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Borrowed Muse
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TOPIC: Borrowed Muse
sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Borrowed Muse Thread 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 216
OKay so i decided that anything that outline only i will put in the borrowed muse thread and anything that actually has chapter base i will put in my fiction, "Up for Adoption! Muse gone wild..."

so here goes:

4:15 AM [sugar0o] a PB thats kinda nutsy
4:15 AM [sugar0o] where inuyasha in the end wishes on the jewel to become a full demon but because its selfish the wish backfires on the keeper
4:16 AM [sugar0o] it steals inu's demonic blood and makes kagome a full demon instead
4:16 AM [sugar0o] So she cant really ask anyone to help her with it b.c she's certain she'd be killed b/c she doesn't know anything about being a demon and all her human friends kinda get away from her b/c she's dangerous and now that they have no reason to be together as much as they hate to leave her like this, they cant be with her either
4:17 AM [sugar0o] So eventually mating season comes around and she does nothing but follows her instinct, but they are kinda messy b/c she's still got her human emotions
4:17 AM [sugar0o] she ends up with Sess, not really a mating but a coupling. so he'll end up having to stay with her until the pups can take care of themselves for like 100 years or so
4:18 AM [sugar0o] so she ends up coupled with him for about 100 years in which he kinda still has his disdain for her, b/c of her human emotions and the fact that she doesnt do anything like a dog demon SHOULD
4:19 AM [sugar0o] so when the 100 years are up and the pups would should be fewer in number, but arent b/c Kagome doesnt believe in survival of the fittest, he leaves them. saying that he'll come back for the strongest in due time... so that he can name it heir, kagome's kinda pissed about that but she doesn't really let it phase her
4:20 AM [sugar0o] instead of having one pup MAYBE 2 she's got like all 5 b/c thats how many she had
4:20 AM [sugar0o] so he's gone for like another 50 years and they end up coupling again, and same thing happens only now she's got like 9 - 11 pups when he leaves them again...
4:21 AM [sugar0o] So after that humans really start acting up and demons are having a hard time but not Kagome or her pups because she knows what's happening, and moves around it all, plus she's got allies in the kitsune, b/c of Shippo
4:22 AM [sugar0o] so most demons are dying out and then sess realizes that he needs help but doesnt want to ask for it, but he finally buckles down and does as a new lord that sprang up. turns out the new lord is Kagome and her pups. and he's all O_O
4:23 AM [sugar0o] she works out a dela for her and the kitsune lord Shippo that the kitsune will provide charms to mask their demonic nature but at a heavy price. and most done want to be they realize with 9 -11 inuyoukai as primary guards as well as the kitsune and whoever else she's made allies with, there's no way they can take them by force
4:24 AM [sugar0o] So at this point Sess sticks around and realizes that his pups are really a pack like inu should be, something he's never known, and he longs for it. but Kags is kinda like    because if it was up to him, then she's only have like 2 - 4 pups max. and even if it was hard he should strive to have them all
4:25 AM [sugar0o] So she tells them that he has to win over the pups before he even tries to win over her
4:25 AM [sugar0o] He tries brute strength but doesn't know that all of them are as strong or stronger then him
4:26 AM [sugar0o] so he has to actually adapt how he goes about it, and hasta win them all over before he can even try to win Kagome
4:26 AM [sugar0o] and her pups from her first litter, her eldest are the hardest, b/c they saw what everything was like from the get go, how hard it was, so they are all >_< when it comes to him
4:27 AM [sugar0o] eventually he wins them over and then he hasta try for Kagome who, even though he doesnt know it has been watching it all. and she's really already won over b/c of it, but she just wants to hear him say that he was wrong which has like a snow balls chance in hell of happening
4:28 AM [sugar0o] but she wants it, so all that takes years, and finally another heat is comign on her and he thinks hell just wait her out nd he oesnt know she's got as much control as he does, so when its not happening he finally gets frustrated, and he starts cracking and finally says what she wants to hear
4:28 AM [sugar0o] and he clmaims her again this time as mate
4:29 AM [sugar0o] so by now its like the 1800s and Kagome starts getting everyone ready to move out of Japan to other parts of the world, starts setting up trade and comers etc... o that when the 1920's come her family and allies are moved out of Japan and even though Sess has learned a great deal she's still an ass hat
4:31 AM [sugar0o] So he's like we're not going! and Kags is like O_O yes we are! and so its like a knock down drag out fight and finally she just gets pissed and fights dirty. knocking him out before getting her son's to pick him up so they can go. eventually he comes to but he wont talk to her now, and doesnt for years. never says anytihng more then "hn" to her until word comes that the atomic bombs were dropped on what was once known as the west
4:31 AM [sugar0o] and he's like O_O and now that he knows why they are both pissy with eachother. him because he was wrong and he's mad at her for not telling her why and how bad it would be, and her b/c she was right and he was an asshat.
4:33 AM [sugar0o] finally their pups get sick of the 'war of the roses' type fighting and they eventually lock them in a room together near one of her heats. and then they both turn their ire towards their pups. So she ends up preggers again, and this brings us into the future... where they still fight and make up and he's still an asshead, and she's still a ditsy human emotioned once miko now turned inu youkai. and its happily ever after.
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Borrowed Muse 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 216
Yeah i think this was inspired by "The truth hurts" by Take-bamboo

The idea is that Sess Mate/Rapes Kagome knocks her up, it turns out full demon and then takes the child from her b/c he believes she wouldn't know how to raise him/her/them.

Kagome cant stay in the FE for one reason or another, and eventually Sess pushes her down the well and seals it himself. This is all post Naraku.

Kagome is furious, beyond so, but rather then crying she becomes kinda cynical, and jaded, pushes herself in school, and eventually is kinda like dr. house, total arsehat, but the best there is.

Then one day her son[child/children] finds her. He's[her/they] more gentle then she thought they would be. So she finally gets to know her offspring, and while she's glad for that, softer for them, most her personality is now based on this huge hurt that having the offspring taken from her created.

She wants nothing to do with Sess, but she is still his mate, even if the mark is fading b/c it hasnt been renewed. Unbeknown to her, he, Seshomaru has been suffering for 500+ years because of a lack of mate. At first he had wished he'd killed her, then he became obsessed & in love with her, finally he was getting over her, when the mark flared back up, meaning she was finally back.

Sess has sent the pup in to see how she is, test the waters so to speak, he's not happy with what he finds, and the pup while more gentle is just as much like his father. The pup is actually happy to see his father suffer, having heard from his uncle inuyasha what had really happened, as well as from the aged miro and sango, how Sesshomaru had pretty much mucked up his mother's life, and threw her away to time. Having seen/watched her grow from that 16 year old girl that came back, into what she is now, how hurt she is, and knowing now that it wasn't lies, he pretty much hates his father. And is glad his mother want nothing to do with him.

Sess is being forced to mate again, b/c his mating mark on Kagome has finally faded enough for him to take another mate, and Sess wants kagome to be upset about this, but she could care less.

Knowing this, Sess becomes a bit stalkerish, til she finally agree's to go out with him, they got out in public to a restaurant, and sess wants to know why she's so mad, its been 500 years for him, and he fails to see that its only been about 10 for her. That every day she wondered what her son's life was like and how different it could have been if she'd stayed there, been able to fight to keep him.

The dinner date ends up badly, with kagome telling sess off. And making him more stalkerish.

He starts to woo her back, b/c he realizes that no one will ever be as real with him as she is, she doesnt fear him, would and has and will fight him, on anything. she's perfect for him, and he does love her, that's why he mate/raped her. Kagome eventual starts wearing down, and she does fall in lve with him again, not that her son is happy with it, in fact he's kinda on the idea that she shouldnt be involved with his father at all.

Sess is upset at that, until the pup finally snaps at him, much like kagome would, about how everyone always talked about him not having a mother, and how jealous he was of other pups having one, and all he got was so repugnant, stuff male figure that couldnt love someone unless is was by training them to do a job! he's kinda like i would have rather have stayed with mother, and been a bastard with love, then a royal son in a cold home for 500 years.

This really lets Sess see that he was in the wrong all the way around with everyone, and he has to repair his relationship with his pup, b/c its feeling a lot like his did with his father, where he is resented by the pup, even after he's found enlightenment.

In the end it ends up happily ever after, how ever you want to pose that. yeah i cant say it'd be a totally happy fic, but thats too much angst for me to write but i'd like to read that, so someone hop on it >:3
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
- Come to the DarkSide - We might be delusional but we have cookies. - apAidan
I claims Naraku`s pelt :3 KUKUKU!!
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Re:Borrowed Muse 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 5
Free to a good (or slightly weird) Home:

On Zombie Plot Bunny. Is green, slightly slimy and decayed but still needs lots of love and loves to eat broccoli.

Please contact LadySafire if you feel you can give him the care he needs.

P.S is Evenstars fault he is a Zombie. She handed me the taser.
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Last Edit: 2010/01/14 05:15 By LadySafire. Reason: forgot a sentence
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Re:Borrowed Muse 14 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0
Does anyone remember the story called "The Lady or the Tiger?" how about something like that (there will be no ending but have people try to think what the character chose) and more on a Dokuga style.
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Princess S
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Re:Borrowed Muse 14 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0
okay here's my idea Sesshomaru and a best friend in his child hood and (not kagome)and he's getting married to kagome but for the entertainment its his bestfriend and can kagome handle it? and his doesnt want sesshy also they gave each other lockets with there pic in it
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Borrowed Muse 14 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 216
please keep the borrowed muse thread, to just borrowed musing.

If you need to find a fic, please go to that category in the forums, and if you're giving an idea, keep in mind that something a bit more then a 'summary' you might put for a fiction is needed.

Remember its your IDEA that your giving away to someone else to muse out. So they might need more then a blurb about it to be able to figure it out.

please use previous thread entries for example.

thanks - r0o
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
- Come to the DarkSide - We might be delusional but we have cookies. - apAidan
I claims Naraku`s pelt :3 KUKUKU!!
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Re:Borrowed Muse 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 10
I actually have a couple ideas, with very little info added to them, so it's up to you.

The Moon and the Miko
A little blossom landed on her nose; Sakura. She laughed at the irony, but sobered quickly. He couldn't laugh anymore.

Kagome's been kidnapped. Again. Oneshot
She's meant to have been kidnapped by Sesshy... >.>
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It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
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Re:Borrowed Muse 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0
Kagome is practicing her bellydancing and Sesshomaru sees her.
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Tenshi Villiers
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Re:Borrowed Muse 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
i have a coma inducing drug covered marshmellow peep that i must share. this is a good one. at least i think so.

title is up to the writer
severe AU
kags and lord fluffy are both 18 but fluffy is a few months older.
(with me so far? good:))
they are at a library studying on a college campus in tokyo after the death of inuyasha and kikyo in some way. and they meet when they go to get the same book and when the book opens and they get sucked into another world. like into final fantasy 7, 8 or 9. just a thought. anyway, in this world they find out more about each other. then come to find out the world that they got sucked into is the actual world that they were born into.
anything else is the writer's shtick. have fun.
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Our Master Tenshi Villiers has claimed the role of block master and her mighty hammer of blah. Also do not anger the Great Leader of the Band of Seven for thou are human and easily cut by Banryu. Hahahaha
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Re:Borrowed Muse 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
Here is one I dont have time to write.

Summary: When Kagome purchases a gift for her grandfather, an old sword from a Tokyo pawn shop, her life becomes a complicated mess. Not to mention the handsome stranger who keeps asking for "his" sword back.

The sword can be Tetsaiga or Tenseiga etc.
You guys can come up with a reason why it would be in a pawn shop.
This story was supposed to be light hearted and funny
Any rating is fine
I think a chaptered story would suit this idea

Email me if you are going to do this!
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Lilly Akame
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Re:Borrowed Muse 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 5
I have a few I love the ideas and would love to write them, but I know I wont lol.
So, here ya go...

Name: Prince in the Attic.
Rating: Optional.
Summary: Kagomes family died in a car crash and she has to move in with her Aunty. She doesn't have a spare room, only the attic. For the first few weeks, Kagome thinks shes paranoid- hearing stange noises, sometimes even voises and she feels as if someone is watching her. On the fourth week of living with her aunt, she finds out she isn't going crazy because a warrior prince named Sesshomaru shows up in her room. Now, not only does she have to deal with loosing her family, she needs to deal with the fact that shes in love with a dead man.
Pairings: Sess/Kags.

Must have:

* Be set in the Sengoku Jidai (Kagome goes back in time with him)
* There is a war going on (The war caused Sesshomarus death)
* Sesshomaru must die! But he gets reincarnated with the same name and memories.
* Kagome a bit depressed (Her family did just die)
* Sesshomaru has an intended mate/wife, but falls for Kagome.
* Has to have one of his parents or both, because he is a PRINCE, not a Lord.

They can be humans if you want, but I like the demons

Name: My Prince is a Demon?!
Rating: Optional.
Summary: When Kagome was eight, a youkai found his way into her room. She believed him to be her 'prince'. She offered her heart, and he took it- never being seen again. She gave up on fairytales after that. But now, its her first year in university and a youkai named Sesshomaru Taishou is in her class. And guess what? He's come to collect his little miko who gave him her heart.
Pairings: Sess/Kags.

It was inspired by Youkaiyume's webcomic Willow, so read that, cause its awesome
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Borrowed Muse 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 216
[08:14:48] sugar0o: Starts off with Kags's parents getting married, happy, everything, only her father works a lot to get everything pair for and kinda becomes a bit of a work alcoholic. Then it shifts to Inupapa/Sessmomma fighting b/c she just found out he's cheating and has a pup on the way. time passes, and kags is born, and her father and mother fight alot b/c he's never there. Then shows inupapa with izayoi as he sides mate-ship annulment papers/contracts. long story short with this part, Kagome's 6 when her mother and father get a divorce, and its because he accepted a new roll in an American branch of the company he works for. would hardly ever be at home. then izayoi dies, and mommaH and Papa meet in a bad, both drunk. end up mated to one another, she's preggers, with Souta/Rin - hanyou twins. Sess is about 4 - 6 years older then inuyasha and kagome. and she's pretty much the ugly duckling of the family. everyone but her mother has silver hair, gold eyes, she's got black hair blue eyes, everyone but

[08:16:23] sugar0o: her has pale skin, she's got tanned. long story short, a very painful childhood of being teased because she's the only human there (out of the kids) and the fact that she's so different when her father invites her to move with him when she's 12-13, she takes it without looking back. After all her mother basically kinda forgot her, b/c she's become the middle child, Sess either hates her or is indifferent to her, inuyasha torments her, and Rin and souta while they aren't evil aren't all that great mostly b/c she's just

[08:19:43] sugar0o: "human" So her mother puts her on a plane to America, and its kinda the first time in about 6 years that she's really ever thought about kagome in more then just passing or as a family member, really how she treated her and everything, she got rapped up in a marriage and new family, and more kids, that kagome kidna just got pushed to the side. she regrets that, mostly b/c now kagome's leaving. So kag's goes to live with her father. and that's the last we wee of her for about 10 years. no one visits, b/c she doesn't really have a close relationship with any of them. we then go to see kagome and she's getting out of college, looks amazing, and is just one of those bombshell type females, cant look bad no matter what, and can only look better. she's smart, and she's not doing bad financially, b/c of all her schooling, and when she turned 18 she started play the stocks. she's got herself set up, and basically, she's leaving the good life at the ripe age of 22. her father thinks its high to

[08:21:23] sugar0o: see her family since he's already remarried, and has young children, which kagome adores (twin lil sisters, Kikyo and Keade) with a woman that he met after kagoem got there. Unlike before he had already worked the hard work and was able to include kagome in all of what was happening, like finding his next wifey, getting to know the kids b/c they are like 6 and she's 22 so she adores them and they adore her.

[08:27:09] sugar0o: When she finally gives in, to go see her family, Jiji (her mother's father the shrine grandfather) is the first one on her list to see, she doesnt really bother with telling her mother the exact anything about when she's going to be there only the date. she goes to see him, (now keep in mind her father's is japanese, so he did instill a lot of tradition, respect and honor into his daughter(s) not only that it was kagome's mother that wanted the divorce not him, he actually really loved her.) she goes to see jiji first, and sleeps off her jet lag there, helping him with the shrine because around the age of 15, she hit her power, as a late bloomer. age wise, Sesshoamru is 26 - 28 years old, inuyasha's 22- 23 years old, kagome's 22, souta/Rin are 15-16, and kikyo/keade - 6....... as a late bloomer none of them knew just how powerful she was, so b/c of that she took classes for self defense, fighting, and miko stuff, basically she's like a human female miko version of Sesshomaru powerwise,

[08:30:34] sugar0o: So she gets into her car and goes to see the fam. and well, Souta's an introvert, doesn't really talk to anyone just sits on his computer doing gah knows what, Rin is a flirt and has her father and brother's constantly worried, she's also (not so secretly) in love with Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's horrible, and well *bad yusha!* and Sesshomaru doesn't live there anymore but he's as indifferent as always, her mother's a lush, and drinks a lot and Touga, there's a good chance that he's cheating on her mother. kagome's all O_O b/c this is the nuttiest family life she's ever seen. in the end she gets Sotua to come out of his shell a bit with sports like soccer, she gets Rin to see that the world does not revolve around her, inuyasha, she puts him in his place, Her mother she uses her miko power on to make her allergic to all forms of alcohol so she gets violently sic off of even a little, and she threatens touga's life and has the power to back it up. for Sess she really doensat have anything to

[08:34:19] sugar0o: say, b/c he's hardly there, but when she confronts him, she's all like " why are you letting them act like this?!@?!" and his basic answer is that his father is a fool for being with her mother and izayoi, and that the rest of the hanyou (inu,souta,Rin) for the most part are below his notice or care, though its not so true with Rin/souta, he just doesn't like anyone to know he does care. she ends up all >:l at hims but cant really do anything. at the end of the visit, she's kidna set her family straight, but she's all O_O i don't think i'm ever coming back! and she's managed to make Sess fall for her even if she didn't mean to or know it. her defiance gets him and makes him want to pounce! so kags goes home back to normal's ville, and continues with her life, getting richer, spending time with Kikyo and keade, when 2 years passes, and she gets a call that her grandfather died. not only that but her father is getting transferred back to japan, so they are basically moving the whole family

[08:38:01] sugar0o: back to japan, her jiji left the shrine to her. this shrine is the one from the manga/anime, with all the land, and prime property. kagome's mother is furious that out of everyone jiji left the shrine to kagome, b/c no one knows that kagome's a miko on her mother/touga/sess/inu/rin/souta side of the family. b/c of this, when her mother tries to contest it, that its her families land kagome's all like *sparks up miko powers so they glow around her like a fire* and everyone's all O_O b/c to be that strong is ridiculous. so at this point she's 24. starts trying to get herself someone to settle down with, and thats when she meets miroku, who she tries to date but ends up being best friends, sango who he dates after that, a few other's from the show, but this is when She and Sesshomaru finally get to know one another. she comes to find out that basically his father cheating with izayoi is the reason that he's the way he is. basically she breaks through the wall, and he's actually respect

[08:39:04] sugar0o: *respectful enough to talk to her father before they do anything. kagome and him mate, and inupapa and MommaH are like O_O but his mother's all O_o well that was unexpected. that's the "little more then basics" of it.

@_@ I'm probably going to be posting more of these instead of vaulting them, b/c i have too many in the vault as is...
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
- Come to the DarkSide - We might be delusional but we have cookies. - apAidan
I claims Naraku`s pelt :3 KUKUKU!!
r0o`s Challenge`s: GenderBender~Always Open.....Completing your Holiday Fic Challenge.....GM Challenge: OPEN!.....
Banners: I write to........Lemon.....Bribery c0okie.....
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Borrowed Muse 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 216
well basically, the tachi has been together for lets say 2 - 4 years, not sure, either way, kagome's fallen out of love with inuyasha compeltely, and matured a great deal too, but inuyasha is still the brat freed from the tree and considered kagome his "pissed on toy" Mine, not one else can have you even if i don't want you. At this point she's basically just waiting to finish the jewel and hoping it'll force her back to her time where the belligerent half demon cant get her. She's confident that by then he'll be dead, that's her hope, as she's talked to Myoga once before in the past, and found that inuyasha ages something like 10 years human to 1 year demon. so while she's about 17 - 19, he's still pissy lil 15 year old punk.

that being said, at soem point she taught him how to read and write and regrets it, b/c he steals her diary to see what she's up to and thinking, total jerk, and none of the tachi can stand up to him fully, he's not abusing her physically just making her life hell, doesn't even have to do with kikyo, who plays little to no roll in this as a person, more as a memory. Either way, b/c he's learned how to write and read japanese, she starts keeping her journal in English. Not only is it good practice for school but it keeps inuyasha out of her business, even if he gets on her nerves. she's also got a sketch diary that she sometimes pours her emotions into when she cant find the right words for things. So she's got both, but the sketch diary, has like a miko lock on it, every time he tries to get into it, it burns him. again he's a 15 year jerk

So they come across the village and end up saving it from some oni, and kagome helps someone that's like 70ish from being crushed in her home. the woman is so grateful that she gives kagome a set of inks, and brushes, when she notices kagome has ink stains on her fingers. but she warns kagome that they are specially and not to be used overly abundant. kagoem's all @_@ T_T that's so sweet! the old woman tells her that, she's giving them to her b/c she has a good pure soul and she knows kagome wont miss use them. Kagome's kinda confused by that but is honored none the less bc the brush set is really well crafted

So inuyasha pretty much acts like his usual arse self, and gets sat, and its a few days later that kagome finally gets a moment to use the brush set, she doesn't really know what to paint with it, but some unknown feeling over comes her, and its kinda like pure hearts desire, but its not tainted just a longing that she has. she sits there and paints her picture, and its a beautiful lush valley of Sakura tree's that the tachi are traveling in nearing sunset, and the petals are all over the place making it look like snow, as well, the fiery sky just makes it breath taking. finished and pleased, she smiles and lets it dry , miroku see's it before she puts it up and compliments her on art. and she ends up putting it up

the next day, inuyasha's a total brat, and even miroku's wanting to bop him on the head, worse b/c they run into Sesshomaru, who kagome's all :$(L):$ for, and he notices her sends her a hot look, and fights then goes on his way. inuyasha ends up pushing them so hard that near sunset they some how end up in a valley full of sakura tree's and its kaogme's painting. she's all @_@ but doesn't really make the connection, miroku thinks its a coincidence.

So that night she writes about it in her journal, and she doesn't use the brush set again for a while. time fly's a bit and soon its summer, and its the next time she uses it, on a hot day during one of their resting times, she paints out a breath taking waterfall, this time, again miroku see's it, and the next day not only do they find it but they go swimming, this time, miroku thinks its more then coincidence, b/c even some of the smaller nonexistent flowers, that kaogme painted are there, those flowers don't exist, but they do now. so they spend time there, and again Sesshoamru shows up only this time, its with Rin and co. and they end up spending the night camped close to one another, more for Rin's sake then anything else, inuyasha's being a TOTAL arse b/c Sesshomaru's there, and miroku brings it up with kagome, and she's all O_O O_o o_O but opens her note book up to the last few arts only to find that they are not there on the page, only the kanji for the word "granted" and

Both are kidna like WTF! Sess over hears them and comes over to investigate, he doesn't really get what they are so excited about , but does get to see some of kaogme's other works, by the detail he can see that there's more to her then he previously gathered, as up to this point not only does he just consider her inuyasha's wench but something like a prostitute. but being that close to her, he can scent that she's totally innocent, and the only scent of inuyasha, is contact scent. he see's the English and knows some of the words, b/c he's traveled in his youth, and is shocked that she has a better grasp on such a foreign language. Basically curiosity over comes him and he starts to talk their group wanting to learn more about her. Miroku tells kaogme not to use the brush again and to say that they will try it again to be certain before bringing it up, no need to tell Sango who is superstitious, or inuyasha who is greedy, or shippo ho cant keep his moth closed abotu it. In the wrong hands

So they wait a few more weeks, and eventually again, kagome paints something, this time, though, miroku asks her to paint something with people, b/c there's an off beat chance that in all the travel they have made, that kagome's mind picked up on those places having seen them on one of there trips to find shards. Kagome gets a bad feeling about that, but goes ahead, and does it. she paints a mansion, for that era, not PEOPLE but a home, with lights on, grand, something that, MANY MANY MANY people would know about, and sure enough the find it again close to dusk, only there are no people there, no scents there other then the scent of paint, miroku's convinced , as you said, that they are wishing brushes, sure enough they open the page that has the last painting on it, and see the word "granted" in kanji again. now kaogme's freaked out b/c this could possibly be worse then the tama, b/c it seems that the wishes are just being granted. no matter what, miorku wants to try it again, but kags

is all NNU!!!! b/c like her being the shikon miko she's a pure heart, she's lived in an era that saw what one man's desires could do to the world, (hitler) and knows that in the wrong hands this could be so horrible. well of course Sesshoamru finds out what's going on, and about the places and the home, and he's all like >:l because he too knows what it means. so he stalks them, and waits the time frame again, and steals them, he's an aristocrat, not that its a needed skill but he does know how to paint. when he paints something, he paints himself holding tetsaiga with his left hand. he knows that it takes abotu 24 hours to react so he just kinda waits. some how he ends up getting sleepy, and when he wakes up he has his left hand, but not tetsaiga. When he opens the book it says " incomplete wish " or something to that effect. either way he's still pleased with the outcome of the situation, but b/c he's honor bound as a lord, he returns the book, but says that he will be guarding kags

inuyashas's totally pissed about this, but cant win the fight between him and Sess, and thus Sesshomaru becomes alpha, as kagome is alpha female, she becomes his. Miro and sango are wary of this, inuyasha's just pissed about it, but with Sess being there, comes the complete change in how things go, as Sess is alpha, inuyasha stops all his invasion of kagome's private stuff, mostly bc, Sess can punish him for it horribly, and b/c he usually gets sat anyway, or zapped from kagome, not to mention he doesn't know English. This also gives Sesshoamru time to get to know kagome, he's not horrible about kagome going home either, and he also pretty much puts a stop to their wondering, b/c in all reality, Naraku has all the shards they do not with the exception of kouga's, so there's no point in wondering any more. He sets them up at a base location, and has them all train. Sango in her emotions, mostly b/c her biggest fault is kohaku. miroku in something other then his sutra, and his staff, inu

how to use his sword for real. and kagome how to be a real miko, as well as short range weapons all of this takes about 6 months to a year, and kagome's doing loads better in school, and seeing her family, and she's used the paints 2 more times, both times being something that befitted someone, once was to paint Rin as an inuyoukai pup, and another to seal of miroku's windtunnel. by now inuyasha knows about the paint though, and gets it in his mind to steal it. 1 to try and paint a dead naraku, 2. to paint a complete shikon jewel, and 3. to have a live kikyo. with the stolen paint he does this, all in one night, 3 wishes.

well it doesn't grant 1 or 2, but it does grant 3. as its one wish for that time frame. but b/c it does that, kagome's soul is completely stolen from her body. leaving her a fleshy husk, that will die in a short amount of time. Sesshomaru, can smell the paint on her scent, the magic as well, and scents out that Inuyasha was the one last in her room, he scents out inuyasha, and finds the paint, and the 3 drawings, 1 and 2 say "denied" and 3 says " granted but at a price" inuyasha has no idea what all that means, until Sesshoamru snarls in his face, and pretty much drags him back to kagome's room to see her form laying on her bed with tensaiga over her chest, and a glowing barrier coming from the sword which is forcing her to breath. without the soul she would just die. and only the smallest part is inside her flesh body, the part that is anchored to her body. the part that stayed the first time her soul was ripped from her body. Miroku just prays, and sango nearly kills inyasha, but Sess

tells her that he is Sesshoamru's to kill, but not before he finds the once clay miko and renders her completely gone from this world. he then pans to melt all traces of her existence from this world, meaning he's going to melt and poison her burial grave so that no part of her can ever be used again like this. Myoga just happens to be there, and sees what's going on, and Sess tells him, when he does, Myoga's like O_O KAMI-SAMA, the paints happen to belong to a Kami that was painting on earth one day and forgot them, as a kami paint can easily be replaced, BUT in mortal hands, the kami's paint comes to life. its been a myth, and a legend that could never be proven they exsisted

okay so from there, i was thinking that Sess would kill kikyo, but that kagome's soul would be lost at that point rather then going back to her. Mostly, b/c he'd go back and see if she'd gotten better only to find out that she seems to be getting worse. Mostly b/c kikyo at the time he killed her had most of the soul so it tried to move on, and is trying to take kagome with it. Now at this point Myoga's gunna be like O_O 'there's only one way to save her' and he'll tell them that she's got to be mated. Inuyasha will job at the chance to do it mostly b/c kikyo's gone, kagome's all he has left, and Sess will be all >:l 'i will murder you first' And so Sess ends up mating her, but its kinda like doing a lifeless body b/c kagome doesnt start responding until he marks her.

Well when he marks her she ends up pretty much reacting violently, because he floods her system with his youki, when he does she ends up becoming youki too. but she wakes up a few days later. She's all @_@ at first, and then when she founds out she' pissed at inuyasha, and then she doesn't know what to say about Sess, b/c she has feelings for him but never thought he'd take a human. Basically they hafta train more b/c kagome has no idea how to use her youkai body, and during that time she and sess get closer and closer, until she loves him, but not long after, the final battle happens, and everyone lives but Sess because he took a hit that was meant for her. She tries to use tensaiga on him but it wont work for her, so she ends up painting one last pic and paints inupapa using tensaiga. and just cries praying that it'll work.

No one has the balls to move her from Sess, and as night falls, Tensaiga and tetsaiga pulse to life, kagome doesn't even realize what's happening until sango and miro pull her away from Sess, b/c papa just came back to life, and uses tensaiga to save Sesshoamru. She's so excited, that she doesn't see the notebook, that says "wish granted, but at a price" She pretty much loves on him for a few minutes before she noticed that she's starting to vanish, she tries to stay but can't and ends up back in her time, shikon left on the ground where she was. Sess is all NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!

but papa's there and tells him it wont be so long, and they have a jewel to guard. either way, kagome ends up back in her time and pukes as soon as she gets there b/c of the scent, and its only about a day later that she finds out she's preggy with Sess' kid. but figures maybe something went wrong b/c sess didn't come for her asap, so she assumes that he died. and mourns him as she gets bigger, and then one day she's getting close to delivery time frame, they are going to do a home birth b/c kagome can kinda hide her features, like her ears, and markings, but she doesn't think she'll be able to while in the middle of birth, either way this day kagome's all freaked out b/c she can feel the shikon, and suddenly remembers she never wished it away.

There's a knock on her door, and momma gets it, and its inupapa, She's all O_O at him b/c she wasn't ever sure if he had really come back or not, she remembers him but didnt know if he was a ghost or not. So papa comes in and they all talk, he kinda catches them up on what happened over 500 years, turns out she's a decedent of sango/miro, which kagome's all <:3 about, and that they had been watching the shrine. Papa wants to make sure this girl loves Sess. he pretty much knows sess loves her but he doesnt want his son hurt after 500 years. and so when she asks about him, he kinda alludes it to Sess being dead, and kagome cant take it she pretty much breaks down and runs back to the well, collapse at its base, not inside of it but right in front of it.

Starts talking to it, telling him, sess how much she wishes it would work so she could go back to him, never leaving him, she pretty much pours her heart out, and then scents someone behind her, she's kinda not in the mood and a bit more then feral so when she turns around and Sees Sess She's all @_@ he said you were dead. and pretty much pounces him. Sess and her make up, and he pretty much tells her that they had to be sure that the well was closed so inuyasha wouldn't come through that they'd been waiting for the powerserge, but even after that, that his father refused to let him come to her until he had made sure she was worthy, aka didnt run off to another man, didn't kill the pup, kinda stuff. and being preggy as can be kagome's all >:[ *murders!!!!*

So she pretty much marches up to papa and decks him, and he's all O_o WTF and kagome's all "OF COURSE I LOVE MY MATE YOU IDIOT! I WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN WITH ANOTHER!!!!" pretty much settles that, but all the excitement, actually forces her into labor, which they had been preparing for anyway, but about a week off, time frame wise. So its kinda like olden days when males wait outside, and females are in the chambers. kagome ends up giving birth to twin son's and Sess is all T_T thank you! (total mushy puppy) papa's all o.o grandpups... finally! and he and momma H leave the new family alone for a while and then he's all >:3 So... (hits on mommaH - b/c Sessmomma and him aren't together)"wanna make a hanyou, i was told you really like those puppy ears." pretty much inupapa's all like, if the daughter's like this, i bet the mother is too!
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
- Come to the DarkSide - We might be delusional but we have cookies. - apAidan
I claims Naraku`s pelt :3 KUKUKU!!
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Re:Borrowed Muse 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 67
so what happens to the brat in this borrowed muse? does he eventually grow up after inupapa deals with him, find someone, die naturally, or is it left to whoever borrows it? just curious.
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Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!

Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:Borrowed Muse 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 6
Modern AU--->YoukaiThief!Sess

Name: Optional

Here's a rundown on everything... This will have to have some research on the art of the Renaissance. Setting can either in Japan or somewhere in Europe... Heck, it can be in America! Sess is our thief here and this story should be in his view or something, seeing as he will be our main character... (But of course 3rd person is always fun)

Basically, in the Sengoku Jidai he still meets Rin, but she's different; sort of like an Oracle to the Egyptians... her visions are random. Rin predicts that the humans and/or world will be doomed in the future because of the youkai race's vanity later on. On her deathbed, she pleads for Sess to save everyone.
The reason she gives him is that she loved this world and didn't want everyone to disappear... but what she doesn't tell him is that she also saw the person most compatible to be Sess' mate and if certain events didn't happen, that wouldn't come true/all races would die/Sess would live alone forever/etc. This is, as you can probably predict, Kagome.

Fast forward to the 21st century, where we later learn that Rin also told Sess that the youkai causing the calamity would be inevitable. We also learn that most youkai are instinct and only maybe 1,000 of them are still alive. All of these youkai go towards the same cause, to save the world from total destruction. They are scattered across the world, under cover as a business, and are really this huge organization operated by the four cardinal lords (East, West, North, South...) This also means Sess is one of the people who control them.
Of course, because of his promise to Rin, he also is on the field doing his job.

The 'job' dates back to the Renaissance era, where the whole cultural boom was going on and artwork + advances in science, lit., math, etc. are advancing. Youkai had joined in this too, choosing to be snotty and make these wonderful pieces of art in all types of forms (sculpting, painting, architecture). Some of them got the idea that if they infused some of their youki in these works, they would be more appealing to the human eye and therefore be worshiped forever and ever.
This backfires, though, because their artworks become 'alive' and end up killing their creators by draining their youki. Thus, the -almost- extinction of the youkai race. The ones who survived were basically warned by the cardinal lords who were warned by Sess who was warned by Rin; they also were the ones who got over their prejudice against humans the fastest.
Anyways, a bit after the Renaissance era, the spiritual beings worked together with the leftover youkai to seal the pieces of artwork that were hungry for more youki. Why? Because even though the miko and houshi hated the youkai, they knew that once all of the youki was sucked up the art would turn super powerful and, consumed by hatred and negative feelings from the humans, would then turn around and inadvertantly destroy the world in some weird, Naraku-centric way.

So now there are these two huge companies called (optional) Reiki Inc. and Youki Co., both secretly working underground-sort-of to destroy the artwork that had broken free of the seals because of negative-feeling buildup and world-wide polution. The field workers steal the artwork from famous meusems and such and then destroy them... which Sess has been doing.

Here comes along Kagome, though, the first miko in a veryveryveryveeeerry long time (think about the time of Inu No Taisho... or 200-300 years before the Sengoku Jidai) able to communicate with the kami and not just control kami-sent powers. She learns that the spirits are sad that all of this beautiful, natural artwork is being destroyed and is told that there is a way to perserve it without the apocolypse reigning down everywhere. Kags also thinks that crushing such art is a waste, so is very eager to help the kami out.

The way to do it is basically push all of the jyaki against reiki or youki (better if both) to dispell it by overcoming it, but the catch is that it takes powerful stuff and really iron-hard will to do it. Kagome, being our Kagome, is able and therefore takes on the job.
The two companies are worried about the fact that she suddenly appears out of nowhere and is able to do what she does (they don't know how she gets rid of the jyaki). Of course, because they don't know why she's doing it, they think she might be some Naraku-clone (Naraku never existed in the Sengoku Jidai, though, so it's just an example) trying to sap all of the powers and conquer the world.

She runs into Sess, who, being the person he is, refuses to listen to her and they become rivals. (Another reason is because of his promise to Rin) We later learn that Naraku is her youkai-partner, the only one who actually listened to her dillema and reasons and decided to help her. They do the same job if the jyaki build-up is too high. SO NARAKU IS GOOD HERE. HE STILL HAS HIS WEIRD, PSYCHO PERSONALITY BUT HE IS ON THE SIDE OF GOOD... SORT OF IN HIS OWN WAY.

Naraku is actually weaker than both Kags and Sess, but he is strong enough to dispell the jyaki, which is what apparently matters. Kagome's power is able to rival Sesshomaru's, but that doesn't mean that she can easily defeat him. Think that they're on this really shakey balance scale. It keeps going back and forth between the two sides of who is more powerful.

Nevertheless, Sess is under the assumption that Kags is the baddie and Kags is under the impression that he's the stubborn, arrogant youkai who hates everyone and is only doing this for his own selfish reasons. Gee, how nice.

A couple of missions pass and we find that Sess finds some guilty pleasure in going up against an opponent that can rival him. He knows that he shouldn't let that effect his job because of his promise to Rin, but he can't help that his primal instincts want her to live through every encounter they get; want to get closer to her to find out why she's doing this.

Naraku (later on after some character development) ends up injured in some job where he has to go against Sess and cannot help Kags when she ends up facing this super duper jyaki-filled art... think of some famous artwork from the Renaissance era that still exists so it'll make it seem more realistic.
Anyways, Sess comes a bit after Kags discovers that she cannot purge it alone. He realizes that the jyaki and negative emotions have created a wall against him and no matter how hard he tries, Sess can't get close enough to destroy the art. Kagome then tells him she knows how to get rid of the jyaki completely without getting close to it, but can't do it alone. Sess can smell she isn't lying, but still fights against her to test her resolve. She ends up super mad and calls him a couple of names along with forcing her reiki on him, except not to purify him but tell him what she's trying to do.

Sess goes all 'oh'-like and helps her out, combining his youki and her reiki to dispell the evil energy. Afterwards, Kags tells him that she didn't want all of this beautiful artwork to be destroyed; before the kami came to her she was a college history professor that speciailized (and hobbied) in the discovering and appreciation of artwork throughout the ages. They go to the other cardinal lords and Kags tells them her side of the story.

After some more character developement this huge problem comes up; it is revealed that So'unga, a youkai who had worked on Tokyo Tower because of his passion for architect, had actually bound some of his essence to it. Humans who had then become possessed by jyaki begin to group towards Tokyo Tower, and everyone comes to help purge the jyaki. So'unga's baser, primal form is then revealed, only able to revive because of his essence responding to the massive amount of jyaki surrounding the area.

A huge battle then takes place...

-Insert chosen ending here-

A lot of stuff is optional, like who the antagonist at the end will be. Also the events that get them there; as you can see I left a lot of room to choose character developement moments. Shippou, Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha can also be added in somewhere in that huge mix. Kagura or Kanna, too. Everything above is just some main events that should happen in result to the plotline. I'm sure you can figure out what is what.

I thought a thief!Sess would be <33, but then the idea sprang to life into this whole drama-filled... ugh, I don't even know what to call it. Blob? Maybe? Sure.
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Re:Borrowed Muse Thread 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 6
this is a sudden plot bunny that just came to me after posting a thread. i like it but i dont think id be able to detail and draw it out plus id love to see this finished it sounds really cool (too me) and i dont think ive read a fic like this yet.

Kagome is from the present and all the stuff in the past could or could not have happened it would be easier if it did.

Kagomes time is nearing 2012 and the world is about to end (due to war or global warming or whatever)

Kagome in an attempt to save herself and her family takes them into the past.

once there she has to try and change the world so the events leading up to the disaster will never happen. (you can throw in the sess relationship whenever.)

but that is all my little plot bunny threw at me so. feel free to use this. (with tiny bit of my plot bunny cred) but id love to see this idea come to be in a story because i have yet to read a Fic like this.

thanks - Sammi-chan
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Re:Borrowed Muse 14 Years ago Karma: 3
Ok. My muse has ADD and since I already have other things going on, I thought I would share this idea with someone else. You can change it, expand it, shorten it, rework it, whatever you want. I just don't have what it takes to write it.

I'll try to put this in as small a nut shell as I can.

+Sesshomaru and ALL demons are Fae.
+The Fae are in hiding and believed to be extinct.
+Kagome can SEE them.
+She was pulled in to the 'past' because she has the jewel.
+The jewel is actually a gem from the Fae King, but it was hidden long ago by the King of the Fae (Sesshomaru's Father) because Sesshomaru hadn't came into his own yet. He was too young.
+The Fae 'died out' long before demons so their stories and myths are lost to time. They believed that Kagome would belive in demons before she would fairies, therefore she sees the past as a feudal japan full of demons. Instead of the Underhill that she really travels to.
+Their glammor starts to unravel as she gathers more of the jewel together because it is a Fae object of power. For instance, in my mind, I see Sesshomaru as a Fae Prince superimposed over demon Sesshomaru.
+Naraku is really Sesshomaru's younger brother trying to steal the throne from him (that's why he really wants the jewel.)

Anyway, that is what is in my head. You can do whatever you want to it..tweak the plot, change it, or even throw this one out and start over. I'm just happy to get it outta my mind! It's been driving me crazy for weeks.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 216
basic idea is that, set modern times, Kagome and Miroku are partners on the JBI's (Japanese Bureau of Investigation) VERY SMALL Holy division. B/c most holy people dont often cause issues, they have a very small department. Keade is their director. They get called into a kidnapping, Sesshomaru's Ward Rin has been taken by holy people.

Purified their scents so they cant be found, and MIro/Kags have to find her, in the process we find out that Kikyo who is married to inuyasha (all inu relations are the same in this)found out that Rin had miko powers, leaked it to Midoriko and Ungai, who are leaders of a militant Holy group who are against the coexistent demon/human society. to have a miko(even a child) under the care of a demon is against their views so they kidnapped Rin to 'free her' and brainwash her into hating demons.

When Kagome finds out that kikyo leaked it, she's part of the set up, she brings it up that Kikyo is married to inuyasha, and what she was planning on doing when he eventually wanted kids. Kikyo tells her that she'd purify the demonic taint. and kagome's all O_o b/c doing that would make it so that inuyasha under demonic laws could kill her. Kikyo while she loves inuyasha is a person that resents and hates demons, but found something in inuyasha that should could love but not birth children to.

Along the way to finding Rin, Kags/Miro would come into contact with others that both help and hinder finding her, and in the process, Kags would fall for Sess, and they'd get Rin back.

Most of this fic i'd be leaving up to the author picking it up to figure out, but this was the basic idea.
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Last Edit: 2011/03/30 20:35 By sugar0o.
We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
- Come to the DarkSide - We might be delusional but we have cookies. - apAidan
I claims Naraku`s pelt :3 KUKUKU!!
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
So, apparently, I'm a bumbling idiot and I posted in the wrong spot. But, either way, here's what I got.

I was hoping someone would take up this challenge. I've been sitting on it forever now. And I normally don't post, I'm just a reader here... So if someone wants to make my fantasy fanfiction into a reality fanfiction. That would just float my boat. :]


The Red Moon


She was holding Rin's hand as the ceremony began. According to Sesshoumaru this happened only once in every one thousand years. The night of the Red Moon, they called it. Her and Rin were standing off to the side when Sesshoumaru's mother started her speech. The moon was only about an hour off from being exactly above them at its highest peak. As she watched it she swore that it seemed to look yellower as the minutes ticked by. As hard as she was trying she couldn't make out the words Sesshoumaru's mother was saying. Instead she took in the beauty and the elegance of her. Though, the Lady, was not pleased that Sesshoumaru had chosen her to watch Rin, Sesshoumaru was.

Pride swelled in her when she remembered his words to his mother.


"I can't believe you would bring that ningen into my house. What purpose does she serve here?" The Lady of the West said while giving her a look that promised pain if the answer was not adequately answered, "Ningen are as powerless as they are insolent."

"Mother, do you truly believe that, this Sesshoumaru, would bring a weak helpless ningen among youkai? This is the Shikon Miko, the one who defeated Naraku and banished the Shikon Jewel. I brought her here because I needed a miko that was not only powerful but trustworthy enough to watch and protect Rin and not to cause untold trouble in the House of the West."

"So it is the small child that follows you, that you fear for?"


"Very well, keep your ningens." She said with a flick of her hair as she turned and left the room gracefully.


When she returned her thoughts to the present she felt an odd tingling run down her spine, thinking it to merely be the youki brushing against her reiki. She brought her line of site back up to the stage where Sesshoumaru was now standing. As she brought her attention back to the moon she was surprised to see how orange the moon now looked. It was less than a fifteen minutes before the moon reached its peak.

As she moved her gaze back to Sesshoumaru she felt as though her world were slowing. She watched as Sesshoumaru's eyes scanned the crowd. It seemed to take hours, the tingling in her spine was growing into an ache. Her grip on Rin's hand loosened as she zoned out. She looked down to see Rin tugging at her sleeve, Rin's mouth was moving in a way that she could tell was her name but she couldn't hear the words being said. Slowly her eyes moved back up to the moon, catching Sesshoumaru's slightly widened golden orbs along the way.

The moon was blood red, it almost seemed to be swimming in the red haze that surrounded it. The aching in her back was rapidly moving to the rest of her body, as it turned into a red hot fiery pain that consumed her. It felt as if her fingernails were ripping themselves from her skin as her eyes widened. The red haze from the moon was growing and filling her entire sight. All she could see was red.

And then, nothing, as the darkness consumed her.

Andddd.... GO! (please)

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Never had a dream come true, till the day that I found you.
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
I'm in no way a writer, but I had this idea that I'd like to see made into a story if anyone is interested in writing it.

The future is different, Naraku is in control of the world and has made everyone into slaves except for a small resistance group made of demons, priestesses, and monks. Naraku had achieved an ultimate power without having used the jewel. Kagome's family is part of the resistance and Kagome has been trained since birth to use her priestess powers and is extremely powerful. In order to stop Naraku in their time they resistance decides to send Kagome to the past to pose as Kikyo's reincarnation and places spells on Kagome to make her resemble Kikyo as well as placing the jewel inside her body. Also both Inuyasha and Sess are dead in this future, killed by Naraku after he gained his ultimate power.

When Kikyo died in the past instead of the jewel being burned with Kikyo, it was hidden by the founders of the resistance group which may or may not include Miroku's father/grandfater, and may or may not have included Kaede to prevent it from falling in evil hands. The jewel will remain hidden until it is decided to place it in Kagome's body in the future to serve as part of the "proof" that Kagome is Kikyo's reincarnation.

Sesshoumaru is believed to be a human hater, but he really isn't. He still has Rin with him as well as Jaken and Ah-Un. Sessy-kun has been hunting the evil Naraku since Inuyasha had been pinned to the Goshinboku.

Basically the rest of the story is just about Kagome in the past and how she has to hide who she is until she is forced to reveal herself for being the powerful priestess she is and for not being Kikyo's reincarnation. Kagome and Sess meet somewhere along the way and fall for each other, but Sess doesn't want to admit it because he's afraid of his emotions. Miroku is suspicious of Kagome being Kikyo's reincarnation from the time he joins the group. The jewel that was sent back in Kagome's body is used as a distraction to buy time to prevent Naraku from becoming what he did in the future.

I really had no really good ideas on what Naraku could have done to become all powerful... perhaps trick or somehow steal a God's power or something or maybe he just finally absorbed enough lower demons to become indestructible, or even maybe some other powerful item he could have found... I'll leave that up to whoever might want to pick this up.

This is just my ideas on it, feel free to make any changes or write it however you feel it should go. =)
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 216
I don't really have a plunnie for once, just a thought that someone can run with if they want to.

Higurashi, it can mean setting sun, or if thoughtfully looked at, the last act of the day that the sun makes, setting. Higurashi, holy men and women, who are the last act of the divine's will, Amaterasu, Kami of the Sun, and empress of the kami.

What if, the whole line, Higurashi, was always destined to be the last act, the last chance that mortal kind had, always there to go back and re-write whatever needed to be fixed. Every generation there is at least one warrior born, and another to carry on the name.

How many have fallen to their end, while keeping mortal kind in line, how many corrections. Just what happened to Kagome's grandmother, and her father. Were they to, part of the grand scheme of things? Will Kagome fall as well?

as i said, not really a plunnie, just more so a thought.
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 55
SO, I've had this plunnie for a bit, but I know I'll probably never get to it...

Gender Bent cop drama... Kagome and Inuyasha are partners (COP partners). It starts off with a weird dream Kagome has and when Inuyasha wakes him up he says, "I just had the weirdest dream I was a teenage girl in a sailor uniform running around ancient Japan looking for jewels..."
Inuyasha makes some crack about its because Kagome is such a sissy or something.
They have to stake out a youkai strip club, but Inuyasha backs out, being all weird and suspicious. Kagome goes alone, highly embarrassed of course (this is just kagome in male form) and is approached by a confident, sexy, but cold inuyoukai female. After a short exchange Kagome discoveres that she is Inuyasha's sister. He asks, "Why are you here?" And she kicks him out.
Later, Sesshoumaru (the female inuyoukai, of course) sneaks up on Kagome outside his house and starts asking questions like "How do you know Inuyasha?"
"I can't say."
"So, you work with him. Why were you at the club?"
"I can't tell you that."
"Is it to find information on Naraku?"
So, Sesshoumaru becomes a girl on the inside giving information to Inuyasha and Kagome about Naraku's evil dealings. Inu and Sess fight a lot, and Sess ends up talking to Kagome most of the time. She stays all sexy and confident, and Kagome stays embarrassed to be around her (all modest and respectable) Sess isn't used to being treated nice, especially by a human, and a little spark starts to develop between them, so Sess stops acting so cold only around Kagome.
And that's all I really got. I just thought it would be amusing to see a Kagome-like male character in ACTUAL authority and a Sesshoumaru-like female character as his opposite. If you like, its all yours to change, develop, and do as you wish!
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Lily Noir
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 11
This is an awesome thread, I get to finally put some ideas down and not feel sorry for neglecting (read: not writing a story with) them. Anyone is free to write with this idea and change it (or add to it) as they wish, you don't have to use everything I write down

Title: Whatever you wish to name it... (if you really want one then go with The Lioness)

Rating: optional

The plunnie: Everything is canon up till the point of those three years she was confined to her own time. One day (while she's walking home, or sweeping the steps, or...) a kind of electrified blue mist started to form around her and she felt a huge build up of power, the power reliesed and she found herself blind, deaf and totaly disorientated. When sensation finally came to her, she found herself in the middle of the Savanna.

She was suddenly hit with a huge wall of pain, excrutiating agony and fell down on the spot immediately (the power was entering her). She was unable to pass out so she felt everything and was aware of the world around her. Her body was freezing and burining up whole at the same time. It lasted for weeks, maybe even months, and even as she changed she grew delusional and insane with the pain. She was changin into a youkai. A lion cub accidentally found her on the cround and batted her with his paw. That set off the final stage of the transformation, she became a lion youkai (with daiyokai power levels).

She was left immobile on the ground for days after the transformation and pain stopped when a powerful male youkai found her. He brought her back to his pride, and she spent a decade there training, learning, adapting and coming into herself. She was considered part of the pride and one of the male's childeren. (he had many lionesses and thus many cubs). She was like a general there.

A lioness youkai has the power to keep her mate out of reach of most feamales if she so wishes (thus a monogamous union). Some do not care however (as long as they're alpha) and allow their males to have more feamales. Though the males have more power (just barely mind you), the feamales are usually alpha in their couplings.

She remembers Japan and the fact that everything indicates that this is the past. She wants to go there (for her friends mostly) and says that it would be good to know more powerful youkai besides themselves. The alpha male (I call him Derho, though his name is optional) allows her to go and even says that some of his cubs should go with her as well(cat's curiosity, going to new places is in a lion youkai's nature), and probably make a new pride.

Lion yoikai are very affectionate and close-knit, they are not ashamed of showing affection and said closeness publically. They would die for a pride member and protect everyone the consider pride fiercely and ferociously. She grew close to all the members of the pride (even the alpha feamale), but especially to the son of both alphas (i call him Khane). A daughter of a different feamale (I call her Dia) and a son of the alphe feamale's sister (Yoh) (--all have the same father--)

They (the 3) go with her to Japan.

There is going to ba a reunion with the inutachi (seems she was thrust even further back into the past than the first time and is now only three years after she went back to her own time --- she spent a decade with the lions).

Something is happening, the demons of hell are rising to this plane and wreacking havoc and they need to fight them off. A meeting has been called between all the four cardinal lords and other powerful youkai and humans (even before she was back in JP) and the Inutachi was just going there, she and her siblings offer to go as well.

The tachi arrive first (her group was lagging behind) and come right in the middle of a debate of the creatures present (most who have to be there are). Sessh spots yasha and says that they're finally here, yasha replies that there are still a few to come. Sessh confused but doesn't show it.

A hell demon (akuma) appears on the enterance and everyone is taken by surprise. Just as he was about to attak a claw thrust through his chest and ripped out his heart. Kahome had arrived. Everyone stares at the four wierdly dressed powerful youkai. (think of Alladin's and other souch middle eastern skimpy clothes).... they all walk barefoot and show a lot of skin.

Kag is changed of course, being in Africa got her a permanent golden-brownish tan, piercing gray eyes (were brown before), she is taller (bout as tall as yasha.... but still shorter than her siblings). Each of them has a myriad of golden or sivler jewlery on them. Around ankles, wrists, byceps (even some thighs), necklesses (and Kag has a gold choker neckless), multiple earrings... They act like mokomoko, containers of youki (a lot of youki)..

Sessh recognises her and becomes intrigued, is in his own sepcial way.

What you want to do from now on is optional... if you want me to make the rest then feel free to PM me.... but I give a lot of leeway on this, do what you wnt with it. (Everything here doesn't have to be followed exactly, if at all...)

If this idea has merrit for you, have fun

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Lily Noir
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 11
Ya know how there are endless (though awesome) fics about Kagome going further back in the past and meeting a younger Sessh, well, I decided to put a little spin on the matter.


Kagome and Sesshomaru are accidentally by the well (insert whatever reason you wish). Something happens (flare of energy, explosion, Naraku - if he's still alive, or Kaggie's own clumsiness, etc...) and Kagome and Sesshomaru end up falling down the well which pulls them further back into the past. Together.

They and up in a time when even Sessh wasn't born yet and meet the young-but-still-powerful Inu no Taisho. The lands are at war over a sword (ya guessed it... So'unga) and they decide to help Inupapa get it. (This is under the assumption that Sessh wasn't born before he got the sword ... creative licensing)

As they travell together Kagome teaches both Sesshomaru AND Inupapa that there's more to humans (could explain inupapa's attitude towards humanity) than meets the eye.

They fight together and grow closer. Sessh slowly falls in love with her. etc...

You can use your own imagination for the rest........


Or, if you want to have Kag be the only one who time travels, Have her fall further back in time where Sessh is alive and pretty big when his daddy takes control of So'unga. She will help them in the hunt for the sword and to overcome it.

.... There, two possible stories from one plunnie, though I like the first one better.

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Last Edit: 2011/09/01 06:25 By Lily Noir.

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Lily Noir
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Re:Borrowed Muse 13 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 11
Ahh, another one, I'm posting them as I find them (papers where I've written them down are strewn all around the house, I bump into them all the time.... though, sadly, some are lost forever to the trash can on cleanup day)


AU. Demons and humans coexist together. Kaggie comes from a very wealthy, old influential family that has roots from further than the feudal era. Needles to say she's treated like a hime.

Sesshomaru is her butler, given into her care (or as we know Sessh's personality, she's ben given into his) on her fifth birthday. He bound himself to her family centuries before (possibly in the feudal era) and continues to serve and watch over them for generations.

Reason is that the Higurashi line decends from one called Rin, someone very precious to the former yokai lord. It is in their blood to be gentle and kind so they never mistreated him (and he knew how to find the right masters).

He watches out for Kagome and takes care of any and all of her needs. As the heir to the family (formidable spiritual powers trump being a feamale) she has a lot of them.

Now she suddenly finds her title and future position as well as her life in peril, she has to lean ever more on her butler/caretaker. He will provide wisdom and experience in the war for her heritage.

The baddy could be anyone of your choice.

Together Sessh and Kag slowly fight off the threat to Kagome and prove her worthy of the position she will one day have. During the manipulation, maneuvering, etc.. they find out that not only is the distant relative (baddy) involved in this but also the leadres of the modern equivalent of the Western lands.

So Kag sees the impact this has on Sessh and decides to take the West for him.


I hope that it's known that you don't have to take the plot exactly as I've written it. Heck, If it gives you the inspiration for a simmilar but totally different fic, go for it. I'm giving a lot of leeway.

Have fun.

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