Alternatively, for those who may be uncomfortable with the thought of prayer, per se, please feel free to offer your heartfelt condolences, sympathy and thoughts for those who are facing this horrible tragedy. Just, please, do not attach this event to any agenda you may feel it promotes, i.e., gun control, religion, etc.
I'm sure there isn't a person in this community who hasn't been horrified and deeply saddened by this travesty, especially at this time of the year. If you wish, use this space to express those feelings and your support of the community of Newtown, Connecticut.
For me, these beautiful children, and the adults who gave their lives to see them safe, are not far from my thoughts. I don't think there is a parent alive who did not hug their children a little tighter after hearing of this horror. I happen to count among those I know and love a great many educators - my deepest sympathy is with them as well.
