So I've been searching for this fanfic for the longest time and I could really use some help.
From what I can remember Kagome is slowly dying because of some stuff Inuyasha does (Cheating on her- maybe something to do with mating?). Anyway, later on Inuyasha ends up continuously sleeping around with Rin (she's a teen now so a good while has passed since the final battle). Sesshomaru had left her in the village to be around other humans and she grows into this jealous being who for some reason has a grudge against Kagome.
Timeskip and suddenly Sesshomaru comes, sees Kagome basically catatonic in bed amd decides to mate her (probably something deeper than that but still somewhere along those lines.)
Kohaku is in it too I believe??
Anyway, I would appreciate it if someone could get back to me on this. I was suddenly reminded of this story a few days ago and couldn't find it anywhere.