Okay so the story goes like this:
Sesshoumaru is very young, and is the ward of the goddess kagome. He's enamoured with her, and wants to be the head priest of her temple. However, Naraku, the headman (?) of his village(?) has disallowed it, and has made another, either kagura or kikyo, as the head priestess. Also, kagome is a goddess that has bestowed her favor upon sesshoumaru, but also plans on destroying his village because of the amount of corruption in it. There's also a much older shippo, and there are inferences that kagome and him have a sexual relationship, as he taunts sesshoumaru with very vague remarks about his connection with kagome. Obviously this upsets sesshomaru, as the fanfic makes him to be cry deleted to pleasing kagome, and makes it sound as if though he wants to sleep with her too.
This is such an amazing fanfic, and I dearly hope someone can help me as I read it here on dokuga, but I haven't found it since the first time I read it. Thank you for the help