I can't remember the name of this story. It starts out with the gang all together, they end up fighting a big rock monster. Kagome get hit or thrown into a valley, she doesn't find a way out. She has to learn to take care of herself. She learns to hunt, makes arrows, makes dishes and baskets. She builds herself a tree house and finds a cave behind a waterfall. She gets chased and hunted by large wolves or Inus. She ends up fighting them and then they start teaching her how to speak their language and hunt with them. The leader claws her and she ends up with marks on her face, arms and legs. She is in the valley for 2 or 3 years, the Inus lead her to a way out and she goes back to hunting for the shards. Inuyasha and the others think she is dead. I'm not sure what the rating is but I think the story was complete. I hope you can help me find this story, if not thank you anyway for trying.