PRVN wrote:
Ah! It means Elegant? I thought it was something of that sort, as I read it somewhere, but couldn't remember exactly and could not find the page where I read the information at. Thank you for letting me know!
(laughs) My pup is not Elegant at all, I think the name stands more for 'Crazy' and 'Destructive' then elegant!
I would put the character for his name here, but the forums freak out whenever I use Japanese in non-romaji characters. /(-_-)/
Anyway, the actual word is "miyabi." The Japanese language has no 'v' (or 'q' or 'x,' for that matter, although there are sounds that are equivalent), so if a word is borrowed that does contain a 'v,' the 'v' becomes a 'b,' since the sound is very similar.
xD I understand completely! I have a pup, although he is huge and exceptionally clumsy. And he drools a lot.
Tsuba-kun is the reason why Mako no longer has nice things.