Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: -666
Yeah, I'm gonna go check the locks on my doors. I'll be right back 
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 4
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 10
ladybattousai wrote:
Yeah, I'm gonna go check the locks on my doors. I'll be right back
You should have locked them sooner. I would love to see a crack fic from you that envolves Shiro in some way. Lemon or no, but he would be hilarious in a crack fic.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 4
emmaren wrote:
You should have locked them sooner. I would love to see a crack fic from you that envolves Shiro in some way. Lemon or no, but he would be hilarious in a crack fic.
Haha! Everyone's ganging up on you now! DOGGY PILE! 
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 26
ladybattousai wrote:
Yeah, I'm gonna go check the locks on my doors. I'll be right back
You silly goose! I wouldn't really wrap my fingers around your precious, precious neck and cut of you air supply if you failed to put a lemon in you story.  I was only joking.  (or maybe I wasn't) *shruggs* I guess we'll have to wait until the end of the story to find out for sure. 
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: -666
I like how physical violence is the answer
Anyhoo... *sidesteps* Shiro would be fun to include in a crackfic, but I have reservations about dragging OCs (even awesome ones) beyond the story of their origin. Besides, do we really want him giving Miroku any pointers. They would be unstoppable together.
*backs against the wall, feeling for the nearby doorknob* I do have a secret weapon...
"He leaned in, teasingly brushing his lips against hers. Her cheeks flushed hot at the temptation of his touch and the tingle of the pleasure he held so close to her, taunting her with desire..."
*runs away*
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 4
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
I'd love to help you lady battousai but alas. I agree with the doggie pile.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: -666
I'd love to help you lady battousai but alas. I agree with the doggie pile.
Sacrifices must be made for the sake of smutdom, eh? My poor virginal keyboard
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
ladybattousai wrote:
There are a lot of pet peeves and not all of them the obvious grammatical ones. Just the complaints regarding lemons makes me wonder if I should even consider one.
I don't know... I think I'm with emmaren on this one, ladybattousai. I honestly don't think that a lemon is necessary in your story. The beauty of Seven Feudal Fairy Tales is that the story is very much driven by profound character development. I can see how the relationship between Sesshoumaru and Kagome could eventually lead to a lemon scene, but I keep wondering if a lemon scene is a necessary element when it comes to progressing the relationship between the two.
I think I'm speaking out in response to being somewhat desensitized by all the lemon scenes that are out there, but perhaps a lemon scene or two doesn't always make a story in the end. I might get chewed out for posting this, but I sometimes think that a lemon scene has to have a pretty good reason for being there (unless it's one of those PWP stories...err), regardless of whether or not the author planned on writing one in the first place. Otherwise, what exactly does the lemon scene add to the overall development of the story as a whole? And what purpose does the lemon scene actually serve other than the the characters acting out their lust for one another, or the fulfillment of the consummation of two characters in love?
Then again, I might just be thinking too much of it. And I'll be the first to admit that while the manner through which a lemon scene comes up can be predictable, they're hella fun to read. Either way, you're the author of your own fanfic. You've got the final say on where you want to take your story from here on end. Your readers will just have come to terms with that.
You also asked what people want to get out of a story. For me, I simply want to read a good story that has two of my favorite characters from Inuyasha come together in the most unlikely of ways that a writer can imagine. Mainly for entertainment value, but it's such a boon when the writer writes a plausible outcome of any kind of a relationship between Sesshoumaru and Kagome. And a lemon scene, when written well, is an added bonus
My pet peeve in fanfiction is pretty minor compared to what has already been posted. I get really impatient whenever an author spends an entire paragraph describing what the characters are wearing, or what they're going to wear. Even worse when the author's overly detailed descriptions spill over to a second paragraph. My eyes automatically roll and I'm left with a vague feeling like I'm reading a Victoria's Secret catalog.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
aw don't worry i am just teasing. I will say twoflower is right. You have set up your story in such an amazing way that the plot doesn't need a lemon.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really F 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
I agree. Not that I wouldn't read it if you did put it in there, but I just don't get that kind of feeling between them yet. Intrigued with each other, yes. Attracted to each other , yes. Ready to fall in bed together, not yet. Just my opinion...
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really F 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: -666
Well, it's not a romance fic, so if they were to do anything, it wouldn't be out of "love" for one another. But, there are other bonds that can go just as deep. I have some thoughts, but if I decide that they'll disrupt the flow too much I'll just do the one shot I've had in the back of my mind for a while now.
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 7
ladybattousai -
Please note to self that your story is fantabulous without the whole sex thing intermingling with the plot. The best part I think about your story is (besides the hilarious FAQ's) the slow progression of the relationship between the two. I enjoy seeing and following the build-up of friendship and respect, which might then lead to more romantic ventures by the end of the 7th tale. But everyone, let's remember one VERY important fact in the story...
Sess totally ogled Kags when she was butt-nekkid on the beach brushing sand off of herself! (well, that's the way I saw it anyway. teehee!)
Of course, should you decide to go the citrusy route, I doubt anyone would be opposed to it.
In regards to the whole OOC-thing, now it makes me wonder about my newest fic "Forbidden Desires" and Sess' mother. Am I totally overdoing her character? I know the most popular view is of her being cold and cruel, but whenever I go back to reread the manga, two words just keep coming to mind - Drama Queen. That's the impression I get from reading the manga about her. Am I wrong? I also got tired of reading so much type-casting of her character, so I decided to start fresh and make her into a drama queen. Any and all feedback is much appreciated. So far I've gotten nothing but positive feedback in reviews, which I totally appreciate. But what about those that do not leave reviews? I'd hate to overdo the whole thing. >_<
I, myself, could never bring myself to write a lemon. Splashes of citrus, yes. But to fully committ is a task that I find completely daunting, which is why I so appreciate those of you who have done it, and continue to do so. So, whether good or bad, at least you had the guts to write and publish it! Hats off to all lemon authors!!! 
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 7
Danyealle -
Sounds to me like you've got a cat-dog and a dog-cat! Coolness! I have 3 dogs, and one of them acts like a cat with the whole attitude thing. Another one makes noises that sounds just like a pig. The only actual dog I seem to have is the boy, who acts totally normal. Weird.
Last Edit: 2008/09/09 04:57 By lorrayne.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 92
Sounds to me like you've got a cat-dog and a dog-cat!
They are just strange. all there is to it LOL
Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
Egads. Am I the only one out here that works during the day, at a job that big brother watches all my internet activities and blocks forums? Three pages since last night, you guys are busy!
Some stories lend themselves to nice fluff, some do not. I read both interchangeably and enjoy both. A great example is Tales from the House of the Moon. How many chapters was that before they had a "relationship?" Even then it was very non-descriptive. It's hands-down one of my very favorite stories, the lack of sex did not in ANY way detract from the chemistry going on, or the story itself.
Love does not have to be demonstrative. In Seven Feudal, when Sesshoumaru selflessly suffers to give Kagome her youth back, I think I actually cried. It is so apparent that he loves her, even if it isn't the big flashy up against the wall kind of love. Who needs a lemon when the love involved transcends the flesh? Give or take the lemon, that's a great story as it is. If it lends itself to one, fine, but I'm having a hard time picturing it. The tales are almost up and if Sess can resist cantharides, I think he can resist Kagome.
The stories that I most enjoy are when the characters develop in some way. My favorite is when they overcome some sort of internal weakness/conflict to become a better person, but I also like characters that fall in love (not to be confused with falling into lust) or grow up, or move on. An exception is a certain Hellsing writer that I love to read because he so understands the intricate desire/disgust/hope between Integra and Alucard. His stories are complete tease fics, nothing can ever come of a relationship between the two, but the reader is always left with the IF. Often hinting at intimacy, or the future potential of it, is more powerful than any flesh scene.
I like this thread because it allows me to see what other writers (and readers) don't like so that I don't find myself falling into that trap. I would NEVER review someone and tell them their fic sucked. I have come to realize that most people actually get their feelings hurt when I give a corrective criticism in a review. I am perceived that way by my employees too so it's just my personality. However, in this thread, the other people reading it hopefully understand it's a generic whine not a beat down on any particular person.
Any person who attempts writing a story has my thumbs up. Writing's hard, all stories take work, even the one-shots. I'm especially impressed by the writers who don't use English as their first language. I'll keep reading the good ones, even if the pet peeves drive me crazy. I accidentally posted a 3000 word chapter in the summary section (no breaks between sentences or speakers) and over 200 people put up with the formatting before I fixed it just so they could get the update. That tells me that readers are willing to put up with a LOT from other writers if the story is decent.
Alright, putting the soapbox back up. Later.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 54
Wolfye Productions I think you're right about her being a drama queen, the way she acted while talking to Jaken seriously fits that idea more than her being cruel. I mean how cruel can she really be giving that necklace to Rin and bringing her back to life?
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 7
Hairann wrote:
Wolfye Productions I think you're right about her being a drama queen, the way she acted while talking to Jaken seriously fits that idea more than her being cruel. I mean how cruel can she really be giving that necklace to Rin and bringing her back to life?
Ah, Hairann thank you! /wipes sweat off forehead. I was really beginning to think that I misinterpreted her character...
That is true about her giving Rin the necklace. But I also wondered about just how cold and cruel she could be if she agreed to help Inu help Sess. I mean, I'm sure that if he had really pissed her off about taking a human mistress/whatever, then she wouldn't have agreed to hold onto the meidou and help her son with her mate's technique.
Okay, so I think I'm done now. The drama queen will continue to tease and aggravate poor Sess!! /evil laughter 
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 54
Yeah and people gotta remember in that time it was normal for men to have more than one wife, Lords and such at least, so most likely as long as she remained #1 and was literally in charge of Inuyasha's mother, I can't really see her having a problem with him taking a second wife. I really can't understand how people can see her as being cruel, I saw nothing in the manga to even suggest it, quite the opposite in fact, but oh well.
Oh and let me know when you finish the story so I can read it 
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 26
Wolfye P. As far as your take on Sesshoumaru's mother, I think that since so little is known about her, it is really ok to portray her as you wish. In one of my stories, I portray Kikyou completely differently than the way she was throughout most of the anime. The reason is simply this: My story is an AU, so she never had the experience of having been killed. When she died in the anime\magna, she died believing that she had been betrayed. She was hurt, angry, and confused. When she was brough back, she continued being plagued by those same feelings.
The brief times I saw her in the anime before she died, she actually seemed to be a nice person. So, that is how I portray her in my story. Little is known as to what she would have been like if she hadn't been deceived.
When there is so little documented behavior on a character, I feel that you can pretty much do as you please. Who can say the charater is being portrayed as OOC, when there is so little information to use as comparison?
Last Edit: 2008/09/10 12:18 By Lady Sianna.
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 7
You guys make very valid points; thank you. I can understand people portraying Sess' mom as cruel if they fashioned her character before Takahashi-sama first came out with her in the manga though. Afterwards, I'm not so sure.
Hairann - To be honest, I'm not quite sure when I'll be done with FD... But the next chapter should be posted by Saturday... (crosses fingers) Are you one that likes to read fics once they're completed? I tried doing that once too. It can be aggravating with all the cliffies running around.
LS - I actually had originally claimed my fic as canon, since the first 2 chapters were meant to fit into the flow of the original anime episodes. My story has deviated since then; should I change it to AU?
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: -666
I actually had originally claimed my fic as canon, since the first 2 chapters were meant to fit into the flow of the original anime episodes. My story has deviated since then; should I change it to AU?
I think it becomes a "Divergence" fic, neh?
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 10
Yeah, but "Divergence" is not an option here. I would just note in your summary if you have room. Or, who cares? WolfyeProductions your summary is self explanitory.
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Re:Fanfiction Pet Peeves: Tell Me How You Really Feel 16 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 54
Yeah I try to only read finished stories although it has nothing to do with cliffies. I love cliffhangers and even some of my readers get mad saying I'm good good at them hehe. It's just between most writers taking a month of more at times to update, the amount of stories I read and everything I do in between I can't keep one story apart from another and by the time I can read an update, I don't remember what happened in the rest of the story and have to reread it. It's just easier to wait until it's finished. That and I'm incredibly impatient hehe.
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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