first story... its not complete, its about kagome giving birth to inuyasha's baby and sesshoumaru needed kagome for his baby to survive since the mom neglected him. sesshomaru's baby immediately took a liking to his baby and they travel together but kagome does not trust sesshomaru with her baby.
second story... there is some bondage to this story, kagome gets pregnant sesshomaru tells her to get rid of it and years later they meet again and he finds out she gave birth to triplets.
third story... sorry... I am asking too much...T___T i am not sure if it is here but it is about sesshomaru and kagome and another oc character locked up and sesshomaru gets violated and traumatized... kagome becomes blind before that so she does not know she was locked up with sesshomaru they escape but sesshomaru has already fallen for kagome but is ashamed to tell her...
please help me with this fic.... thank you very much