How about these...
The Beautiful Miko and the Youkai Beast by NicoRavenPen
Kagome is back in her time for good, but others now find her strange despite her beauty. One night her brother goes missing and when she finds him she offers herself to the youkai holding him captive, in his stead...To Sesshomaru, now wild and feral. A rendition of Beauty and the Beast.
Rating: M
Sleeping Beauty by Lyra
For r0o's GM Challenge: A classic tale with a darkly erotic twist. She sleeps behind a veil of thorns; he waits, until the day he may pass through them and make her his forever.
Rating: MA
Atlantia by Silvermane-Eclipse
Finally rewritten and restudied, you will find the newest Atlantia a better read than my other works. Little Mermaid with Inuyasha's twist and my own special spices and quirks. Naraku's a good guy in this one.
Rating: MA