I can't really remember that much since it's been so long, but here's the gist of it.
I believe it started with Kikyou convincing Inu to betray Kagome. While he tried to take the Shikon from her and make his wish to become a full demom, Kik stabbed her, Kag yanked the Shikon away, and then fell into the well. It turns out that the Jewel turned Kagome into a demon instead. Fast forward to present Tokyo and Kagome is now a full inu youkai and is trying to move on with her life. I think she's in uni, and she has this friend named Luna, who coincidently has ties to people from her past (I can't remember specifically though). One day she's late for class and, running through the streets in her duckie pjs (Don't ask why this seemingly trivial detail is something I remember I just do lol yeah I know i'm a few fries short of a happy meal lol), she almost gets run down by Sess's limo. I believe she gives him the finger after he tells her off, and then calls him a "damn dog". This reference of course interests Sess since no one he doesn't know personally is supposed to know he's a dog demon.
Moving along past parts I can't remember, Sess has Kags investigated, she applies for a job with his company, and he sees her personally, which is when she realizes who he is.
Other stuff happens but mostly I just remember some of the other characters. For instance there are these twins who work for Sess (I think they're body guards), who are Shippo's kids. There's also this firebird demoness named Abi and she's the best!
I also remember another misc. scene where Sess is golfing (O.o I know right?) with his umm niece I think she is I can't remember, but she's also great and she's beating him! Then he gets a phone call, and because he's generally always annoyed with technology and the aggravating sounds it makes to him, he chucks it, and it hits Kagome in the head miles later lol At one point I also think Kag goes to live with him, and he gives her this necklace.....and yeah other awesome stuff happens that I can't remember! *cries* It was seriously one of the best fics I've ever read and I was also net friends with the author, and hell I just miss her and her amazing fics like crazy! It seems as though she's gone MIA since I've tried contacting her to no avail. I certainly hope that she's doing well, and that she comes back someday! Crystal, wherever you are, best wishes and I miss you!
So yeah, that's about the gist of this fic, hope it strikes your memory! If you ever come across it please send it my way too! I'll be so grateful!