I just saw that the "nominations" were open again, and i groaned... like this >_<;;;; It made me realized how very far I'm behind on making banners for winners from 6 months ago.
I really feel like crap for that, and i wanted to say to the 35 people (givertake) still waiting for banners, that you have my apology, and sincerest promise that i will have those banners made in the next month before February is here.
2012 was not a great year for me IRL and rather kicked my butt as you can tell from the lack of art updates all around. I've been very stressed over car issues, and very unhappy at work. It's no excuse but that's what's been happening.
Awards take up so much more then i ever thought when i started out, but either way, I'm hoping this year is much better then last year was. Please forgive me for taking so much time to get things done.
- Sugar0o