Hello my fellow Dokugians!!
It's fundraising time again, and I need some HELP! Between this site, the DLL2 Yahoo!Group, the business my hubby and I are trying to get off the ground, home, sick animals, kids, and all that jazz... I will not have time to issue the personal acknowledgements to all our donors this year. I refuse to allow our donors' generosity to go unremarked, so I am in need of an assistant/scribe-type person.
There are a couple qualifications:
First, I must know you kinda well... preferably someone that's been here a little while, with whom I've had the opportunity to interact at least once or twice.
Second, you must have a decent grasp on the English language - spelling, grammar, etc.
Third, you must PM me to inquire!
If you think you have a little spare time in the next couple of months, enough to send out probably two or three thank-you notes a day (maybe more at first), please PM me and we'll get this ball rolling!!!
We haven't actually done any fundraising since last fall, so our coffers are pretty low right now. Chat is due for renewal in July and hosting is up as of August 15th.
Soooooo, how 'bout it, Dokuga, give a gal some help??
