I hope you can help me find this older oneshot:
Inuyasha has left Kagome, and for several years Kagome has lived in the village, being the miko. She used to burn a candle every night in hope Inuyasha would come back. At some point she stopped doing that. However, Miroku notices that at times, Kagome lights a candle again.
One evening there's a candle burning again, and Miroku happens to pass by Kagome's hut when he sees Sesshomaru go in. Concerned for his friend, Miroku sneaks closer, peers in and gets an eyeful. In the end the monk is happy that Kagome has found someone to love again. (The candle is actually a sign for Sesshomaru to come over.)
I have been looking all over for this fic, as I recently lost many faves of mine in a pc crash. I just hope the author didn't pull it down. I hope one of you remembers the title/author of this fic.
Thanks in advance!