I vaguely remember this story, read it about a year or two ago. It goes like this - Sesshoumaru and Kagome were playing some sort of game truth or dare or maybe strip poker or something, not sure, just the two of them. It's Kagome's turn and Sesshoumaru asks her to touch and pleasure herself and she does but she's not satisfied then Sesshoumaru finishes the job and at the end Kagome says something along the lines "Only you will touch me from now on, not even I"
Please let me know if you know then title or the author's name. I have been searching it for so long but couldn't find it anywhere cuz I don't remember the name. I am desperate to read it again. Needless to mention it's a mature story. Please please help me out in finding this story, I beg you ...
I would be extremely grateful if any of you knows this...