his mate and runs to a village in the middle of the western lands where an earth bound angel lives. Lord sesshomaru being the man that he is demands that the angel saves them. The angel tells him no. when he threated the man with his life his answer is still no. not knowing what else to do he beg and pled for their lives. In that every moment the angel changes his mind and began doing all that he could to save the lords mate and child.

No to far from where the lord was lies a batter, bruise, bleeding, and broken angel that once was the shikon miko. Having no real reason to stay in edo. Kagome begins her adventure of discovering what the gods have in store for her when she comes across a group of rogue demons. Being out number and have her power nearly depelt from help a village heal their sick didn't help the situation. Know that the out come of this battle will leave her nearly dead she took the chance. As you would know it lucky was on her side. Giving a great brust of power to defeat her foe sent the western lord to her.

when sesshomaru arrives to the area he is shock to find her there and badly beat. Have some small bit of respect for her he takes her with him to the angel. While making his way back he begins to wonder where is his brother and the rest of the misfit pack that claim the little woman as their own. Upon arrive he is greed by the angel only to hear that his mate has passed but he was able to save the child. Sesshomaru demands to see the child only to be told by the angel the child would not make it if he didn't find a womb for his child to grow in. not knowing what else to howl to the moon goddess for help.

As lord sesshomaru grevies for the lost of his mate and soon the lost of his child. The earth bound angel begins treatment of kagome in the middle of treating her the greek goddess selena appears and bless kagome and the lords child. Than she turns to the earth bound angel and tells him that kagome is her daughter and that she has many trails along the way that will prepare her for the up coming war. Than she tells him that the child should have die with its mother and that he was only delaying the death child but if he want it to live. The child must be placed in kagomes womb before night falls. Just as soon as she came she was gone.

The angel finish healing kagome before he goes to sesshomaru with the infomation he just gain fron the goddess. Not liking the fact that the only way for his child to surive is to place it inside of kagome pissed him off. Sesshomaru does what is need to do to make sure his child is born. upon awaken kagome finds her stomach not as flat as it use to be but swollen with child. She lets out a scarm and falls faint. When she comes to she finds lord sesshomaru setting at the edge of her bed and he begains to explains whats going on.

Mean while kagome friends wait on the return of their favorite miko. Inuyasha has a feeling that kagome has gotten herself in trouble again. Think the best coruse of action is to go and find their beloved miko. In the center of the northern lands the lord sets in his study planing his next crouse of action. Thinking the best crouse of action is to plant a spy in the now choaic mess that is the western lands. Once sesshomaru explain to kagome whats going on and where she play in the game. He begins his next crouse of action. Contacting the other lord to begin plans for war.

A week has past and kagome is well enough for them to begin traveling to his underground home. As they make their trip through the landskagome notice her breast were killing. She knew that her brest eeo uld swell with milk becuse of the pup but she didn't think that they would swell so much it would hurt. Sesshomaru notice that something was bothering the miko but he did't think it was too imporant or the miko would have said something. Making camp near a hot spring was more than she could ask for but soon the problem of her breast hurt turned into embrassment as they began to leak.

Smell the miko embrassment and milk in the air. He asks her whats wrong. This question cause her to blow. She begans by telling him how she hate how the gods are using her and how she now will be given brith. No just any brith but to the western lords child and its not even her. Not to mention that she will be given up her cherry without the pleasure of having sex. To top it all off once inuyahsa hears about whats going on hel lol kill her. While he listen to her rant. He notice how swollen her breast look and how even though she was human she looked beautiful carring his heir.

Seeing that sesshomaru had stop paying attention to her and was more foucs on her breast enrage her. She yelland points to her facd saying it was up here and not her breast snaps the lord back to reality. Sesshomaru stands before the miko as if he were to kill her but instead ask her to follow him to the hot spring. Once they arrive at the spring he attack the miko pening her to the ground. Being care of the child he place some of his weight on her. Kagome stuggles to get free but she can't. Once he notice that she was clam. He ask her how long have her breast been paining her. She replys since the beginning of the trip.

Without waring he expose her breast anb begins to suck the milk out of the. Kagome so shock about what he just did that she doesn't realize that her body was responding to him.
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Last Edit: 2011/09/29 00:33 By IceLordMisterss. Reason: Adding more
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Lily Noir
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Re:Borrowed Muse 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
This one is AU, set in modern times.

Title is optional.

Demons exist in modern times, but incognito. They are disguised as humans and live in the human world or they inhabit the most inhospitable places of the world. They almost never reveal themselve to humans (only if they fall in love or it's absolutely necessary) but there are some humans that know about them and potect their secret. Those humans that do find out about them have their memories removed.

In order to keep things flowing so smoothly, someone needs to keep the 'balance'. There is a core of 'assasins' who target rouge, violent demons, humans that threaten demons (they know of demons and seek to destroy them), they are also the ones who erase the memories, and such things.

They work closely together with the demon council, which keeps tabs on all (or most) of those with demonic blood in existance.

Most of our guys (Sango, Mir, Inu, Sessh, -InuTaisho if you love him-, Kikyo, Kouga, and others) work as these assasins (if you wish to have InuTaisho in the fic you cold make him a member of the council too).

Both demons and humans start to dissapear, and a lot of people are killed in misterious circumstances.

They come across evidence of purity, someone is puryfing demons. Soon, their next hit is revealed: Kagome Higurashi, human, priestess, extermely powerful and dangerous.


Now, do with this whatever you wish

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Re:Borrowed Muse 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 5
A short idea, you may do what you want with it:

AU or Cannon. It will fit either way. Past or Present can work.

"She was told to leave. He was told she was dead. How will two soul mates overcome a traitor's plan to take the West?"
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Lily Noir
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Re:Borrowed Muse 12 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
CU - Yet another version of what happens when she sees the two lovebirds together.

Title optional.

After a particularly hard battle with Naraku (that they painstakingly won), a spectar/ghost appears and says that they should cherish Kagome as she may well be even more powerful than Midoriko herself and that her power is surely the most valuable asset they could have in their fight for the shikon.

During that same fight Kag saw the way Inuyasha and Kikyo (who had joined the fight as well) interacted and made the silent decision to leave so that those two could be together. She tells the other of it after the fight.

Inuyasha doesn't want to let her go after hearing what the ghost said and told her he loved her, and that he needed her and couldn't bear her leaving. She believes him and stays.

Several weeks later she accidentally stumbles upon the two. Her heart breaks but she refuses to let it show, though she becomes a bit distant. One day after that, when Inuyasha is again away with Kik, a strong demon attacks them.

Inuyasha feels it too late and by the time he comes close enough a barrier stops his advance.

The rest fight the demon, but he is too strong and most are quickly rendered immobile by their injuries. Kag sees ther is no other aternative and charges the demon. He impales her on his claws, but she realeases a massive amount of energy (almost equal to the shikon).

They both die, but the release of power creates a tear in the dimensional structure of the world and many beings enter from both heaven and hell (come back to life). Kagome stays dead though.

Inu is riddled with guilt, and realises the she found out about him and Kik.

Kagome travels through the afterlife (both heaven and hell), and learns a lot of things (especially how to control the power of her soul)

Eventually, she realises she can go back to 'Earth' if there is someone there willing to sacrifice his/her blood for her to build a body upon.

The situation on 'Earth' is grave, Naraku is more powerful, and has many allied evil-previously-dead guys. People realise that only Kag could beat him....


Aaaand, the resti could be up to you

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Shrine Girl
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Re:Borrowed Muse 12 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 55
Was going to write this, had it outlined and everything, but I want to focus on the fics I already started. So, if anyone wants it, here you go...

Trapped in the dark, her only company the malicious wish of her greatest enemy and the dark wants of a corrupted jewel, Kagome crumples and makes the wrong wish. She disappears, along with the Shikon no Tama, and everyone assumes the task was completed while she went home to the future. However, their assumptions are proven wrong when, after centuries have past, the jewel returns and the youkai still alive discover she has been fighting within the entire time.
Reunited, Kagome is released, physically unchanged by time but with the experience of someone who has battled for centuries, and together they hunt down the source of darkness within the jewel.

I won't put everything I thought about, but if you'd like to run with it here you go!
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Last Edit: 2012/01/01 05:13 By cakeiton.
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Re:Borrowed Muse 12 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 2
Finally, a place to dump my plunnies! I mean, I already have like half a dozen stories started, if not more, and I don't have time for a muse with ADD. But the ideas that I come up with are pretty good ones and I don't want them to go to waste.

Here's my idea:

Title: Red Thread (This is not set in stone, just a suggestion)

CU (after Naraku's defeat), rating up to the writer.

Kagome is rendered blind (how this happens is up to you). Kaede can't do anything for her. Inuyasha abandons her since without her sight, she's "useless." However, her eyes are slowly healing from her miko ki and when her sight finally returns, she notices a red string tied to her little finger one end trailing off into the woods (if you don't know about the Japanese legend of the red thread of fate look here: link). Whatever she does, she can't remove it. She sees a string on everyone around her too but when she asks about them, no one else seems to be able to see them. She realizes what it is when she sees a single thread connecting Miroku and Sango. She assumes the other end of her thread is attached to Inuyasha. Even if she's angry at him for leaving when she was so vulnerable and needed him most, she still loves him. But then one day, he shows back up and when she sees him, his string is hanging from his hand. It's broken and frayed and she realizes its because the other end was meant for Kikyo but with her dead, that fate was severed. Her heart breaks and she decides to follow her thread to try and mend the pain. It of course leads her to Sesshoumaru. The rest is open from there.

Now have fun with it!
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When life gives you lemons, make grape juice! Then watch the world trying to figure out how you did it. It\'s hilarious!

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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Borrowed Muse 12 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 26
Okay, I have a half-formed idea for a new story, but the plot is severely underdeveloped! I came in here to see if I could borrow some plunny magics from you guys.

Kae, I think I like your idea the most, the one about the red threads. If it's okay with you, I think I might borrow, at least that aspect of your idea, and add it to the plot I am still attempting to create.

Ugh!! I can write okay once I get going, the hard part is coming up with a good basic plot upon which to build the story! Kae, If you have any further requests, suggestions or instructions as to how your idea should be used, please feel free to PM me. In the mean time, I'm going to try to intertwine our two ideas and come up with something really good!

*rubs hands together with maniacal glee*
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Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Borrowed Muse 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 216
full plunnie start to finish, change at your own will, please give rcredit for the plot if you take it - sugar0o


- the tachi + sess tachi end up beating naraku
- kagome ends up wishing kikyo back to life for inuyasha
- sango/miroku end up having a wedding and leaving for a "honey moon" as soon as they get back
- that same night inuyasha leaves with kikyo, leaving kagome all alone
- drunk on sake from the wedding and realizing that her life as she knew it is over, kagome sleeps with Sesshomaru who while not fully drunk, has secretly wanted the miko for a very long time
- kagome ends up pregnant with sesshomaru's pup after having a onenight stand
- Keade figures out what's happening to kagome when she's sick as shippo is at kitsune school
- she tells her that there's no way a miko could survive a demon pregnancy
- kagome feels that there HAS to be a way, b/c she wont loose her child
- keade finally relents and tells her about the only demon witch she knows of, a witch accross the sea and into the mainland, over the great wall.
- kagome is all O_O about it but refuses to lose her kid, ends up leaving the next day, determined to save her unborn child
- kagome has keade promise not to tell the tachi where she went.
- it takes her about a month to find it b/c as it terns out the city kagome's looking for is the "fabled" shangra la, and the witch is actually an inuyasha female who happens to be not only their empress but a "mystic" not a witch
- the empress is all O_o at kagome at first, but after hearing her out, at first she denies her, and then tells a guard to have her taken away
- kagome fights and in the fight her blood is spilled.
- the scent sends the empress into a trance, and allows her to see the thruth behind kagome, that she is touched by fate, a child of the gods
- the empress, who is childess but powerful realizes that kagome is not preggo with a single pup but twins, both females.
- the empress has no heir herself, but desides to change kagome in exchange for her becoming her heir at one of her daughters after that.
- kagome not wanting her kid to die agrees
- the empress basically tells her that it's going to be painful, and that b/c the father isnt there the pups likely wont have much of a bond with him, that he'll have to fight to force a bond with them later.
- the empress changes kagome and she becomes the new heiress of the Empress of Shangra La
- in this fic, dog demons will almost always have light colored hair, wolves usually have dark, but dogs have lgiht, kagome and her twin daughters will have black hair
- b/c she's now so much more powerful, the mystic ends up feeling that kagome wont be a brute strength like some females, it'll be in her aura and magic skills. to develop this, the empress will give her a Magic Koto to practice with.
- this koto will show a picture/image/animtion of what it's music represents. When the time comes that kagome can make the picture perfect as a vision then she'll have ful control over her powers.
- this process takes seven years (8 years after the defeat of naraku)
- by now, kagome feels that her pups NEED to know sesshomaru, and though her 'mother' is not happen about it, it does work out as a friend of hers has said that a pup is getting married, and wants a skilled koto player to play for it.
- Empress-mama doesnt tell kagome that her friend is also Sesshomaru's mother, who is hoping that the skilled "musiscian" will be able to read her son's future b/c his bride to be is the once human ward, Rin,
- who has grown to look a bit too much like kagome, and while Rin knows that she's only marrying sesshomaru b/c she looks like kagome, she doesnt mind b/c she's fallen in love with him
- sesshomaru realized that he loved kagome but only went to her after she left, and couldnt find out where she went
- he like his brother (but not so openly) wants Rin b/c she looks like kagome, having never told her that he saved her b/c she looked like what he thought a child kagome would look like.
- when kagome arriaves, it is lady mother that greets her, and is all O_O at the black haired inu who is also her friend's heiress, along with kagome is a small entouge, as well as her twin girls who are covered from head to toe
- there's something about them that has lady mother on edge but in a good way, she doesnt know what it is though.
- kagome though is kinda panicked b/c the weding she is being asked to preform for is for Sesshomaru, whose pups she has brought with her
- eventually it all unfolds before sess can wed Rin, and Lady mother cant be happier.
- kagome doesnt understand exactly what's going on b/c Shangra La's politics and laws are not the same here
- Lady mother delights in in lighting her that b/c she has bared a pup for Sesshomaru he cannot wed of have another female until SHE (Kagome bares him a male heir)
- kagome's all WTF
- Lady Mother's only want was to show Sesshoamru that marrying rin would be bad b/c she's mortal
- Rin is devestated, and hates kagome
- Sesshomaru is confused abotu how kagome's a demon, and how this looks against his honor
- Kagome tells him how this all happened and how she hadnt know it was his wedding.
- honor wise, sess is torn between the female he's alwasy wanted, and the one he's talked himself into loving (while ignring that he loves her b/c she looks like another)
- Rin eventually plots again kagome particularly the night sess ends up taking her again to attempt to create his male heir
- she's so heart broken, that she ends up trying to kill kagome's pups, forgettign that they are sesshomaru's too
- Sesshomaru ends up having to kill her b/c of instinct, while he's upset he couldn't have helped it.
- Rin dies happy b/c it was by Sesshoamru's hand.
- Lady mother tells Empress-mama, who then shows up and is all O_O at the situation.
- ends up reading eveyones fates and basically says they should join houses. West+Shargra La
- Mongrel dogs oppose it but Sess ends up fighting them off, and ends up uniting all the demons of Japan under his rule b/c most of them leader wise are already loyal to Kagome b/c of her travels when the shikon hunt.
- their mating is rocky at first but eventually he gets his male and 2 other's as kagome has male triplets. (the little terrors as they'll eventually come tobe known)
- it's this mating of the houses that makes them a powerhouse of the eastern world. eventually saving them when WW2 comes around.
- kagome, now a powerful mystic with the help of her daughters who are also powerful mysics and her "mother" end up creating a new land for all eastern demons to exsist, - makai
- kagome's last act in the world of humans is to move what's left of sango/miroku's family to Edo during WW2 where they eventually marry into the local shrine family that protects the village and Higure Shrine, ledgendary birth place of the 2 shrink mikos
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
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Midnight Song
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Re:Borrowed Muse 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
That. Looks like so much fun roO. If no one else has touched it be the time my first semester is up, I'm definitely going to write it. ^_^ I just don't have time this semester. >_<
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Borrowed Muse 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 216
agent_r0o: it's an over all SK but has Sess/Rin too

agent_r0o: can i vent?

agent_r0o: i need it to go away

agent_r0o: okay so kagome will end up a demoness b/c of the wish with the shikon, and it'll be abotu 10 years later when she see's sess again for the first time sionce the change b/c he's wedding Rin ((icky)) Rin though will end up dying in childbirth with their first pup

agent_r0o: like 2 years later though.

agent_r0o: kagome will end up at sess' home b/c he doesnt trust anyone else with the pup and b/c of an accident he'll end up actually mating kagome which will be all O_O for the both of them

agent_r0o: but kagome will become a great mate, and really fall in love with him while sess does eventually care for her as well

agent_r0o: So, everything will be okay giver take for about 100 years, they'll have a pup or so before sess starts acting funny

agent_r0o: and when kagome finds out it's because he's met a human woman... Rin's first reincarnation

agent_r0o: it'll pretty much break kagome, she is once again the other woman. she'll be cold and bitter, and almost hate him but about 2 years later, he'll show up with another infant hanyou, Rin, once again died in childbirth

agent_r0o: kagome is livid, but refuses to take it out on the child and it takes him a few years to win her over again

agent_r0o: this happens two times every 100 years or so to the point that kagome is a laughing stock and ladymother is all <:l for her, and all D:< at Sess

agent_r0o: he still makes her fall in lvoe with him b/c he cant live without her, but he's always drawn to "rin's" reincarnation

agent_r0o: kagome is at her wits end and her children are all >:l at Sess too, the eldest being very much like Sesshomar was with his father when Izayoi died

agent_r0o: they'll end up at a ball or a gather, something where demons are gathered together and some other lady, maybe someone's daughter will make some comment about how kagome cant be doing her job right for there to be so many hanyou around

agent_r0o: and kagome will pretty much SNAP having a very sesshoamru like moment and reminding everyone just WHO was the shikon miko and who the lady of the west is

agent_r0o: Sesshomaru will be all O_O b/c he will finally REALLY realize what he's really done to his mate

agent_r0o: he will not bed the next Rin reincarnation, only watching her life from afar, though he's angry at kagome she's a bit >:l at him and they end up mating in anger getting more pups

agent_r0o: nuther 100 years pass, and Rin's reincarnation is once more born, and like very time before, Sess finds her, only on her 15th birthday she falls down a magical well

agent_r0o: and he's all O_O

agent_r0o: he goes back to kagome and he's all " did you know?" and kagome's like "Would it have mattered? would it have changed anything?"

agent_r0o: they get into a knock down drag out fight because he doesnt know where his feelings lay, b/c while he has "loved" each reincarnation they have never been HIS rin

agent_r0o: and now to find that HIS mate is HIS rin's reincarnation he's lost

agent_r0o: his oldest pups are alll >: at him

agent_r0o: and finally he goes back to bokusinho begging the sleeping tree for help, which is hard b/c the pollution keeps him almsot in a coma (the tree demon that is)

agent_r0o: it takes a lot for him to wake, and when he finds out what sess did, he asks him " what made Sesshomaru love Rin so much, his original...

agent_r0o: Sess tells him abou their first encounter, and realizes he loved Rin b/c she was LIKE kagome. gave her love unconditionally and he's been abusing that love for 500 years every 100 years

agent_r0o: and that by having Rin who was like kagome he had something for once that inyasha didnt, he coveted it, and then he gained both

agent_r0o: in the end, he once again has to beg his mate to forgive him but while he's had his realization so has kagome

agent_r0o: for her, she didnt know she was rin's reincarnation until her human self was born into the world again. and it becomes some sick twisted thing, she's so hurt and confused about it all, that she tries tot ake her own life, so maybe sess can find her again, but she wont remember how much it hurt to be passed over for her past, future self

agent_r0o: sess manages to save her and he's so mad, and kagome's so hurt, he realizes how much he's hurt her, and some how conveniences her that he wont, cant do this ever again.

agent_r0o: lady mother will have seen some of it, and will be all : at it all mostly b/c she's not sure abotu sess and has come to love kagome as a daughter

agent_r0o: Sess will end up taking her away for some time aware from the world to reaffirm their relationship, start over, and hope to mend all the hardship that has come between them

agent_r0o: i cant relal y bring myself to end it happy but more or less with the chance of forgiveness, and sweet love for his mate


agent_r0o: and you know kagome she'd never turn the pups away that he brings home but at the same time you know she'd be all >:l at him any time she could breathing fire with her eyes at him

agent_r0o: and in a way while kagome's taking care of hanyou pups and such sess would grieve for the reincarnation

agent_r0o: but it would all make kagome harder to those that thought her weak for letting her mate go to humans for a bed warmer

agent_r0o: harder to sess when he wanted anything

agent_r0o: angst

agent_r0o: i dont do angst but it doesnt stop me from thinking them up
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
- Come to the DarkSide - We might be delusional but we have cookies. - apAidan
I claims Naraku`s pelt :3 KUKUKU!!
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Re:Borrowed Muse 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
Title: it can be anything you want
Timeline: anytime after Kikyo was "create

Plot bunny spark: Nature abhores a vacume. . .

Okay, we know that a piece of Kagome's soul is used to create Kikyo. Kikyo, in order to stay "alive," must steal the souls of young women, and possibly using their power to augment her own spiritual powers. But what of Kagome, who's soul is now also incomplete? I never liked the excuse that her soul was so large/powerful, that she was still complete without it. What if, over time, her body started to absorb youki to fill the void within her soul, slowly opning her up to changing into something more than human?

We know that there are humans that can becomr youkai. Usually it is a human that dies while feeling strong negative emotions, jealousy, loss, grief, rage, etc. . . Granted, Kagome is too pure to subcome to such negative emotions for long and her own reiki could purrify the darker aspects of such energy. But, there also seem to be youkai that seem to be a form of animal/nature spirits: inu demons, ookami demons, neko, kitsune, toad, imps, tree spirits, spider etc. . . There also seem to be elemental youkai, poison, fire, wind, water, lighting, ice, earth. most of these youkai could arguably be considered nuetral, or a balancing force and that type of youki may be resistant or even compatable with Kagome's reiki.

Main plot catalyst: Naraku, after much spying senses this fluctuation or missing piece of Kagomes's soul. He concludes that it is vunerable to attact and with a plan to either "taint/corrupt" the shikon miko, or possibly try to turn her into a hanyo to nullify her abilty to sense and purify the jewl, he creates an incarnation to possess her, using the missing piece of her soul as a doorway.

While Naraku succeeds in possesing her, Kagome's strength of character, and purity of heart manages to fight off and defeat the taint or miasma of Naraku's possession (through no small amount of pain), the youki essence merges with her own soul causing her to change. She could either be awake or fall into some kind of coma or "stasis" while this happens. The change into youkai can be inu, due to her emotional connection to Inuyasha, (or crush on sesshoumaru or both). She could also become something more akin to a nature spirit or earth elemental as mikos are in large part healers and are entrusted with keeping ballance as well as protection. It is your choice which path he transformation takes. I am in favor of the latter as the inuyoukai path has been done a lot. And I think in the Manga, Sesshomaru developes feelings for Kagura, a wind demon. (if it was just one sided on Kagura's part, my appologies, but either way, Kagome does not have to be inu for a relationship to take place)

At some point after Kagome's change she will have to seek training to understand and control her new abilities and nature. She still has a connection to the jewel, can sense and purify the taint because she was born with it inside her. But the rest of her reiki has changed to more of an elememtal power, maybe just able to purrify poison/miasma as well as stronger, faster, increased healing. (basically Naraku's worst nightmare).

I figure Sesshoumaru can be Kagome's teacher (grudingly if course) if she is inu, or he can take her to another to teach her if she is an elemental/nature youkai that he is an ally to. And through this increased contact, a relationship starts to blossom.

In regards to Inuyasha, please no character bashing. He can either shun Kagome claiming she is not the woman he cared for now that she is Youkai, or he can be jeaous and covetous of her full youkai status, something he has always wanted argues with her tommake him full demon too so they can be together. And his renewed interest in her creates a bit if a triangle between her, inuyasha, and Sesshoumaru. So some potential angst there fo any who wish it.

Please have fun with this and all I ask is if you use this plot or any part of it, please send me a message here on Dokuga so I may have the pleasure or reading it. Thanks

P.S. This just popped into my head while writing this.another option for Kagome to change into could be Kitsune. Many fanfiction have Kagome calling Shippou her kit or adopted son. That connection could be stronger than her often wounded and confused feelings for inuyasha. It would certainly strengthen the maternal bond between Kagome and Shippou. And fox are technically are in the same genus as dogs and wolves.

that is all for now. I really mean it this time
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Last Edit: 2013/01/09 13:15 By shadowchsr. Reason: Fixing typing and spelling errors
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Re:Borrowed Muse 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
I'd like to try this one, I've written before but never published, I would like to run with this idea but change a few things is that alright?

Kagome is rendered blind (how this happens is up to you). Kaede can't do anything for her. Inuyasha abandons her since without her sight, she's "useless." However, her eyes are slowly healing from her miko ki and when her sight finally returns, she notices a red string tied to her little finger one end trailing off into the woods (if you don't know about the Japanese legend of the red thread of fate look here: link). Whatever she does, she can't remove it. She sees a string on everyone around her too but when she asks about them, no one else seems to be able to see them. She realizes what it is when she sees a single thread connecting Miroku and Sango. She assumes the other end of her thread is attached to Inuyasha. Even if she's angry at him for leaving when she was so vulnerable and needed him most, she still loves him. But then one day, he shows back up and when she sees him, his string is hanging from his hand. It's broken and frayed and she realizes its because the other end was meant for Kikyo but with her dead, that fate was severed. Her heart breaks and she decides to follow her thread to try and mend the pain. It of course leads her to Sesshoumaru. The rest is open from there
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Last Edit: 2012/12/26 12:20 By Nami Acevado.
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Re:Borrowed Muse 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 6
Since I'm giving up this fandom for an extended time (found a new silver-haired male to love), I'm passing on this plunnie (if someone has already put it up or written about it, my apologies).

*What if Kagome never traveled back in time, but what happens to her happens in the present?
*There are demons, though concealing their presence via magic.
*The Shikon awakens as Kagome turns 15 and draws a demon to her
*The jewel is removed from her body- how is up to you,
*Somehow the jewel shatters

You get the drift. Somehow she befriends the Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku and Shippo of the present, yet instead of falling for Inuyasha, it's Sesshomaru that she falls for.

And she manages to do all of this without her school friends finding out.
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Re:Borrowed Muse 11 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
The consequences of time travel. . . .
I wonder if anyone here has questioned or wondered if Kagome's actions in the past will change or influence the future. In the anime and manga, nothing she does seems to affect her future reality. The modern world appears untouched. Humans are dominant and the youkai appear to have all but died out except possibly in very rural areas. I have allways theorized that Kagome's mission to defeat Naraku and protect - or even destroy - the jewl was always a part of history. I think that if any of her actions were to ever cause a major shift in history, then her future reality would change. So what if her choices in the past after the defeat of Naraku, such as her choice to stay in the past would ultimately alter the future, creating an alternate reality/timeline/universe and therfore severing her connection to her future. If Kagome were to live out a relatively quiet human exsistance with inuyasha, then I do not think to many ripples would occur in the timeline as we know it. But if Kagome ended up bound to Seshoumaru, one of the most powerful youkai in Japan, and her Miko powers fully unlocked, (i think at the end of the manga we find out her were powers were supressed or bound in some way until that final battle) I would imagine the ripples of their actions would alter out known reality very much. Especially if she has with her any books that contain information on future technologies, tools, medicines or hisorical events and "myths and legends" of youkai. I cannot imagine Kagome to be one to sit on the sidelines and let anyone be harmed, be they human, youkai or hanyo. I see this happening even more as she educates and protecs her children. The question is what would those ripples in time be and how would it affect the future? It is the ultimate "what if" senario where you can create your own future or history.

What if more hanyous were protected and proven to be a help to both humans and youkai, forming a bridge between the two races? What if the youkai lords keep a hold of their lands so that there is a greater balance between nature and industry? ( especially if Kagome can spread knowledge of greener methods to both races) How would history be effected by such things? How would Japan evolve out of the fuedal era with youkai in positions of power? Would a more modern democracy ever form in the Meiji era of late 1800's? How would the youkai evolve and grow with a peace between the two races? Would there be new wars and battles over land or due to hate and fear as both humans and youkai like to fight? How would those battles influence the future? Would a greater number of youkai bleed over into China and Europe? How would that effect how their cultures develope? If mikos and monks and their cultural equivelents keep their powers strong, how would that effect religion and the resulting holy wars that have become a part of our history? Would their have been "witch hunts"? if more hanyous are born through peace and tollerance and these hanyous mate with humans, would those bloodlines allow for humanity to have a greater resistance to viruses or the development of immune dissorders or tumors, or even faster healing and longer lifespans?

I am not saying all these questions must or should be answered. These what if's and the rewriting of history on just one or two would make for an epic challenge and is probably why we don't really see any stories that encompass those changes. I know plenty of alternate universes have been created for stories the take place only in the modern world, but even those mostly seem to reflect a modern world where live as equals in society with all the modern tech we have now unchanged. Imagine what you could create if the world could truly be changed.
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Re:Borrowed Muse 11 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
Okay, this is kind of a tangent/crossover idea that happened while writing all the "what if" questions in my previous post. Now, I am normally not someone who likes crossovers. In my opinion, they are very hard to do without turning them into a crack fic, but this plunny won't leave me alone. It would be a cross between the X-Men universe and the characters of Inuyasha. This does not have to have characters from the marvel u niverse, since this story would be taking place in Japan. So, Inuyasha characters in a world where mutants are a reality. . . .

For those who are not familiar with X-Men, let me explain the premise. It is modern times and humanity has been on the same evolutionary course for thousands of years. But suddenly human evolution seems to be leaping forward. And developing powers and abillities more powerful and therefore are seen as a threat to those who are still "normal" Because of this, there are groups of mutants who have broken into two major groups, one is a group that believes they are superior to non mutants and should take their rightful place in leading humanity forward into the next stage of human evolution. The other main group are mutants who strive to live alongside the rest of humanity with equal rights and should use their powers to protect all, be they human or mutant. Humanity itself is divided among those who are driven by fear and either want to catalogue, cage, control, regulate, or kill all mutants because they are a to current order or power structures. There are also those who believe in equal rights to humans and mutants. The real question that is often asked is should mutants have human rights if in the eyes of many, they are not truly human anymore.

There are very many types of mutants out there. Abilities range from control of weather, metals, fire, water, ice, telepathy, telekinisis, flight, creating shields, increased speed, healing, strength, teleportation, shapeshifting, the feeding or absobtion of energy from others, creation of poisons and toxins. And their are those mutants who have physical changes, the growth of claws, fur, wings, tails, looking like a cross between a human and an animal and many more. Sound a little like things youkai can do? Seeing that parallel between the X-Men universe and The feudal era of Inuyasha got the wheels in my head spinning.

What if, as youkai saw their kind dying out and humanity's growth, many felt that the only way for thei bloodlines to survive would be to mix with humans? Their strength would dillute and as hanyous mixed with humans generation after generation, the traits that would mark them as youkai would fade, even their powers becoming dormant like a recessive gene. (Pure youkai that could mask their traits could still survive through the centuries.) Now I am not a science major but I still remember that if two recessive genes come together, a hidden recessive trait can become dominant. Now in X-Men, mutants do not come into their powers until puberty and usually have a normal human chidhood until their abilites manifest and are alienated due to reactions of hate and fear from not only society, but close friends and even family.

In this kind of world, I can see Naraku as a leader of a mutant supremist movement along with his "incarnations" who would just be followers of his instead of his creations. I could see Kagome's shrine becoming a sanctuary for mutants with Kaede being the main teacher or guide. Kagome and Miroku would have some kind of mitant powers instead of being a monk and miko and sango would also be more than human. As more and more mutants awaken, youkai begin to re-enter the site of society. I can see Seshoumaru coming into play as a previously hidden guardian of his bloodline, inuyasha being a great, great, great (great, great, great. . . You get the idea) grand nephew and so must interact with those in Kagome's group.

This kind of premise really allows for everyone to play with what Kagome is. She could be from an unbroken line of youkai guardians that has offerd protection to hanyous for generations or she could be a hanyou/mutant herself. The Shikon (if you chhose to have a version of it) could be some kind of tech that amplifies a mutants abilities and a great danger in the wrong hands. Please have fun and play with this idea. There are a lot of elements and aspects to toy with and I think it cpuld be quite the adventure.
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Re:Borrowed Muse 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 9
Rated T
Title (Pending): The Girlfriend

There are youkai and miko and monks.

Sesshomaru is constantly being pestered by his family to get a girlfriend and settle down. He wants to get them off his back and decides to lie. He notices that a woman who doesn't work for him has been around his building lately (this woman is Kikyo). He uses her as the description of his girlfriend. One day, Inuyasha, who works under Sesshomaru, brings his girlfriend to meet his family. It's Kikyo. The family is immediately suspicious (the family being Toga, Izayoi and Sesshmama). They mention how his girlfriend sounds a lot like Kikyo. Inuyasha notices it too. A lot of questions crop up, and Sesshomaru rashly tells them that he could introduce them to his girlfriend if they wanted him to. They jump on the offer.

Enter Kagome Higurashi. She accidently bumps into Sesshomaru and continues on after an apology. He pegs her as the perfect girl to help him with all of his problems. He follows her home in typical Kagome-stalker fashion and she confronts him with her bow and arrow at the shrine. He bluntly propositions her. She takes him up on the offer on the condition that during the whole fake girlfriend process, for however long it spans, he has to protect her. He isn't, after all, the only person stalking her. He agrees, and they set up a time to meet in order to get their facts straight,

That's the whole basis of the story. Kagome is Sesshomaru's fake girlfriend, and by the end of the beginning of the story, he somehow is forced into accidentally proposing to her. That leads to all sorts of anger from Kagome and discomfort from Sesshomaru, who wanted to end things as quickly as possible. An on and off boyfriend of Kagome's (Koga) shows up, jealous as ever. Kikyo finds out their secret somehow, but doesn't mind keeping it. At least, she doesn't mind until Inuyasha starts shooting Kagome inappropriate looks that show he's thinking about getting to know her in a not very brother in law type way. Then Kikyo is jealous and is dropping hints to the family and threatening Kagome and Sesshomaru. To top it off, they're starting to develop feelings for each other, even though both had declared at the very beginning that neither would fall in love with the other.

I have tons of stories to finish, but I really want to see this written.

PM me if you're interested so that I can know to read what you put out.
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Re:Borrowed Muse 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 2
shadowchsr wrote:
Title: it can be anything you want
Timeline: anytime after Kikyo was "create

Plot bunny spark: Nature abhores a vacume. . .

Okay, we know that a piece of Kagome's soul is used to create Kikyo. Kikyo, in order to stay "alive," must steal the souls of young women, and possibly using their power to augment her own spiritual powers. But what of Kagome, who's soul is now also incomplete? I never liked the excuse that her soul was so large/powerful, that she was still complete without it. What if, over time, her body started to absorb youki to fill the void within her soul, slowly opning her up to changing into something more than human?

We know that there are humans that can becomr youkai. Usually it is a human that dies while feeling strong negative emotions, jealousy, loss, grief, rage, etc. . . Granted, Kagome is too pure to subcome to such negative emotions for long and her own reiki could purrify the darker aspects of such energy. But, there also seem to be youkai that seem to be a form of animal/nature spirits: inu demons, ookami demons, neko, kitsune, toad, imps, tree spirits, spider etc. . . There also seem to be elemental youkai, poison, fire, wind, water, lighting, ice, earth. most of these youkai could arguably be considered nuetral, or a balancing force and that type of youki may be resistant or even compatable with Kagome's reiki.

Main plot catalyst: Naraku, after much spying senses this fluctuation or missing piece of Kagomes's soul. He concludes that it is vunerable to attact and with a plan to either "taint/corrupt" the shikon miko, or possibly try to turn her into a hanyo to nullify her abilty to sense and purify the jewl, he creates an incarnation to possess her, using the missing piece of her soul as a doorway.

While Naraku succeeds in possesing her, Kagome's strength of character, and purity of heart manages to fight off and defeat the taint or miasma of Naraku's possession (through no small amount of pain), the youki essence merges with her own soul causing her to change. She could either be awake or fall into some kind of coma or "stasis" while this happens. The change into youkai can be inu, due to her emotional connection to Inuyasha, (or crush on sesshoumaru or both). She could also become something more akin to a nature spirit or earth elemental as mikos are in large part healers and are entrusted with keeping ballance as well as protection. It is your choice which path he transformation takes. I am in favor of the latter as the inuyoukai path has been done a lot. And I think in the Manga, Sesshomaru developes feelings for Kagura, a wind demon. (if it was just one sided on Kagura's part, my appologies, but either way, Kagome does not have to be inu for a relationship to take place)

At some point after Kagome's change she will have to seek training to understand and control her new abilities and nature. She still has a connection to the jewel, can sense and purify the taint because she was born with it inside her. But the rest of her reiki has changed to more of an elememtal power, maybe just able to purrify poison/miasma as well as stronger, faster, increased healing. (basically Naraku's worst nightmare).

I figure Sesshoumaru can be Kagome's teacher (grudingly if course) if she is inu, or he can take her to another to teach her if she is an elemental/nature youkai that he is an ally to. And through this increased contact, a relationship starts to blossom.

In regards to Inuyasha, please no character bashing. He can either shun Kagome claiming she is not the woman he cared for now that she is Youkai, or he can be jeaous and covetous of her full youkai status, something he has always wanted argues with her tommake him full demon too so they can be together. And his renewed interest in her creates a bit if a triangle between her, inuyasha, and Sesshoumaru. So some potential angst there fo any who wish it.

Please have fun with this and all I ask is if you use this plot or any part of it, please send me a message here on Dokuga so I may have the pleasure or reading it. Thanks

P.S. This just popped into my head while writing this.another option for Kagome to change into could be Kitsune. Many fanfiction have Kagome calling Shippou her kit or adopted son. That connection could be stronger than her often wounded and confused feelings for inuyasha. It would certainly strengthen the maternal bond between Kagome and Shippou. And fox are technically are in the same genus as dogs and wolves.

that is all for now. I really mean it this time

I really like this one, I'm going to attempt it. May take a while before I can upload it, I don't have much time to write these days.
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When life gives you lemons, make grape juice! Then watch the world trying to figure out how you did it. It\'s hilarious!

I claimed Shippo\'s Foxfire in the Claim Game!!
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Re:Borrowed Muse 10 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 56
I've been tossing this idea around, but if I ever hope to finish the Sess/Kag story I'm in the middle of and write my own original story, I need to toss this plot bunny out there. I hope someone can adopt the little critter.

I've not come up with a title

Story is AU. High level demons are believed to be extinct. Low level demons, ones in some bestial form, are kept in zoos, bred, and on 'endangered species' lists. (think tigers) Some demons are 'protected' in the wild. Demons are viewed as very strong, occasionally magical, wild animals (even if they are simply a big eyeball) Many demons are collared after they are captured, and have been for centuries, by teams of priests and priestesses that work along side government and law enforcement. They are attempting to keep track of them. Miroku is head of his area's 'holy' department and Kagome is one of the priestess that works under him. One night an illegal fighting ring is busted by police and Miroku calls in Kagome to help detain a particularly ferocious white dog demon. The demon is to remain at her shrine in the kennels until the courts prosecute the offenders. Naraku vows to get back his 'property' (referring to his prized fighting dog demon) as he's lead away in handcuffs. Kagome returns to the shrine and locks up our favorite fluffy demon who is battle worn and very grumpy. Kagome knows something that the general public is not aware of though, that the high level demons did not become completely extinct, but rather were defeated by the overwhelming number of holy users who then suppressed their powers using the branded collars. (maybe their reasoning being that they didn't want to overwhelm hell with their damned souls or they were trying to save their damned souls by weakening and trapping them so they could do no harm and would have time to repent or something) She discovers this after a male kitsune dies on her shrine property and his collar falls off in the process. He was protecting his young kit and the boy was unregistered because he was not collared yet. Kagome examines the collar Sesshoumaru is wearing and is aware that he understands her.
Kagome eventually trusts Sesshoumaru won't kill her and removes the collar, his power explodes, like a bottle of shaken soda with the pressure released. Holy police descend on her shrine and she quickly replaces the collar before they notice Sesshoumaru is no longer bound.

After they leave, and things settle, Sesshoumaru is again uncollared and explains that he is searching for his half-breed brother per his father's request. He concludes that the boy was likely killed because of what he was, but he was pack and has to have proof. Kagome offers to help and they go from there with Kagome having to do some searching without Sesshoumaru around because is still considered a wild animal and is mindless property. At some point Naraku pays off the courts and tries to get his best fighter back. Naraku is aware of who and what Sesshoumaru really is. Maybe the spider knows how to hide his own more demonic features better then many.

Anyway, that's as far as I got. This could lead into a whole thing of finding a movement of demons, half-demons and sympathetic humans that are trying to make the world aware of what the demons really are. And the head of the holy brigade could be trying to keep the movement under wraps. Maybe Inuyasha is hiding among these rebel individuals after his mother was killed for participating in 'beastiality' with a demon.

I'm willing to do some brainstorming with someone if they want to run with this tale.
I hope someone has fun with this. Let me know!
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