As some of our long-time members might have noticed, my sidekick and fellow Admin, MoxyMikki has been noticeably absent for quite some time. Until now, I didn't have permission to share, but now she needs our help.
She's been going through one health crisis after another for quite some time now, with the doctors making diagnoses, running tests, and ruling things out one by one. After being faced with possible Lupus, Cushings, and oral cancer, she's now facing the possibility of bladder cancer. They've found a growth in her bladder and she has to go for a CT scan soon, soooooooo...
What I'm asking for is whatever you feel comfortable with to show her our support (emotionally and spiritually)... prayers, positive thoughts, healing energy... whatever you can send her way would be an enormous help as she faces this next crisis. And I just know that I can count on our Dokuga family to jump in and support this terrific gal who's done a lot to keep this site going back when I couldn't.
Thank you all in advance!!!
PS - Those who are friends with her on FB, send her PMs, so her family won't be all upset and bombard her, 'k? THANKS YOU!