New Challenge:
*Make a story, one shot or chapter story based off of any old wives tale of your choice.
*The pairing, obviously, must be Kagome/Sesshoumaru.
*It can be AU or canon.
*Can be any rating, but preferably K-T.
*No date line.
*Have fun with it!
*Karma for the first post.
* You can include more than one wives tale if you want, just make sure they go together.
* Post a link here when you are finished!
If you want to search through Wives' tales and pick the one you like, you can do so here, there is a list of them here A-Z. Have fun!!
This one has a few that weren't mentioned on the first list:
If you have a wives tale you know of but isn't on the lists I post here, feel free to use it!!