Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 76
Hehe, I told my girlfriend yesterday that is she ever ties to make me watch twilight I'd break the DVDs and the DVD player. She still has the movies but whatever. So long as I don't have to watch them.
My Motto:
Honor mea arma est, timor mea stultitia est.
Respect is my Weapon, Fear is my Folly.
My Belief:
If you can, do. If you can't, try.
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 5
I loved the books.. the movies were alright... the last one is probably the best (minus Kristen Stewart's horrible acting.. I think she is the worst actress in these movies..
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
You should have watched the porn spoof instead as it had better actors and cinematography, a better plot, better dialogue and in general was superior.
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 9
Phaedairu wrote:
really admire Meyer's courage for continuing something that so many people hate. If it were my series I would be crushed that so many people hated it, even though I worked so hard on it.
She made a boatload of money... I don't feel that bad. And besides... only sensible people hated it, which sadly most people are not. I mean come on... they sparkle in sunlight? That one single item completely and totally ruined any and all hope for the series. (not that it had much anyways).
Phaedairu wrote:
I might have a Twilight marathon just cause I'm bored as heck LOL
Pretty sure this is my version of Hell. Flame and torture? Sure bring it on. Twilight marathon... even I am not strong enough for that...
P.S. Kristen Stewart has horrible acting skills, Robert Paterson was cooler in Harry Potter, and the guy that plays Jacob has an awesome body (unrelated, but seriously its pretty fabulous)
I claimed the Shikon no Tama in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 59
I liked the books. I knew they weren't Pulitzer Prize worthy, but I hope no one read them expecting that they were. I will also admit that I own the first 3 DVDs of the Twilight movies. Why? *hangs head in shame* I continuously ask the same of myself every time I happen to glance at the DVD rack. I stopped at the first 3, even though the last 2 are so much better in comparison to itself.
What I don't understand are Kirsten Stewart supporters. In every movie she attempts, she acts like an epileptic retarded kid; and trust me, I know that's an insult to any such child. I don't know whether to cringe at her stuttering attempts to sound innocent or use her lines as a voice-over on a Nikki Minaj track. RPattz does no better, but at least you don't feel like slapping him on the back and yelling, "Spit it out already!!", through the whole series. And the part when she turns into a vamp . . . right . . . in Meyer's world, vamps turn all super-purty and stuff, so are they seriously trying to sell me the fact that they can slap red contacts on the chick, tell me she's a superior undead being now and still she stutters like a fool? I want a refund for the hours I spent watching this junk, lol.
Recently I watched the Twilight parody, Vampires Suck. Way, way, WAY better, lol. Hell, I wished that lead actress got the role of Bella. I recommend it if anyone hasn't seen it yet, but you'd have to be familiar with the movies and/or the books to fully appreciate it's humor, I think.
Vampires Suck Trailer
Last Edit: 2013/08/19 15:58 By Smoke Goddess.
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 2
Ok, so let me tell you - the books are way better 
Yes, they are cliche, quick read, #MarySue + #GaryStu blah blah love forever *retch* blah blah
But I read the series expecting no more than what's listed above and hey! I didn't get anything less either!  There are even some funny moments AND characters are likeable (even Bella  )
So everyone who watched move first - I feel bad for you.
And if by any chance I offend someone - I'm sorry - but all Twilight movies are crappy, cheap, with bad actors and even worse screenplay. A-men.
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 16
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 31
Terri-tots wrote:
I love you so hard right now!
And I counter with my own
And that one is from the "Peeping in on yoga class from my car" collection~!
When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller
“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 3
~~HAHA! Yeah I absolutely HATED it when they made movies, cuz in high school I was hugely obsessed with the books. But then it turned into a tween obsession like four/five years after I graduated and then EVERY tween was obsessed and going on and on and it died for me. ^__^; No offense to tweens, it just made it over done and the acting was SO cheezy!!
The movies DO get a little better though, acting wise. A friend of mine loves them and talked me into watching the rest of them! lol But for me, Louis will always be my favorite vamp! XD He's so beautifully melancholy...*sigh*
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 216
For whoever conned their Hubby into watching those movies, I hope he got nookie!
For Knight! I hope your GF knows your serious!
For all those who said that KS was horrible, it occurred to me that she's the female second coming of Keanu Reeves! @_@ like if they did a Matrix gender-bender they'd already have who they should cast as Neo-ette!
Yes I bought them! I'll tell you why too! They were 2 for $5. While that's more then $2.50 more then it would have cost if I rented from redbox; Redbox and r0o have an "interesting" relationship.  I forget I rented movies, and they remember @ $1.27 a day! For those who don't know I OWN 6 redbox movies! Keeping in mind that to own one you have to have forgotten that you have it for like 17 days! They figure you want it after it costs you $25.
For everyone that got suckered into watching them! I'm so sorry! and i greatly feel your pain!
For everyone that suckered someone into watching them, you suck! :3 b/c seriously WORSE then socks on Xmas morning!
I figured that the over all acting skill would get better as it went, most of the main Char's actors were teens when they started, and in mid - late twenties when they were done. Not that it's PROVEN that they get better in time, just that it's more then likely the case.
I have to say Cedric was better then Edward. Mostly b/c he never just looked into the camera vacantly.
I think I'm in this mess until I see them all. I don't want to go through it again after then but i started it, and if nothing else I'm going to force myself to see what the whole thing is about.
Yes Dany we know why you don't like Vampies!
and i still stick with even random weird Anne Rice at her worse if probably WAY better then Meyer at her best. Glitter Vamps are just sucky!
i just got home from work btw 
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 12
Oh, cool... bleh. I first watched Twilight last Christmas, and finished the series with Eclipse this last spring (that being said, I couldn't finish the series.) I didn't really read the books, because my bff forbade me to (I broke that... just for a few chapters.) Anyway, I got a grasp of the thing thanks to Alex (Youtube's Alex Reads Twilight.) As much as I love classic Gothic fiction, I'm still not very fond of modern vampire stories.
Oh... and Cedric is so fineeee... he doesn't need any sparkles.
I have to say one thing though, the movies got some pretty good trailer music, which are way more epic than the stories deserve. All Twilight parodies are awesome!*sheepishly scanning around for some stray eggs flying this way*
... and pardon my intrusion and random attendance in the forum TT
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 11
In what way does this picture not say "abusive relationship"? This one photo sums up the entire reason I abhor the movies. I'm expected to accept, support, praise, and aspire to this type of relationship.
I don't know about the books. Given what I've seen of the movies, if the characters are in any way similar, I will be hard-pressed not to compose a missive spewing vitriol at the author who has managed to instill in an entire generation of young women the idea that this behavior is not only acceptable, it's desirable.
I honestly don't think Pattinson did a bad job with the role he was cast. He played someone who is a former psychopathic murderer who now stalks high school students and embroils one in particular in an abominable alteration of a respectable rapport.
The eyes, the stance, the face in this picture all scream "call the cops!" yet we're supposed to perceive this as romantic? My perception of reality is not so far skewed from the main, Ms Meyer.
Last Edit: 2013/08/20 08:20 By RogueMudblood.
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 8
I didn't mind the books, managed to get through all of them without too much annoyance to the Bella character. The movies...my sister in law had a movie night and we watched the first two. NEVER AGAIN. I refuse to watch the rest, I get violent and want to kick someone. Seriously, sparkling vampires?? I'm with R0o, I'll take Anne Rice's vamps.
After watching the first movie, I made a promise to my husband I would never force him to go through watching them. He said he's never loved me more. 
There is a darker side in all of us that needs to be appeased...
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 216
RogueMudblood wrote:
In what way does this picture not say "abusive relationship"? This one photo sums up the entire reason I abhor the movies. I'm expected to accept, support, praise, and aspire to this type of relationship.
I don't know about the books. Given what I've seen of the movies, if the characters are in any way similar, I will be hard-pressed not to compose a missive spewing vitriol at the author who has managed to instill in an entire generation of young women the idea that this behavior is not only acceptable, it's desirable.
I honestly don't think Pattinson did a bad job with the role he was cast. He played someone who is a former psychopathic murderer who now stalks high school students and embroils one in particular in an abominable alteration of a respectable rapport.
The eyes, the stance, the face in this picture all scream "call the cops!" yet we're supposed to perceive this as romantic? My perception of reality is not so far skewed from the main, Ms Meyer.I dunno. I've only seen the first 2 movies, i really didn't take away the sense that it's a Violent relationship by means of him expressing violance upon her. There was only one moment in each movie where Edward forcully pushes Bella away. But in both cases he was trying to protect her. I'm assuming had i read the books it would have been stated as such, but it seemed lamely implied in the movies.
If anything, Bella is the one that's the real problem. Seriously! She moves into town in March to stay with her dad, and is there for 90 days or less, considering she's made her mind up before prom. In that time, she basically has "fallen" so deeply in love that she wants to become the forever damned, and undead blood sucking vampie.
HE has to talk her out of it, and in movie two he leaves her to protect her (very cheesy if you ask me) and when they DO get back together he's trying to get her to give it 5 years before she makes up her mind, she wants it NOW.
She's impatient with Him. She nearly gets herself killed, and by association him b/c he TOO is too emo-in love with her. Though again I'm assuming in the book it gives more reason for him, probably like he can smell she's his mate or something? As a SK author that's the only thing i can think.
Kessa wrote:
After watching the first movie, I made a promise to my husband I would never force him to go through watching them. He said he's never loved me more.  LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I dunno my over all take on it, is that while Meyer made something...."special" --the kinda special that needs adderall-- I think someone could really take it and make it much better! As someone said it did give the world 50 shades of gray!
I'm going to hold out my over all complete thoughts on it all until i see all of them. Yus i know I'm setting myself up for torture but i cant stand seeing 1 - ? of a set and not finishing it!
I mean I've seen all 5 final destinations, all 5? resident evil's, all 6 fast and furious, all 5 Jaws, all 6 Star Wars, all the start treks too. even seen all the mummies.
If nothing else I'll watch them just in case i ever want to write that Xover where kagome makes them into purifying disco balls! need to know what happened to be able to write!
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 46
*pats r0o's back*
I, too, was forced to see all movies by my ex. More disturbing than the movies were the hushed moans and 'swooning' vibe the whole cinema had from nose bleeding females - and males - whenever the guys took off their shirts. In the end, I just put the empty carton of pop corn over my head and upped the volume on my mp3. Yes, I ended up with salty hair, but I dun regret it and that says it all. You're a brave bunneh, r0o...very brave indeed.
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 16
I just bought and watched the Twilight parody, Vampires Suck. It got horrible ratings, but it was absolutely hilarious. Much better than the Meyers saga. Of course I have a rather twisted sense of humor...
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 24
I agree r0o. I agree so hard.
Half the movie they just sit there staring anyway. I only watched the first one. I read on some random tumblr post that someone believes Kristen Stewart read the books before hand and saw that Bella was such a dull character and acted that part to perfectly match that. And then the post went on to day that "no one hates twilight more than the cast."
There's probably no validity in that. But, in all honesty, I did waste precious time reading the books. I wanted to see what the fuss was about. There was so much hype I kept reading, thinking to myself ' this HAS to get better, right?'
It didn't.
But I'm a youth division leader with my local Buddhist organization, so I thought I should keep up with Young Adult literature (which there is a ton of actual good YA books out there). The girls in my group and I actually had a really at length conversation about why they thought it was horribly written on a road trip once. I was so happy they could clearly see the problems with it for themselves.
One of my favorite meme's going around these days are "still a better love story than Twilight." ones, haha.
sugar0o wrote:
As someone said it did give the world 50 shades of gray!
Don't even get me started on that book! r0o, you KNOW I love smut and erotica. And I like fanfiction even though 99.5% of what I read is SessKag. But for any ladies (edit: 18+ implied) wanting to read erotic fiction, that one should be the last on the list. Start with some Anais Nin and work your way up 
Last Edit: 2013/08/21 00:13 By FayeMegan.
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 10
In all seriousness though I do believe that Robb Pattison (sp?) really does DESPISE the twilight series. Judging by what i've read/seen of him in interviews and the like.
Its okay to be insane, I mean lookit Dokuga, its FULL of nuts
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 11
sugar0o wrote:
I dunno. I've only seen the first 2 movies, i really didn't take away the sense that it's a Violent relationship by means of him expressing violance upon her. There was only one moment in each movie where Edward forcully pushes Bella away. But in both cases he was trying to protect her. I'm assuming had i read the books it would have been stated as such, but it seemed lamely implied in the movies.
Abusive doesn't always equal violence. It's been forever since I've seen the movie, but not nearly as long since I helped sort that section on AFF, so I still remember a good bit of the research I had to do in order to be able to effectively sort that.
Though again I'm assuming in the book it gives more reason for him, probably like he can smell she's his mate or something? As a SK author that's the only thing i can think.
Yes. Sort of. Meyer's concept was that her scent was so enticing to him that he actually wanted to kill a human. Because, remember, Edward lives on animal blood only.
If anything, Bella is the one that's the real problem. Seriously!
Yes, she is. She is classic co-dependent. She has always had to be the adult with her mom, so she wants someone else to be in charge so badly that she's willing to do anything to have that, including forcing someone to turn her into a vampire for all eternity.
Bella is Edward's drug - he's addicted to her scent, and the fact that he can't read her mind. And, at one point, Bella is so dependent on his approval she actually tries to kill herself. He, in turn, is so devastated by the loss of his 'drug' that he is willing to be killed in kind.
When you get to the Jacob/Renesmee dynamic, I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on that.
Meyer seems to idolize vamps - something I can't reconcile. I'll be among the first to admit James Marsters and David Boreanaz are gorgeous men, but the characters they played were cold-blooded vicious murderers (at least at one point in their lives) and I can't see that as anything to aspire to. Vlad the Impaler was a vicious, horrid man despite being an important historical figure. He was bloodthirsty, and took pride in taunting his enemies, a defining characteristic of most vampires (because they're based on him).
Mimiru wrote:
In all seriousness though I do believe that Robb Pattison (sp?) really does DESPISE the twilight series. Judging by what i've read/seen of him in interviews and the like.
In the Oprah interview back in 2010, Pattinson actually said he liked playing the character: www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Robert-Pattinson-on-Playing-Edward-Cullen-Video
And in this interview in 2012, he says he felt the role was challenging:
...Perhaps I gave him a bit too much credit previously.
I think you might be referring to this one though:
Which is snippets form so many different interviews spliced together that I have no way to determine what's in context and what's not for the most part. Although, on the issue of codependency, I'd start at the clip from 36 seconds and a few seconds afterwards.
Though, intentional or not, this interview ( movies.about.com/od/twilight/a/twilight073108.htm) has the best quote:
I guess it’s kind of easy to make it cliché because there's so many hundreds of thousands of vampire movies. And, also, in the story they're not really conventional vampires. They don’t really look like vampires and they don’t die in the style [of vampires]. It’s kind of every little characteristic of vampires is just abandoned. So I was trying to do it like, you know, in as basic a way as possible. You just get bitten by somebody and then you're a vampire. You live forever and you're super strong and stuff, and you don’t really know what happened.
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Posts: 237
Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 10
@Ro0o. I'm sorry. So, so sorry.
That you had to go through that.
Run while you can? Don't watch the other ones? There is more than enough fiction out there WAY better than Twilight (and free) XD.
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 2
I know this is a whole Twilight themed thread but has anyone read the Southern Vampires series by Charlaine Harris? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Southern_Vampire_Mysteries
HBO has made a TV show (TRUE BLOOD) that is very loosely based on the books and by very loosely I mean there are some characters with the same names and that is about all that is the same.
The books I found very enjoyable though. Harris brings forth quite a bit and none of her vampires are sparkly or emo and they all enjoy killing very much and there is all sorts of other supernatural stuffs going on as well.
The author has several other series of books and my personal favorite is the Harper Connelly series.
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Posts: 237
Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 10
I've read the Sookie Stackhouse Novels. They were pretty good. Though the last few weren't as good and the final book was horrible in my personal opinion. However, I thought several of the books were worth a read.
My fav char was Niall but mostly cause he seemed like he actually wanted as little to do with Sookie as possible...
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 4
I know your pain. My friends used to always ask me if I had read them. I'd they no. They'd say I should. I ask if they had it. It was always no, until one day my friend happened to get it back from loaning it out on the same day. So I was obligated to read it. I ended up reading them all due to her. I watched the first movie. My sister hated me as I pointed out everything wrong. Then they sparkled. I had to force myself to watch the rest. I just couldn't stop from laughing and my sister and I kept going "twinkle twinkle" the rest of the movie. Needless to say, we couldn't watch any more.
My mom likes them though. I don't know why, but she also likes fifty shades of grey. 
Last Edit: 2013/08/24 16:51 By Tsuki Ai.
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 216
my god, where to start...
Well if anything, I watched all of them. And honestly they DID get better as the movies progressed. But overall, the third movie was POINTLESS!
SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright, the 1st movie was painful! so painful that i seriously could NEVER sit through it willingly again. Mostly b/c the over all plot was kinda lame, cheesy, cliche, and just bad! The acting.... was WORSE! If i were to have stopped right then i would honestly have not minded much b/c it was REALLY REALLY REALLY bad. Bella's overall character through the whole thing is sketchy at best? she seems like no matter what she just wanted to be a Vampire. So i dunno i really found myself picking at all of it b/c it was just so very messed up.
Movie 2? was forgettable.. I just watched it 3 or 4 days ago when ever i started this thread and i honestly cant remember what happened. That's how forget able it was. No lies.
Movie 3? pointless Angsty teen drama. If i had paid to see this in the movies i would have wanted my money back. really i think we could have skipped from movie 1 to movie 4 and been fine.
Movie 4? well... honestly wasn't all that worth breaking them apart. we really could have cut out some of the stupid and get more to the point, and i would have been happier. We finally find out SOME of how the vamps came to te way they are, not all of them though, and the main couple gets married, then there's violent vampy smut, which btw, DANY I TOTALLY GET IT NOW! (for those of you that don't know, Dany is violently against vampy smut b/c vampies are NOT ALIVE. One of the running comments in the movie was about how cold vampies are. That being said, imagine, cold dead vampie smut...) Bella loved it.
The preggo-ness was random and not really explained at all. Even if Bella was alive, Edward was not. Then there was the fact that the baby Vampy basically was killing her from the inside out, and needed her to drink blood to live. Honestly? I'm pretty sure that a normal human, even one preggy with a Vampy would die to THAT much blood consumption. They even implied that after Bella gives birth her offspring bites her before she dies :{ then AFTER she's DEAD, Edward manages to inject Bella with sparkly silvery Edward vampy venom. Which btw, we rarely if EVER see vampy fangs, let alone him milking himself to get that stuff. Wait 2 days, and BAM undead bride! Movie ends... WTF O_o
Movie 5: FIGHT! that was probably the best part about it. Edward suddenly goes from hating the "IT" that was killing his mate, to loving his daughter who had one of the most MESSED up names ever, Resnesmee? or some crap... @_@ really? REALLY???? The Wolvie guy that's been helping with all the tween drama turns out to be in loves with the baby not so dead vampie! someone see's the kid as it RAPID grows, and then rats them out to the high council of vampies, and then FIGHT, which i already said was the best part! then after everything is said and one it's happily ever after or maybe?
My over all review: really don't waist your time, if anything just watch movie 4 and 5, and that's really all you need to know, the rest of it is all just bleh. I have to say as the movies went on i did start to think it was better then the one before. But by the end i still couldn't shake the idea that it was all just a really long arse fanfiction that someone managed to get printed.
Thats what it felt like the whole time. fanfiction gone wrong.
i mean REALLY? SPARKLING VAMPIES ?!?!?!?!?!?!
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Re:WHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TT3TT 11 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 11
Poor r0o. The whole Renesmee bit screamed pedo to me.
Here you've got a guy, who has supposedly been in love with a woman who doesn't feel the same way. After he pines after her repeatedly, almost gets her to 'cheat' on her 'true mate' but then can't keep her from becoming a vampire (which is his mortal enemy and her movie-saga desire), he then instantly falls in love with a newborn baby (imprinting. Mm.) that just happens to be the daughter of the woman he's been pining after.
It screams **sick!** to me.
As to the necrophilia, apparently, that aspect of it is lost on everyone who's thinking 'cute guy + sex = yum!'. Very few writers in the vampire erotica genres that I've seen explore that element of it.
Somehow, being undead doesn't kill the sperm. I could maybe see an argument for the female vampire to be fertile, as women are born with an egg count at birth and ovulate throughout their lifetime. Fertile male vampires baffle me since sperm is produced throughout an adult male's life (Aaron Burr is said to have impregnated a woman when he was 84). Sperm can't live in a temperature below approximately 94 degrees Fahrenheit.
Biologically, basing one's ideas on human anatomy as vampires are created from the corpses of humans, it is not possible for a male vampire to impregnate a female.
But I'm not Stephenie Meyer. If I were, when there was vampire sex, Bella would have been able to see her breath as her core temperature dropped from having been so physically close to a walking, talking ice cube. 
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