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October is Feel Your Boobies Month!
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TOPIC: October is Feel Your Boobies Month!
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October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 92
October is Feel Your Boobies Month! So Feel ‘Em Good!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Since Skye and I have both been affected by this disease through a close relative, we put our heads together and thought, for October, we would do a couple things to raise awareness about the disease since Dokuga is a site that is frequented mostly by women, the portion of the population that is most affected by it. We also realized that, sadly, most on here have been affected by this disease in many ways, either through themselves, relatives or friends so info is always something everyone can use. We’re going to be doing a special Drabble/Drawble night for it, though don’t have a set date as of yet and I believe Skye is going to do a couple challenges for you.

Let’s start with some facts here…

ALL women are at risk for breast cancer, no matter your age. Though men get it too, it’s rare. However, if you are older, you have more of a risk than younger women do.

Here are some basic facts from the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.

• Nearly 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year.
• 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime.
• Over 30% of women are diagnosed after breast cancer has spread beyond the localized stage.
• When breast cancer is detected early (localized stage), the 5-year survival rate is 98%.

Though they are scary stats in some cases, the thing is if you catch it early, your chance of survival increases. That means early detection is the key. There are several things that can be done to detect it early.

Breast self exams are a VERY important tool in helping catch things early. Though they aren’t as effective as things like mammograms and other tests, they can alert you to changes in your breasts that could easily be a warning sign. It’s recommended that every woman out there do a self exam once a month, starting in their 20’s. Below is a YouTube link that shows you how to do a self exam (yes, it’s YIM compatible and no nudity is shown)…

You, more than anyone else, know your body and what is normal and what isn’t for you. Doing a breast exam once a month allows you to know what they feel and look like so that if something out of the ordinary is there, you will be able to feel or see it then get to the doctor. No, most lumps are NOT cancerous, they are benign and harmless, but it’s ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry!

According to the American Cancer Society ( ) women in their 20’s and 30’s should have a breast exam as part of a regular check up by a health care professional every 3 years. Starting at age 40, women should have one every year. Women age 40 and older should have a mammogram every year. Those at greater risk, for various reasons such as genetics, family links, other risk factors, should get both an MRI and a mammogram every year.

Beyond that, there are ways to help. You can help raise awareness for the need for funds and the prevalence of it through many wonderful originations in the US, Canada as well as around the world. The Race/Run for the Cure (depending on the country you live in as to what it’s called) is just one of those things that help raise awareness and money. Many sell things like pink ribbons and other things that help raise awareness and funds for research as well as things like support for family to help through the rough time while deal with it. Those organizations always need a helping hand and funds.

On this thread, if you wish, you may add the names (first only, please) or titles (like mom, aunt, cousin, etc) and their relationship with you as a way to honor those that have dealt with this in a way that is personal to you.

Just remember ladies, feel them boobies! It is something that could very well save your life.

Priestess Skye

Mother: mastectomy 2 years ago
Aunt Yvonne (father’s side): double mastectomy; lost the fight with it
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Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Creature of Shadow
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 18
Great grandfather- lost the fight

My heart goes out to everyone who has and is going through this. <3
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 10
Two years ago I saved my own life. My track record for doing self-exams was spotty; I did them only when I remembered. Not monthly, as recommended. I found a lump in my breast and it was the most terrifying thing that ever happened to me.

I was lucky. I found the lump really early. So early in fact that I didn't need chemo. After surgery and radiation, I'm ok.

As my grandmother and mother always say; "You need to be your own doctor".

Please, do the exam. If you find something, act on it immediately. Don't wait no matter what you are told. After all, it could be a matter of life or death.
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 54
Great Aunt- mastectomy/breast cancer survivor of over 20 years at least. I'll get the exact time tomorrow when I talk to my mother.

Edit: Seems it was more like 10 years ago, not 20. Could swear it was longer, but guess not.
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Last Edit: 2010/10/01 15:53 By Hairann.

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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 3
lumps arent they only thing to beware. Other types of breast cancer show up as rashes. has a nifty article on the different types!
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 10
No one in my family has gone through this but I'd had friends family's that have. I thought the video was educational. I knew most of it except for the 'same time of the month' part. I never really thought about that before. Thank you for sharing it.
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Priestess Skye
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 696975
Mother - had a mastectomy, a year of chemo and died in 1989 at age 36 from Breast Cancer that spread to her lungs, bones and brains.

There are many ways to support Cancer research. I firmly believe now that if my mother had the resources we have now back then she'd have survived. She fought a brave battle for one year, with three little kids watching. I for one don't wish that on anybody.

I am not familiar with American or international organizations, but if you are in Canada, please take a moment to support the CIBC Run for the Cure or buy a daffodil from the Canadian Cancer Society. Every dollar helps.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 34
my Aunt is a breast cancer survivor. I remember when she was really sick. She lost not just her hair but her eyelashes too. She was really sick. But she survived and is healthy as a horse at the moment.

On a side note, a good chunk of my family on my mom's side have cancer. Different types. All i know is that i am grateful that none of my brothers or sisters or parents (or myself) have it.

I have so much respect and appreciation for all cancer survivors out there for being so strong and pulling through against a disease as treacherous as this. Kudos

And a very special love and respect for our Rowdy.
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 7
My great grandmother is a cancer survivor. She had a mastectomy and is still with us today at age 94. I don't know when it happened to her though. No one else in my family has had breast cancer and I hope it stays that way.
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Time Traveler
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 29
Great Aunt - It was too late when they found out, and she passed away in the next 2 months.
Aunt - One year of chemo, and lost the fight.
Aunt - Mastectomy 8 years ago, and is still with us.

Every year for the past few years I've been running for the CIBC Run of the cure (Canada), and twice I participated in the Cops for Cancer, where they shave your hair (or cut it really short) and use your hair to make wigs for cancer patients who lost theirs. Also, people come during that, and donate, and you collect donations for the event.

Every little bits help. There's many different kind of cancer in my family, and every little hope helps someone.
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 16
My mother: Partial mastectomy (They caught it early) and is undergoing drug therapy now that her chemo is over.

My Grandmother: Lost the fight. They simply did not know as much about breast cancer back then as they do now.

Really cancer is a big fear from me because it is coming at me from both sides of the family.

I self test regularly (and even had a scare not too long ago) and be aware of what your body can and cannot do. Lumps can form for other reasons than cancer (Fatty deposits, cysts, etc.) and all should be looked at by a doctor.

I know times are tough and insurance is a commodity for a lot of people, but BE AWARE. If you are over 40 there are programs that will help pay for mammograms completely.
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 26
Nearly every adult on both sides of my family has had some form of cancer. My grandfather and one of my aunts died from it.

My Aunt Mary found out she had breast cancer two months ago. She reported to the doctor, had the lump removed a week later, and is now completely finished with the treatments with no remaining cancer in sight.
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Miss Anna
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 15
My grandmother- Lucky thought they caught it in time.
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Rowdys girl
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 12
I lost one cousin to breast cancer, and she fought it like a she-devil because she didn't want to die so young and leave her three children (all pre-teens) bereft of a mother like she had been. (Her mother had had breast cancer and would have died from it if she hadn't killed herself. But that's a whole 'nother story.) She even had bone marrow replacement - a harrowing experience - and it bought her another 8 years. She finally succumbed.

Now her younger sister is fighting it - I believe she's taking chemo right now. I pray that she wins this fight, that she is as close to God as I have become and that He carries her through this battle to victory.

My Dad had colon cancer and went through 2 surgeries: one in his 70s and one in his 80s. It came back, but with Mom so obviously declining, he didn't want to be bothered with it and just ignored it. My sister and I felt that it was his decision and we respected his wishes. While both of my parents had cancer when they died, at 89 and 90 they had to die of something and I believe the cancer was only a contributing factor.

As for my piddly little cancer, it was a squamous cell carcinoma that just got outta hand and wouldn't have been deadly except for where it was located: on my face, close to my brain and involving two nerves that traveled back into my brain. Anywhere else on my body and it would have been far less serious and certainly not deadly. And once Dr. Jacobs removed it, I was, to all intents and purposes, cured. The radiation will just make a re-occurrence less likely.

So, ladies, do what you have to do and do it often. Make a note on your calendars to feel yourselves up and check for any pesky lumps. Get those mamograms and lower the fat in your diets. Exercise and make yourselves strong! Life may be a terminal condition, but that doesn't mean you can't have a long, happy life! You are the ones in charge of your bodies, take the responsibility and see to it you do all you can to stay healthy, live long and prosper!
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This is starting to make sense... time to up my medication.

I live in my own little world, but it\\\'s okay, they know me here.

Even if the voices are not real - they have some pretty good ideas!

I don\\\'t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.

Until further notice, celebrate everything!
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Hoshi Phoenix
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 8
My mother caught breast cancer 7 years ago but luckliy she caught it in time and only had to have the lump removed and radiation. My Aunt unfortunately didn't catch it in time and had to undergo chemo, removal of lumps, etc. She beat it for about two years when it came back again. The second time around she had a double mastectomy as well as chemo. I'm happy to say she (four years) and my mom (seven years) are cancer free today. But nothing is ever certain when it comes to this disease, so exams, mammograms, etc. are very important. Cancer is a virus it never really leaves, it only goes dormant.

Its really strange how this happened because before my Aunt was diagnosed my family had no history of Breast Cancer in it. I now do regular self exams and I'm trying to get tested to see if I have the gene for Breast Cancer. And I want to know if I'll pass it on to my children if I do have it or if I'm pre-destined to have it myself.

So save second base ladies and feel them boobies!
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 16
Over 80% of the women who get breast cancer have no family history. Self-exams, see your doctor, mammograms if you are of the age or your doctor recommends. I was diagnosed July 2009 by a mammogram only a month after I had seen my doctor. Two surgeries (because it had spread), two three month series of chemotherapy, six weeks of daily radiation, and 5 years of medication & I just went back for my 3 month check after finishing radiation. This is something I will have to watch against for the rest of my life, but as some of the earlier posts say, the survival rate is high if you catch it early enough.
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 14 Years ago Karma: 92
I found this today and it's very informative!
12 Myths to Ignore About Breast Cancer
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Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 13 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 54
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Last Edit: 2010/10/14 23:03 By Hairann.

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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 13 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 8
Some of you may already know about this, but is hosting a video competition in which groups film ~60 sec videos reminding women to feel our boobies. A few people from my school are participating; theirs are Can I...? and Your Boobs Can Save the World , and most of the others I've watched have been pretty entertaining.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:October is Feel Your Boobies Month! 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 31
I remember when I did a walking thing for Breast cancer. It wasn't for anyone I new really. I was helping out there, as they raised funds towards more awareness of it.It was for another bunch of cancers as well.
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