I really want to find this fic but for the life of me I can't remeber who wrote it or what it was called. This is what I remember:
Kagome was very very smart, her dad wanted money so he let doctors test her to see how smart she really was. One day a well house just suddenly appeared and she went into check it out. Once she fell down the well the well house dissapeared and she was found by Inu-no-Taisho(Sp?) he took her to his shiro and introduced him to his two pups and mate, eventually claiming her as his daughter. Sesshomaru and Inu were full brothers in this fic I believe. Also I remember that Kagome had to go through a bunch of fights to see who could beat her and have the right to mate her. She didn't want anyone to win, though she had feelings for Sesshomaru. Eventually he won and that's all I remember.
I really liked this fic but I can't find it. Can someone please help me?