So I just wanted a place to get this all out because I have no one here but my kids to talk to.
This morning started off with a call from my Gran she was freaking out because my eldest daughter won the coloring contest hosted by the newspaper...which I had helped her color. She was going as far as saying that I had screwed myself over that they would make her sit down and color another page to test her to see if she actually colored it herself, she was wishing I had never turned in the entry. My mom even tried to prep my daughter as if they were going to interrogate her...

And then my step-father jumped onto the band wagon by saying just go take her over there, get her savings bond that she had won and add it into her savings account where her settlement money was. I tried explaining to him that I couldn't pre court order stating that no one could touch her money until she is 18 <the bank even had taken her savings account book> and I tried telling him that the judge saying that that also meant money couldn't be added to it.
In the end it was him screaming at me to the top of his lungs for twenty odd minutes telling me that I was wrong, had no idea of what I was talking about and that he was right. It left me in tears because of everything everyone had already said to me, and what made it worse is my own mother sat there and said nothing while her husband screamed at me.
In the end however everyone was proven wrong...all they did was take her picture with the coloring page, give her a lolli and tell me her savings bond would be mailed within the next 4 business days.
Never once did I get a sorry after everything was said and done