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So I ordered a new game from Amazon ....
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TOPIC: So I ordered a new game from Amazon ....
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So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 2

I totally pawned my oldest son's PSP to play it as well. As far as I can tell this is the only game of this type in English and I am resisting the urge to just go all crazy on it at the moment because I am in the middle of re-beta'ing a chapter and I should finish that first.

So has anyone else seen/played this? I watched the entire anime series they based on the game and I cried like a baby at the end. It was very emotional and I am talking like Samurai X: Reflection crying here. (if you have seen the movie you know what I mean)

I think it's amazing that there are hundreds of otome games over in Japan yet game developers in North America claim there in no market for them here in America.

Anyways, any others out there playing any video games? I'm in a slump since I weaned myself off World of Warcrack.
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 56
Haven't seen to many of those around...and usually it's geared towards the guys (like the one that Megatokyo is developing) I would love to play a game like this since all the ones I've seen/tried are poorly done or written in japanese. Let me know how it goes. Right now I've been goofing with Minecraft, and killing time with plants vs. zombies and candy crush.
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 2
My boyfriend obsesses over Candy Crush and all of my kids have Minecraft, both for the PC and the xbox.

But yeah I have been dying to play an otome and I have found a ton of rom's but alas my Japanese is a bit rusty (LOL) and I totally cannot read it at all so instead of torturing myself I just decided to not do it at all.

A friend convinced me to play Dragon Age and I obsessed over that for a good few months.
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 72
Now I'm very curious about this game! I'm kicking myself for selling my psp! Wish it was available on PC
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 23

No really, I'm not usually a otome fan, but this game was great!
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 72
Did I read right and a chibi version is gonna be available on the 3DS in less than a week?
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 57
Yah I do the video-gaming, although I'm a console gamer. I have played the DAO series, that's Dragon Age Origins, loved it, but didn't play DAO Awakenings, as you can't get it on the console system I use. I did play the sequel DA II, which is okay but a bit too linear, likely why it wasn't so popular with other PC and console gamers too.

I absolutely adore Mass Effect though, by the same gaming company that made DAO and DA II. I haven't played ME-1, but I have played through numerous times on ME-2, and ME-3. Loved them all, but I really like ME2, and even ME-3 after playing the DLC for both games. Bioware outdid themselves, the DLC really freshens up the games, although you do have to pay additional for them, I don't mind either way. I really enjoyed both games with the DLC content in them. Makes for a better game, and more replay value.

I did like the graphics in the God of War series too, I mean GoW 3 is just phenomenal! All shiny and spiffy, plus Kratos looks awesome as does everything else. Nice!

I've not ventured into the NDS range, although I did play the Pokemon series when it first came out on Gameboy, yah that was a lifetime ago! Terrible ne?

~ Pyre
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Last Edit: 2013/09/22 03:05 By Pyre.
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 2
So I am in chapter 2 of this game now and I am so torn between which of the guys to choose.

First world problems right?

But yeah, I just can't get into console gaming. I started out PC gaming with Baldur's Gate and NWN and stuff and just stuck with that and I tried playing my boyfriend's xbox with him and I am sure I could do it with time but he just ends up dragging me through everything so I just end up getting mad at him and going back to my computer. Guess that's what I get for dating younger men.

My best friend keeps trying to get me to try Mass Effect but I am just not into space stuff for some reason. I am sure I am missing out on a ton of killer games for it but sci-fi is just not my cup of tea.

I do have Borderlands 2 and all the DLC's (Steam sales are scary) and I like that but I only play multiplayer with my boyfriend and my best friend and we run around and shoot the crap out of stuff and run over each other with the cars. I know I just said I don't like sci-fi but I think is an exception right? We are pretty silly when we play and I think I spend more time laughing at the things the psycho yells during combat than anything else.

My kids keep showing me all the stuff for the new pokemon for the 3DS coming out here in a couple of weeks and it does look pretty neat and apparently they are making it more user friendly because I know the last couple of games you had to pretty dedicated to level some of them and I did consider getting it but I don't know I mean I am in my 30's and to go and a buy a pokemon game just seems I don't know .....
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 57
RogueKittieKat wrote:
So I am in chapter 2 of this game now and I am so torn between which of the guys to choose.

First world problems right?

But yeah, I just can't get into console gaming. I started out PC gaming with Baldur's Gate and NWN and stuff and just stuck with that and I tried playing my boyfriend's xbox with him and I am sure I could do it with time but he just ends up dragging me through everything so I just end up getting mad at him and going back to my computer. Guess that's what I get for dating younger men.

My best friend keeps trying to get me to try Mass Effect but I am just not into space stuff for some reason. I am sure I am missing out on a ton of killer games for it but sci-fi is just not my cup of tea.

I do have Borderlands 2 and all the DLC's (Steam sales are scary) and I like that but I only play multiplayer with my boyfriend and my best friend and we run around and shoot the crap out of stuff and run over each other with the cars. I know I just said I don't like sci-fi but I think is an exception right? We are pretty silly when we play and I think I spend more time laughing at the things the psycho yells during combat than anything else.

My kids keep showing me all the stuff for the new pokemon for the 3DS coming out here in a couple of weeks and it does look pretty neat and apparently they are making it more user friendly because I know the last couple of games you had to pretty dedicated to level some of them and I did consider getting it but I don't know I mean I am in my 30's and to go and a buy a pokemon game just seems I don't know .....

Np lol XD, the games suit ya or they don't, kinda like jeans with bell-bottoms or no bell-bottoms. Yah I got caught up in the Pokemon phase, I still like the series but with the price of the NDS and the 3D version coming out, just for the unit without the games is comparable to a new PC or a new console unit. I'll pass. Nice. I've never tried borderlands, have heard of it, but never tried it, but yeah I'm not a multiplayer fan. I prefer single-player campaigns, prolly since I like being in the pilot's seat.

LOL Np, Scifi's aren't for everyone. XD I just like the sparkly tech and the cool aliens, mind I'd say the same thing about shiny kimono and pointy-eared youkai, >.> which kinda makes me real predicable. Shiny aliens, shiny youkai, and shiny pokemon. XD I am hopeless!

~ Pyre
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 2
Ok so I have gone through all the story lines but one now so far and it's addicting. I really don't understand why publishers refuse to import more of these games. I mean all they have to do is translate the text in the panels because other than that it's nothing but storyboards and lots of pretty boys.

Either way I was surprised because I had watched the anime series they did based on the games and so there was new story stuff for me too!

God I am such a fangirl ...

My 12 year old son is hounding me while I am typing this because he wants to get on my computer and is sighing in disgust at me because I am so embarrassing. Just wait till he finds out I am stealing his 3DS to play the new pokemon game afterall.

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Last Edit: 2013/09/26 18:20 By roguekittiekat. Reason: can't spell
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 57
RogueKittieKat wrote:
Ok so I have gone through all the story lines but one now so far and it's addicting. I really don't understand why publishers refuse to import more of these games. I mean all they have to do is translate the text in the panels because other than that it's nothing but storyboards and lots of pretty boys.

Either way I was surprised because I had watched the anime series they did based on the games and so there was new story stuff for me too!

God I am such a fangirl ...

My 12 year old son is hounding me while I am typing this because he wants to get on my computer and is sighing in disgust at me because I am so embarrassing. Just wait till he finds out I am stealing his 3DS to play the new pokemon game afterall.



I know right! Pokemon is so addicting! Aw! *whines* I wanna play the 3DS! *paws at the 3DS*. XD I will have to invest in one! Maybe after I get moi a wacom tablet somewhere in the next however many years! Gah! I needs shiny tech! *growls like Golem* My precioussssss.

~ Pyre
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 21
I think the best thing about the 3DS is it is supposed to be completely backwards compatible if I read right, so any game they have ever come up with for the DS would be able to be played on it....*eyeballs shiny 3DS's in store case* leh sigh....I must saves my monies to get one though...poo T.T
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 2
The 3DS is compatible for DS games, yes. But you cannot play say, GBA or GBC games on it.
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 17
I haven't really had much interest in the DS as of late. I have two of them though (DSi XL and DS Light). Haven't touched the DSi XL in years 'cause it isn't GBA compatible. I really only keep the DS around for Pokemon and the Inuyasha RPG (I got half-way through and then found I hadn't leveled enough. I never level in RPGs though I play 'em so much.)

As for other gaming, I'm split PC and Console. I have more games for my old PS2 then I have for my PC but I play the games on the PC more. I normally use the PC for strategy, say Civ 5 and simulation like the Sims series (Simcity and Sims). I basically bought my PS3 just so I could have DMC 4. I have all generations of the Playstation, though I didn't get the PS3 until this year. I play Spyro a lot on the original PS. PS2 sees the most use. All of the Devil May Cry games (2 included), Samurai series (which is kinda like Dynasty Warriors just Japanese and some other diffs), Dynasty Warriors. I have fighters for all systems and hack-'n-slashes for each system.

I'm huge on Sony but I've never had any interest in their handhelds. Never really saw any marketing for them.
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 2
Rin-Rin wrote:
PS2 sees the most use

OH MY GOD! I totally forgot and you just reminded me! Thank you so much! Now I know what to do after I finish this PSP game.

I found a walkthrough for Inuyasha Secret of the Cursed Mask for the PS2 to get Sesshomaru as your "love interest" at the end!
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Re:So I ordered a new game from Amazon .... 11 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 17
Of the four Inuyasha games, I've yet to find the PS1 fighter. Still looking though.

Anyways, of the Inuyasha games I have SotCM is my least fav, but then again, I didn't get very far in it so it might just get better with time. I dunno, both Inuyasha RPGs seem to star Mary-sues. However, I do better with 2-D RPGs than I do with 3-D.

I'm play SotCM with the dude and intend to go after Sango. Dunno why. I need to go play that.
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