There's this fic that I cannot remember the name of or even how the summary goes, and I swear I thought I favourited it, but apparently I did not. So here is what I remember:
Set in the feaudal era and future. Sesshomaru's actually scandinavian and he's actually a tora youkai in this story. He can disguise himself as an inu youkai, which everyone knows him as. Sesshomaru saved Kagome by being intimately joined, which she did not freak out over because she knew he was doing it to save her life. Sesshomaru is courting Kagome, but Kagome keeps the identity of Sesshomaru hidden from her friends for the time being, but they do help her sneak out to meet with him from time to time. Inuyasha knew of him when he was a lot younger, but made his life a living hell becuase their father hated that Sesshomaru did not possess any inu youkai traits...and that is all I remember xD.
Anyone know what I'm talking 'bout?