Ok, so, I've literally had this idea rolling around in my head for YEARS. Not even exaggerating- I wish I were. I've tried to write it a couple times and it just never comes out sounding how I want it to. Here goes:
Come in mid final battle (you may change this if you like, I just found it to be the easiest transition) to the inu-tachi fighting well but the marathon-type battle has tired them all out and they're starting to fall, one by one. (I imagine this part, at least, to be in Kag's pov for a better emotional effect and what info she's privy to compared to others) Naraku (who somehow has the complete or very nearly complete, jewel. No missing pieces between him and Kagome at least) finally manages to get hold of Inuyasha and insert Kagome screaming his name in terror scene that we're all so familiar with from the series lol.
Naraku starts in on his evil monolog since he's about to finally win. During his speech, Kagome pulls an arrow and nocks it, aiming for Naraku. She doesn't know what else to do since everyone else is down for the count and just hopes Inuyasha survives since he won't be directly hit. Just as she looses the arrow, however, a low level demon on Naraku's side claws her from behind with a killing blow. Since she's dying as she shoots, all of her power, life energy, whatever you want to call it, ends up being shot at Naraku with far more power than he can stop with a barrier.
Since she was hit though, her aim was off. So, instead of hitting Naraku in the torso, where she was aiming, it clips his shoulder. This is what (barely) saves Inuyasha from being obliterated along with Naraku who does still die, despite the arrow itself not being a killing shot.
Since it was Kagome's energy that exploded and purified Naraku, the jewel was simultaneously purified and shot toward Kagome who is barely alive and quickly dying. To everyone's astonishment, she is wrapped in a barrier with the jewel and just floats right there in the middle of the bloody battlefield. She isn't dead but she's not responding when they call her name, she seems asleep.
Enter Kagome's mind / jewels inner realm / whatever. Kagome meets with Midoriko who fills her in that she is basically dead but is in stasis until she makes a wish. In trying to keep as close to original characters to the series as possible for this portion, I feel a Kagome melt down works well here but use your own judgement. By the end of her time with Midoriko, said warrior priestess won't give Kagome any hints about what the right wish would be and ambiguously states that the simplest answer is often the right one. Kagome, unfortunately misinterprets this and makes the WRONG wish.
She wishes the jewel out of existence. While this isn't necessarily selfish, it isn't completely unselfish either. So, the dark portion of the jewel manages to twist the wish so that instead of the jewel just disappearing, it instead merges with Kagome herself. This creates a similar war in herself as was in the jewel- a demon version of herself is formed that is utterly opposite to our pure, holy Kagome we're used to. In short, Kagome ends up with two totally opposite personalities and sets of abilities (one demonic, one holy) and a while LOT of power.
These two personalities are constantly fighting for dominance and so, you get a basically schizophrenic Kagome. Queue Kagome waking up from her nap about 24 hours later but it's NOT Kagome. It's her new other half who has no idea what is happening. Now, this next part should be dark, and tear-jerking, it's the catalyst for the rest of the fic.
Sango, Miroku and Kilala are hanging off to one side, resting and treating their wounds. Sess and his gang have either already left if you included them or are simply a ways off if you didn't. Shippo and Inuyasha and right next to the floating, barrier encased Kagome as I'm sure you can imagine. As she's waking up, Shippo gets excited and Inuyasha bops him on the head as usual and Shippo starts crying, as usual. BUT Kagome2 (for short, come up with your own name) is basically running off of instincts and bare minimum memories of Kagome's since she's newly created and hasn't had time to absorb everything. All she knows is that someone is attacking her kit. She doesn't realize it's not a real threat out that Shippo is her adopted son or any of that. She just knows that he got hit and is now crying for her and she must protect him.
Inuyasha, expecting the usual Kagome is completely blind sided. Whatever blow you use, it is a killing one. Yes, Kagome kills Inuyasha with one hit, right in front of Shippo, with everyone watching. Inuyasha dies quickly but you can add some heart-wrenching dialog with the tachi if it suits you.
Kags2 grabs Shippo by his scruff, in typical demon fashion, and takes off like a bat out off hell to who knows where. Shippo is traumatized and doesn't say a word or make a sound, hoping she doesn't kill him next during her run for 'safety.' She eventually finds a cave that her base self deems safe. She puts Shippo down and finally, she sits down to relax, unknowingly allowing our Kagome to take control. She is confused and doesn't remember what just happened at first. Seeing Shippo, she asks the who, what, why, where, how questions before realizing that he's scared out of his mind and seems to be fearful of HER which only confuses her more.
Eventually he cracks a little and however you prefer it done /said, he jogs her memory and she realizes what 'she' has done. Enter Kagome meltdown#2. Things are more vague from here since I never managed to write the story past this point.
Main plot points that I've thought of are as follows:
-Main plot revolves around Kagome having to become one with her other half and become a truly neutral being in order to not destroy herself and the world with the massive amount of power she now has. I always imagined this as a sort of merging of her two halves by accepting each other (LONG and difficult process). But she didn't figure this out for a while.
-She decides to go off on her own and tells Shippo that he needs to stay with the others but he finds a way to stay with her. He becomes her way of staying in contact with Miroku and Sango after a while via kitsune magic or he just gets old enough to run messages, whatever.
-Doesn't take long for Kagome to run into Sess and ask for him to train her but he denies her request because she's too weak for him to bother with (for now

) This meeting should end with Kagome basically being told that she's not worth his time (makes Kagome to determined to better herself) and Sesshoumaru seemingly writing her off. Since we all know that he's actually very perceptive and intelligent, he notices the huge power increase but she still has no idea of it herself so he sends her off to see what happens, basically. Though Sess keeps light tabs on Kags, they won't actually see each other again for YEARS.
-Having jumped into a loner life head-first, add in some trials, tribulations and life lessons as you deem fit. She has to figure out what has actually happened to her, learn to survive on her own without her modern supplies that she has always relied on (they were in the fight of their lives and then she got revived as a demoness and ran off that way, I don't see her grabbing her bag), get over some serious self loathing and depression from killing Inuyasha, take care of Shippo AND mend their relationship. After murdering Inu right in front of him, I don't see Shippo coming out unscathed either. He'll have his own growing up to do and coming to terms with what happened.
Sprinkle opposite Kagome drama and laughs in all over the place. They both see Shippo as their own but that's about the only thing they agree on. Since her other half is basically Kagome's opposite, I see her as a trouble maker, prankster (this gives Kags2 and Shippo a reason to bond) and an out for herself type attitude. If you're a nerd like me and know what this means- think chaotic neutral bard. For those of you who have no idea what I just said- she doesn't care about the law one way or the other. She doesn't go out of her way to break them but if she wants to do something that is against the law, she'll do it anyway and won't give a damn. But she also thrives in chaos. She'll prank / seduce / generally cause trouble wherever she goes for the laughs. This, I think, would serve well to cause Kagome no end of grief, lighten the story so it's not all doom and gloom and build this new Kagome's character.
I haven't named him but I would like to see a pre-Sess romance between Kags and what I imagined as a demi-god. This would give a stepping stone for kags to build her power more, learn about needing to merge with her other half and really flesh out her coming into her own. This would also open up the idea that she killed her first love and needing to not only come to terms that she did kill him as she has been doing, but realize that she can love again. It is safe to do so and she doesn't have to be alone forever. I don't think she would have thought these things outright but instead just subconsciously accepted that she wouldn't love another. I feel this character and romance would really give her the final push to become the woman she would need to be in order to match Sess.
To explain that, I mean, Sess was never really good or bad. He wanted power so he could rule his kingdom well, basically. That's neither good or bad when his character is stripped down to essentials. What's this story about? Kagome becoming a super powerful but neutral being. I am a Sess/Kag fan and that's what this site is for so I obviously want them to end up together in the end but how their romance develops and what exactly happens between the cave and finally ending up with Sess, is up to you. In case you hadn't realized, this fic will be loooooong but I feel it would be an amazing one if someone could write it. When I do, it just sounds like an essay and I don't like it so I'm giving it to someone else who can actually tell a story.