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2012 thoughts and opinions.
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TOPIC: 2012 thoughts and opinions.
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2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 6
Hi im not trying to make a big thing outta this just trying to start an interesting thread. (well at least to me it's interesting.) I have been doing a little researching here and there on the upcomming supposed dooms date that will take place in 2012. i just wanted to know what other peoples views and opinions are on this toppic. i am half and half on this subject and undecided myself. i think i dont want to believe it but dang some of the stuff i watch (history channel is to blame) and things i read internet and news wise kinda scares me a litte. so what are your thoughts/opinions?
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Shrine Girl
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 23
I don't think the world is going to end, maybe some major event will happen that will make it change, but if it does change, I think it will be for the better. Still, I don't think the world will end. It's going to be another 2000

What I find interesting, and somewhat amusing, is that most people are freaking out about it due to the Mayan calendar. Last year they covered it, and talked to some elder Mayan's and even they are sick of the whole 'the world is going to end in 2012' thing. The elder said that they never stated the world was going to end at that date, just that their calendar ends(I think they went by the stars, so it was only what they were able to see in the stars when it was made).

In a way though, I am glad that people are more aware of the environment now and companies are offering more earth friendly options.
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 39
Thank you, PRVN! I was about to say that, lol. It never says it's the end of the world, only the end of an age and the only reason this would appear to have been a big deal for the Mayans was because when one of their chronicled ages was drawing to a close here would be something in their lives, society or traditions that they would change or stop doing.
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 27
it would make sense that the calendar would end sooner or later most likely it ends because the stars are back where they where when they started. Sure the Mayan's where great with stars but they where also scientifically unevolved. They did the best with what they had but these where a people who believed that you had to rip the heart out of man's chest to ensure that the sun would continue to rise. (I am not belittling their beliefs just showing how their understanding of the universe was not complete. We know that the sun dose not go away at night and come back in the morning. They did not.)

I think more likely then the world "ending" we will make it inhospitable to us. If we continue on the road we are on we will die out. But life will go on.
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 6
hmm all good points but ive heard other stuff that doesnt have to deal with the mayans calender soo tht where i get all jittered out cuz its freaky. and my personal thought on the mayans calendar there hand prolly just got tired writing all those dates lol im a simple fool
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Minister of Silly Walks
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 25
There have been so many times that the world was supposedly going to end, yet we are still alive and spinning. Even the whole Mayan calendar thing: isn't it supposed to be like 50 years off, anyway?

There are more things out there that we need to worry about over the idea of the world ending. What about living each day to the fullest and making the best of everything you have, like there is no tomorrow? There is no use in worrying over something that may or may not happen, especially since something that catastrophic would be out of our hands anyway.
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 39
Sadly, for all of our technology and 'advancement', we aren't much better as far as understanding ourselves and the universe. If I could hope for 2012 to actuallly be important, I would want it to be a true enlightenment of our race as a whole. I seriously think that for all we've created we're still toddlers, so to speak, and we're not going to really and truly advance until we can learn to accept our differences as a common ground rather than a thing that separates us and truly start treating each other as a universal, or at least world-wide, whole.

And before that quirks any eyebrows, I'm a tree-hugger, lol. Green party, pagan working on getting herself used to a vegetarian diet. I'm all sorts o' quirky.
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Last Edit: 2011/01/14 17:13 By Freya Ishtar. Reason: typos
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Shrine Girl
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 23
Freya Ishtar wrote:

And before that quirks any eyebrows, I'm a tree-hugger, lol.

That part made me chuckle. I agree the people of this world have a lot to learn, and a lot of growing to do. Time will always pass, and something new will always come up, which means we will always be learning and advancing. Slowly but surely, people are changing. Whether it be views or accepting, it is happening, just very slowly. I think the whole world needs to come together, we were all together once, why can't we be together again?(laughs)-It's my secret suspicion that the world will return to it's first form, so we can restart, but with modern thoughts and technology, but that's just my crazy mind talking. -

Anyways, I'm sure none of the above made sense. But, I agree that we all need to be the best we can be, to be happy with ourselves and appreciate what we do have instead of what we don't. It will happen eventually, because people are changing C:
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 39
And, I do agree with Momo- if it was really going to be a huge, catastrophic-type end of the world.... what the heck could any of us do about it, lol. All thinking about that does is freak people out and take them out if living in the now to focus on this 'what if' of someday.

And yes I'm aware people are changing, I do wonder, though, about how badly off we're going to have to get before that change is far reaching enough to make a difference.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 23
I think we already reached the bottom, and then dug ourselves deeper, a few years ago. I just started noticing changes-for the better- about a year ago. Sadly, because of how deep we have gotten, any change is going to take awhile to actually happen. There are a lot of things, in action now, that will eventually lead to a better life for the future. But even those things, will take awhile, even there are a lot of people backing up the causes.

As I mentioned before, I'm just glad that people now are starting to realize the damage we have been doing to the environment, and are changing products so they will not pollute as much as well as companies making environmentally friendly products more available and affordable. We still have a long way to go, but small progress is still progress right?

I also agree that there is no point in worry, since when people worry or become frightened(especially over things they can't control) they start to do drastic and mostly unnecessary things.

Also Freya, Good luck on your vegetarian diet! Tofu is a great thing to play with for cooking vegetarian meals. There are also a good variety of recipes available now!
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Rowdys girl
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 12
I think that what is going to happen in 2012 is the old cycle of the Mayan calendar is going to end and the new cycle is going to begin. Anything else is just the universe turning as it does.
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 5
My view is that, for the most part, this is another hype. I still remember people freaking out with speculations about the new millennium -- and here we are, ten years later. On the other hand, if the world DOES end in December 2010, I doubt there's anything anyone can do about it, so there's no point in worrying much about it. We're all bound to die at one point or another -- it could be today, it could be tomorrow, it could be two or twenty years from now, but it's inevitable. I just try to content myself with the idea that I'll be in Japan for a few months right before the end, if it indeed does come.
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 4
I think that the same thing that happened in 2000 will happen in 2012. Everybody was panicking in 2000 about the computer supposedly going bonkers - and I remember in Seattle, where I was at the time... People were stock piling water, canned foods...etc. Then crime rates started going up because people were just going plain bonkers... then new years came and nothing happened lol.

I guess what I am trying to say is that, whatever bad I think will happen, will not be because some catastrophic event, but by people who are fearful.

Fear makes people do crazy things .

As for 2012 and me, I'll be doing the same thing I do everyday. Go to classes and regret every decision I've made in my life concerning a career path at least 50 times a day (but we all know I love it)!
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
Countless doomsdays were allegedly scheduled to happen by now, yet the planet's still populated. Silly people are, well, silly.
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 5
I don't the the world is going to end. How is that even possible? Where would it go, how would it happen? Everything will just cease to exist? lol

I think that, if anything does happen, it will be change. The world is supposedly going to 'end as we know it', not just end. Honestly, I hope something happens, because at the rate humanity is going, pretty soon there will be no forests, or fish in the bloody oceans. If we don't change, expansion is going to ruin everything.

Honestly *no one get upset with me for saying this, it's just my opinion* I wish they would start putting a limit on how many kids people can have. I know they do it in a few places, and it's worked! Everyone knows that it's getting out of hand, and basically we're going to destroy everything if we don't quit being selfish and start thinking about the environment.

FUN FACT: Did you know that California has basically the same population as the entire country of Canada? It's only about 1 million off!

So, here's hopin that 2012 will be a year of enlightenment, and that the world will become a better place once it passes!
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 39

And I find it funny how people translate the 'end of the world'. See, here's the thing, it wouldn't be the end of the world, it would be human extinction . . . 'cause it kinda takes a lot to destroy a planet . . . like the sun going supernova. So, I always found it sort of self-centered for people to go 'oh, the worlds gonna end' 'cause in my mind I'm thinking 'no, the world will still be here, we will be gone . . . world can keep spinning without us, ya know.'

And >_> . . . <_< . . . there are some people the world would be better off without. Not naming names, just sayin' . . . .

What I can't get over is that there has been an unprecedented number of earthquakes over just the last year or so, outbreaks of diseases we really haven't seen in decades & Tsunamis! . . . . And yet I still have to wake up every morning to political parties yelling & griping about why 'they' are right and the 'other party' is wrong. It's like . . . geez, get it together, people. -_-

And Ama- still trying with the vegetarian diet. It's really hard in a low-income household where I'm the only one striving to be a non-meat-eater, ya know? I find it funny 'cause in anime & manga, meat is a luxury and when cash is tight people get by eating veggie dishes . . . yet here maintaining a healthy vegetarian diet is the more costly route. :/ Can't help but feel like somethin's just not right about that.
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Last Edit: 2011/01/20 11:42 By Freya Ishtar.
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Miss Anna
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 15
I don't believe that the world is going to end, it just seems to impossible for it to come this far only know?

Also since most seem to be basing this off of the mayan calendar the fun fact is is that the mayans charted venus and on the date their calendar ends is the last Venus transition for the next odd hundred years or more. To me it means that something might happen to venus or something, but not earth.
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 39
Miss Anna S wrote:
I don't believe that the world is going to end, it just seems to impossible for it to come this far only know?

Also since most seem to be basing this off of the mayan calendar the fun fact is is that the mayans charted venus and on the date their calendar ends is the last Venus transition for the next odd hundred years or more. To me it means that something might happen to venus or something, but not earth.

I don't even think anything will happen to Venus . . . seriously, 'cause the thing with the Mayan calendar, again, was that it signaled for them when to end something and start something else, so it doesn't ever mean the 'end of the world' but the end of an age, it would be the end of whatever thing they'd started at that beginning of this cycle and the start of something new.

Maybe the crystal skulls will finally come together and knock some sense into the whole lot of us. Hey, one can dream, lol.
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Last Edit: 2011/01/20 11:48 By Freya Ishtar. Reason: typo
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Shrine Girl
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 23
Freya Ishtar wrote:

And Ama- still trying with the vegetarian diet. It's really hard in a low-income household where I'm the only one striving to be a non-meat-eater, ya know? I find it funny 'cause in anime & manga, meat is a luxury and when cash is tight people get by eating veggie dishes . . . yet here maintaining a healthy vegetarian diet is the more costly route. :/ Can't help but feel like somethin's just not right about that.

(laughs) I agree- it's strange, but then I think the meat in manga and anime is fresh meat, since the Japanese diet usually requires fresh meat and vegetables. Where as in America, the meat is cheap because it is usually loaded with hormones or added supplement(unless bought organically-which is expensive in normal grocery stores) Crazy, hopefully that will change soon.

I have question though, do you have a 'Sunflowers market' where you live? Because they are a GREAT store for vegetarians, especially for those who live in a family of non vegetarians. Not only are the vegetables, fruit and tofu affordable but so is organic meat and eggs. So you could do shopping there for yourself and your family for a lower amount then at a regular grocery store.
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 27
The thing is people WANT to believe in the end of the world. Most religious groups want there to be a definitive end to reality especially Christians (And I am not knocking Christians). The reason for this is that their whole theology is based off the promise of an after life and being saved at the end times. It gives them a sense of hope, they will survive the inevitable surrender of the flesh to death with an immortal soul. Its really a beautiful concept and solution to the reasonable fear of ceasing to be upon death.

I think this is mostly to do with the fact that humans, for the most part, understand things that are linear. There MUST be a beginning and so there MUST be an end. Science is starting to show that this might not be the case. There are theories that the universe has exploded and imploded a few times already. Unmaking and remaking itself. The universe around us is all revolution, repeating and returning. This is why I subscribe to the belief in the unending cycle of reincarnation.

I believe that maybe things just always where. Time is NOT a reality but a simple perception. It is just another form of measurement. Even Einstein proved time can be altered and bent. So time is an illusion. Beginnings and endings are illusions. Now is the only reality. And its ALL here now in this moment. The past, present, and future is all happening now.
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Last Edit: 2011/01/20 17:47 By Avadrea.
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 11
I'm less worried about the world ending (scientists confirmed they believe they are possibly 100 plus years off on the Mayan calendar lol) and more worried about what is happening to our environment. About 5000 birds just...died and I think 10,000 fish (all the same species) washed up on shore...and nobody can say why. Australia, which is known for droughts FLOODED. I'm a little worried we waited too long to try and reverse our effects on the environment. But what can any of us do if things do go south? we just do our best to work things out. Until I see this so called end of the world, I'm gonna continue to RRR and do my best to erase my carbon footprint on this Earth
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 39
AmaViarra wrote:

I have question though, do you have a 'Sunflowers market' where you live? Because they are a GREAT store for vegetarians, especially for those who live in a family of non vegetarians. Not only are the vegetables, fruit and tofu affordable but so is organic meat and eggs. So you could do shopping there for yourself and your family for a lower amount then at a regular grocery store.

No, but there's a farmer's market not far from me called Raspberry Farms" that has all that stuff (omg, they're awesome, they even sell POCKY!) and I'm thinking you're right, I should may take note of how wide their selection is, might make a world of difference. Thank you for the suggestion! Feel kind of blond for not realizing it myself :/

And Avandrea- you're a deep thinker, I like that.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 23
@Freya- No worries C: I just recently found out about natural/organic stores and how awesome they are. If you'd like, I have some vegetarian meals that even meat eaters love that I could share with you(though it may take me a week or so to actually get the recipe and the instructions typed up *laughs*)

Oh I also just remembered something about the whole 2012 thing that upset me and got me bothered with it and researching the theories behind it more. A few years ago my younger sister's middle school teacher told her class 'Not to come to school or study because it will be pointless when the world ends' That was frustrating when I heard about it. If you want to believe something, fine believe it. But why ruin students lives, or make them think 'oh there's no point in trying'? Gah, Some of these teachers really make me question why they are in that occupation.

Anyways, lately I have reached the mental mindset of 'What is going to happen, will happen' so may as well just live life to it's fullest and be happy C:
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 2
I just want to say this before i comment on the 2012 thing.
Avadrea wrote:
The thing is people WANT to believe in the end of the world. Most religious groups want there to be a definitive end to reality especially Christians (And I am not knocking Christians). The reason for this is that their whole theology is based off the promise of an after life and being saved at the end times. It gives them a sense of hope, they will survive the inevitable surrender of the flesh to death with an immortal soul. Its really a beautiful concept and solution to the reasonable fear of ceasing to be upon death.

Although that concept is built upon a lie that the Churches have taken and molded into a way to control their peoples in history (and even today) and draw in others as they have for many things (christmas, easter, valentines day, fathers/mothers day, etc none of those have any biblical standing and are adopted from pagan celebrations). The idea of an immortal soul is not a teaching of the bible but had been adopted a while after Plato contended that there was a difference between the body and the soul. Ecclesiastes 9:5 (and other scriptures) clearly states “The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all.” Church teachings are mostly built on traditions and what the men in charge decide is the current truth, not bible teachings and principles.

I just wanted to get that out of my system.
As for the end of the world thing, it is doubtful that anything significant will happen aside from the usual on 12.12.2012 or new years eve on 2012. Time is a constant and will continue to go on. Just because somebody didn't put a calander beyond a certain date doesn't mean the world will end. Do you get excited and panicky when you reach the last page of your wall calender? lol
The universe isn't going to collapse, true science (not the theoretical nonsense that's accepted even though unproven) says that the universe is still expanding and galaxies are moving away, not toward, eachother.
The sun isn't going to implode/explode/go-supernova on us, its going to last for a long long time and when and if it finally does explode we will have the technology to probably move away to another planet, there are plenty out there the same size of earth.
The only thing we really need to worry about is produce consumption, in the next 3 yrs production of basic goods will need to up 70% in order to feed the rapidly growing population, which is why i agree with the idea of a reproduction cap (although that would bring in the issue of the catholic and other churches being against contraceptives and that that kind of pleasure is a sin which is a whole nother non-biblical thing in itself that i'm not gonna get into unless someone wants to know) but that idea in and of itself is flawed too since it would impose on the rights of people in North America, although many of these 'rights' are flawed as well.
And now my brain is tired to ta ta. And I hope I did not offend anyone, that was not my intent, just stating the simple facts. I apologize if anyone was offended.
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Beat Cop
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Re:2012 thoughts and opinions. 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: -666
I thought that was politely said, and if anyone is offended, it's on them. Everyone's entitled to believe something different, and as long as no one is imposing those beliefs on another, there shouldn't be a problem.

Strangely enough, I hadn't expected this thread to go this way, so I will say for old time's sake that people need to continue to be polite and understanding of each other and what others might believe.

Carry on.
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