Looking for a fic... 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 11
...I'm pretty sure is fairly old, but I can't for the life of me recall whether it was a standalone, a one-shot, or part of a collection. Avi's new art here reminded me of it, and I've looked high and low but cannot find it.
What I can recall is fairly sparse, too. The Well either didn't reopen or Kagome did not choose to go back, but then she found a stone dog statue that seemed somehow familiar. I believe it was brought back to the shrine for some reason (cleaning and preservation at Grandpa's behest to boost the reputation of the shrine?), but I'm not positive of that. Either way, it ended up that she was called or driven to the statue and chipped a piece away, at which point the curse/spell was lifted and Sesshoumaru was revealed to have been sleeping or sealed into the statue. I think there was some backstory that local villagers had been worshipping or otherwise bringing offerings to the statue, too, over a long period of its existence.
I'd really appreciate it if someone happens to know what I'm babbling about and can point me to it!
Thank you!
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Re:Looking for a fic... 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 56
There is one and I can't remember the name for the life of me, where he is cursed into a statue but Still is aware of what is happening around him. Kagome finds him in a museum storage room, breaks the curse and has to sneak him out the back door with her mom's help. They go back to the past because he knows who cursed him and at one point they dig up him as a statue and leave it by a road and some human lord takes statue him.
It was a good read. Wish I could remember the name.
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Re:Looking for a fic... 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 17
I remember both of these!
The first one, did she find the dog statue at a dig site in the mountains? I also think he had the ball/bead/jewel in his mouth and I thought that's what she removed.
I'm still looking for this one... I probably have it saved somewhere...
Could the second one be:
Unsung Silence
By: Draconic Ban-Sidhe
A year after the Shikon was restored, she's stuck at home. Kagome wants nothing but to return to the past... until the past comes looking for her, in a most unexpected way. Can Sesshoumaru and Kagome help each other out.... or not? SxK
Rated T on Fanfiction.net
Hope this helps!!
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Re:Looking for a fic... 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 11
Kousei, yes, I believe the dog statue was located somewhere in the mountains when she first found it. I don't know if it was a dig site, exactly, but it could have been. I can't...seem to remember whether there was something in his mouth or not, but it's sort of pinging in the back of my brainmeats that there was. It seems like the statue was brought to the Higurashi Shrine for cleaning, because Grandpa was trying to prove the Shrine had historical significance? I think?
Thanks, everyone, for helping with this search! It's been driving me crazy!
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Re:Looking for a fic... 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 16
One that is like this description, Sesshoumaru is a statue in a museum anyway, is The Unknown Warrior by Rinseternalsoul in the Spark section.
EDIT BY WICCAN: "The Unknown Warrior" by Rinseternalsoul can be found here: http://www.dokuga.com/spark/story/1550/1 - this story is rated NC-17, or MA on our site, NO YIMs!!
Last Edit: 2019/02/03 08:45 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: inserted rated required by RULES!
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Re:Looking for a fic... 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 11
Could it possibly be this one??
Gargoyle by OrangeKisses
Kagome's life went to hell in a hand basket when her grandfather brought home a sixty foot tall dog statue with a curse behind it. She knew she shouldn't have come home for Spring Break! Sess/Kag One-shot Rated K+
Last Edit: 2019/02/04 01:48 By midnight7darkness.
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Re:Looking for a fic... 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 11
Brittany's gotten the closest thus far, but I could have sworn there was much more to the story than was in "Gargoyle". I really thought it was at least a few chapters long, but my terrible memory is not helping me much beyond what I've already put into and then added to this post.
RebaJean, I hadn't read "Unknown Warrior", but I'm giving it a read-through now!
Thanks everyone for trying to help me with this. It's killing me I can't find or remember more about this story! I'm really starting to fear it's been taken down, but am trying to keep up the hope that it's out there somewhere!
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Re:Looking for a fic... 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 11
There were other one shots that went with Gargoyle. I'm not sure what happened too them as I can't seem to find them, but I'll continue to look for you. Hopefully we can find your story soon.
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Re:Looking for a fic... 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 11
KouseiJL wrote:
I remember both of these!
The first one, did she find the dog statue at a dig site in the mountains? I also think he had the ball/bead/jewel in his mouth and I thought that's what she removed.
I'm still looking for this one... I probably have it saved somewhere...
Could the second one be:
Unsung Silence
By: Draconic Ban-Sidhe
A year after the Shikon was restored, she's stuck at home. Kagome wants nothing but to return to the past... until the past comes looking for her, in a most unexpected way. Can Sesshoumaru and Kagome help each other out.... or not? SxK
Rated T on Fanfiction.net
Hope this helps!!
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Re:Looking for a fic... 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 13
I believe you are looking for "Waking the Dead" by Tally Mark (rated M on FF, not sure what that corresponds to here, but I don't recall any violence or sex in it).
It's unfortunately unfinished. T.T
EDIT BY WICCAN: The problem with this story is the use of the f-word, which brings it to an MA rating on our site. NO YIMs!
Last Edit: 2019/02/07 12:13 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: adjust rating
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Re:Looking for a fic... 6 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 11
YES! Yes, yes, and yes, Faith, that's the one I remember!! Thank you so very much for finding it!! I'm sad it's not finished, but I live in hope, and now I have it bookmarked!!
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Re:Looking for a fic... 6 Years ago
Karma: 13
@Lady Goshawk, I only recently stumbled on Tally Mark's work and just devoured everything they've posted, unfinished or not. I really hope some day they return to some of their unfinished fics because they're brilliant.
@Wiccan, thanks for the edit of my previous comment. I hadn't realized the f-word usage upped the rating on Dokuga, I'll remember for future comments
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Re:Looking for a fic... 6 Years ago
Karma: 279
Faith wrote:
@Wiccan, thanks for the edit of my previous comment. I hadn't realized the f-word usage upped the rating on Dokuga, I'll remember for future comments
Please read our tutorial on ratings... it's very informative, if I may say so myself, lol! You can find it here:
Also, please give our rules a look-see. We're small, we're a little picky, and we try to enforce the rules so that everyone is on the same page. Thank you for your time and participation here!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Looking for a fic... 6 Years ago
Karma: 13
Will do, thanks for posting the info. 
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