The first is a Sesshomaru/Kagome... Sesshomaru and Kagome got together and then he was forced to tell her he didn't want her because an enemy, not sure if he knew that she had his pup/s or not but after the enemy was taken care of he tried to win her back... Don't know if the Title or author's name... Second story I'm looking for a InuyashaYu Yu Hakusho crossover.. Everybody was telling Kagome that she was weak so she snuck away to train her self, the place she found had an grave. After cleaning up the grave she started her training. Not long after Youko showed up seeing that his mother's grave was taken care of. He helped her trai. Later Kagome came across Hiei, he attacked her mind. Youko some how knew she was in trouble, he almost killed Hiei. Later Kagome goes home coming across Youko and Hiei, Hiei not understanding why Youko was getting very angry with him. Again don't know the Title or the Author..