1. ‘In current time’ I recall that Kagome was trying to get to Sesshomaru. It was dark and she had to go by some boys who stopped her and tried to assault her. She was not far from her destination and when she screamed Sesshomaru heard and came to her rescue. Later she took up classes in tattooing and tattooed Sesshomaru’ markings on him showing his status. He didn’t get along with his father, who had refused to gift him with the marking in the face tradition all way.
2. Current times, Sesshomaru had some kind of disorder....(not the Syndrome)... at the end of the story, he graduates top of his class and valedictorian. Gives a speech and tells everyone that he had almost ended his life, but for one person who showed him companionship and gave him a reason to live...Kagome!
3. Everyone is in school and Sesshomaru and those he hangs with are talking about an up and coming party! Some in the group throws down a dare that he can’t bed Kagome . He accepts and succeeds, but never considered to take precautions and Kagome ends up pupped. Her family throws her out and she ends up living with Bankotsu and Jakotsu. She gets very ill and doesn’t know why. Sesshomaru and his parents go to a restaurant and by chance Kagome, Bankotsu and Jakotsu show up there too! Sesshomaru’ parents notice Kagome and her state of health and the find out what happened.
4. Sesshomaru has some strange condition and Kagome happens to come over to visit just as he is having an episode and she is turned on by it. He makes her lock herself in the bathroom but he breaks down the door.
5. Current time. Sesshomaru finds out that Kagome’s birthday is coming up, and he is trying to find a way to get her alone with him. He talks to her mom totally winning her over and arranged for Kagome to spent a weekend with him in a cabin way out the middle of nowhere.
Please send Vyncent a PM if you know any of these stories... she's using only her cell phone lately & it's really hard to search the forum that way!
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