My sister has been baking my nephew/niece away for the last 35 weeks and last night her water broke and my niece was born

5lbs 6oz and 19 inches long. (keep in mind dad is 6'4" and mom is 5'11") She is unfortunately 2 weeks preemie and 5 weeks away from full term at 40 weeks. Of course we were beyond happy that she came out screaming and wasn't blue or anything worse.
This is where I need the prayers...
My niece, who is named Brooke, was taken to the nursery quickly because of the preemie condition. While there they discovered an infection, she was turning blue after eating and the doctor thinks she has the early feature signs of down syndrome.
We were heart broken.
Brooke is the first girl in the family and all her tests came back negative while she was in the womb. My sister had the QUAD test done and no one in our family has down syndrome. No one. Long story short...the signs are minimal. The doctor is sending out for a test to be done but we won't know the results for 2 weeks.
I'm attaching two pictures of my niece and prayers, suggestions, observations..anything would be appreciated. I do want to specify that my sister and her husband have firmly said that they will love Brooke either way the test goes. I love her all ready and got to hold her earlier and am going back tonight to do so again.
In the picture the only possible signs of down is her eyes being small and the fat roll around her neck. She carries no other signs. She has a nasal bridge but it's undeveloped..her feet are normal and long, and her hands are the same. Also my nephew (her blood brother) had a fat roll around his neck but he was full term at 37 weeks.