Re:Late-breaking news from phishbon3s 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 9
That is SO awesome!! Congratulations! And the magnets? They had me cracking up! ^-^ I hope you have a great pregnancy and that everything goes well for you! Be safe!
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Re:Late-breaking news from phishbon3s 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 31
Knight of Disorder
Many thanks, kind sir! My hubby has a pretty strong grip, so I think he can take it. Just as long as he doesn't have to watch or cut the cord. Then again, I would pay good money to see him faint. haha
Thanks! We are hoping all is well (first time and all). Good news is no nausea yet. 
When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller
“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian
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Re:Late-breaking news from phishbon3s 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 6
try not to eat architecture or random objects, yes i sound insane but my ob/gyn gave me a pregnancy book that actually said in it that the woman may crave eating bricks....... may want to warn hubby that if you go for a walk holding a fork and knife that he may want to restrain you and call the dentist. just wanted to share that little tidbit, gave me a chuckle when i saw it.
congrats again
the nightmare will return
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Update from phishbon3s 12 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 31
Well, my lovely Dokugians,
Today the phishy spent 6 1/2 hrs in ER for slight bleeding during my first trimester. After much poking and proding and WAITING a LONG LONG TIME, the conclusion is there is no conclusion. Yes, pregnancy is confermed, (6 wks 3 days), but no heartbeat detected yet.
I have a follow-up on Friday to see if anything can be found, but the advice I'm getting from other mothers is that the heartbeat isn't always detectable in the 6th week, sometimes it's too quiet.
So for now, I gotta keep an eye on the slight bleeding, and hope for the best. Not to sound sappy but please pray for my little guppy and me, Dokuga.
Thanks, phishy 
When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller
“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian
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Re:Update from phishbon3s 12 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 56
Aww, Phishy, stay strong. You and your guppy are in my thoughts and prayers.
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Re:Update from phishbon3s 12 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 279
Sending as many positive vibes for HOPE, HEALING, AND HEALTH as I can!!! I will be thinking of you in the coming days!
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Late-breaking news from phishbon3s 12 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 14
I'll be sending the good juju your way with prayers for safety, health and happiness. *luffson*
I need something that will give me the stamina of a young werewolf, the vision of a shaman, the thoughts of a serial killer, and the gentleness of a hungry vampire bat.
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Re:Sad news. 12 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 696975
Oh big hugs to Phishy and family. This will pass, never be forgotten but the pain will ease with time and loved ones nearby. Take that time. When you're ready, I know you'll have the family you desire.
I claimed Sesshoumaru\'s Mokomoko-sama at the Claiming Thread!
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Sad news. 12 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 31
My wonderful Dokugians,
Thank you for the prayers, well-wishes, thoughts, vibes and love sent our way. This is why I love this site. We are a family. We appriceate you all so much. But I have sad news.
Last night, around 9:30something, I miscarried fully. I had the Guppy cremated with others that went too soon. We don't know what caused it. It just wasn't our baby's time, I guess. We're pretty shaken up, but we have hope for the future. We will try again, eventually. But for now, we will mourn.
I'm gonna take some time off the internet, We need Us Time at home and the internet has lost its value at the moment. But I'll be back eventually. I just need to rest and hope the severe physical and emotional pain passes. I'll bounce back, it's hard to keep me down.
Thank you all for being there, your support made us happy, loved and it helped.
See you sometime. Signing off for now,
~Phishbon3s (Leslie)
When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller
“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian
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Re:Sad news. 12 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 26
Oh no!
I am so, SO sorry to hear about your loss! I once experienced the same thing, (though I wasn't as far along) so I understand how difficult an experience that can be. It's probably a good idea to take some time off, you and your hubbie need each other right now. You will be in our hearts and prayers, and when you're ready to come back, you'll be welcomed with open arms.
Until then, we wish you strength, hope, and recovery. *huggles*
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Sad news. 12 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 10
I'm very sorry for your loss and will be praying for you and your husband.
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Re:Late-breaking news from phishbon3s 12 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 19
I am terribly sorry for yours and your husband's loss, Phishy. I will keep you in my thoughts. Any time you need one of us, we will be here for you.
Love Always
I write to tell stories. I believe that there a some professions in the world that will last forever: doctor or a nurse, teacher, builder and a storyteller. I write also to become myself, more so day by day. Writing is a way to shape out visible and invisible, in myself as well as in the world.
Eppu Nuotio
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Re:Late-breaking news from phishbon3s 12 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 26
Oh Phish.. I'm so sorry for your loss.
I am the Master Procrastinator of Dokuga, and I wield a mighty game controller!
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