I forgot to favorite the story the last time I read it! I get the urge to reread it every once in a while. Here is what I remember...
In the story Kagome left Japan to work in the US after the well is sealed. She works for a wolf demon, as his assistant - who is a part of some United Youkai group.
Youkai and humans live together in relative peace, but the antagonist comes and starts killing youkai/human couples and does so with a miko I believe. This causes all youkai to gather and discuss the issue. During this meeting Sesshoumaru & Shippo are there and Kagome reunites with them - I remember reading this because I love the moment they reunite!! Kagome is in a room full of youkai and recognizes the aura of here soon and runs across the room to him!! Some of the youkai freak out thinking she is a "bad" miko and might kill them, but Sesshoumaru enters the room and vouches for her and everyone is shocked he did. Then he makes her "assume her title" and she re-introduces herself as the Shikon Miko and a member of Sesshoumaru's pack. She moves in to the house with the rest of the pack during the climatic plot and Sesshoumaru and her start to form a relationship. Another couple is killed, which I think is a member of her boss' pack and a friend of Kagome.
Her roommate worked for a woman's shelter and there is a lady there that is the mate/ex-mate of the main antagonist. It's found out when she tries to sneak into their camp.
That's all I remember, any help will be appreciated