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Funny things we did as teens...
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TOPIC: Funny things we did as teens...
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Funny things we did as teens... 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 5
So it's safe to say we all do some stupid stuff when we're teenagers. Drinking, testing drugs, all that stuff aside... I wanna know about the other stupid things you've done. The weirder the better!

Ohhh examples...

When I was in high school my friends and I did a lot of dumb s*** while on spare. Some of the things I can think of are:
1. Throwing handfuls of teddy-grahams or big pad that's we've soaked in water at people from a moving car
2. Put cucumbers on random car antennas
3. Streaking
4. Putting toothpaste all over the inside of random car handles

That sorta thing.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Funny things we did as teens... 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 23
**getting distracted again XD ***

Let's see, I was actually working a lot and stuff in my teens that I didn't have to time to go and hang out so most of the stupid/funny stuff i did was in middle school(9th grade)

I was kind of an outcast in school, as most of my friends were older and already out of school so I really didn't socialize with my school mates much. Which lead to some bullying from the popular or jock kids. finally fed up with it, I went to glass before school started and put thumb tacks on each of their seats... it was great.

Another school related one was my only friend at school and I were bored and kind of disliked one of our teachers because he really treated us like crap. So we got we toilet paper, put katsup on it and then threw it at his class windows ^^; we got caught and had to clean up after class but eh it was fun.

N' when I was in middle-ish school I skipped P.E cause my teacher was just..gah. I did it for a week then one of my classmates told on me(I hid in the bathroom every P.E period) It was kind of funny cause the school monitor came to the stall I was in and was like 'Are you in here' and i was silent for a bit then replied 'nooo' XD I got taken to the principal office and then when they were going to call my parents I started 'crying' so they didn't. I remember this because I got a free soda out of it and got to change to a different P.E class but my old P.E teacher kept giving me the meanest looks.

Now I think this is probably the stupidest thing I did(two of them). It happened the same night of the pancake story on the 'cooking oops' thread. I was at my friends house and we were 13 and her mom was gone. So it was just myself, my friend and both of our little sisters. Well, her power was out and we were really bored so we decided to start playing with the candles that were lit. The first thing I did was, I had a kleenex and was like 'oh, I'll light a hole through the middle' so I was holding the tissue over the flame for almost five mins and then both my friend and I were like 'Why isn't it going through!' so I flip it over and the WHOLE bottom is on flames. Makes me wonder how I didn't feel the flames since they were basically right next to my fingers. So I dropped the tissue onto the ground and then the ground lit on fire and my friend and I were like 'OMG FIREEE!!' so were were trying to blow it out(which made it bigger) then we tried smothering it with a jacket(not smart either) at this point both of our sisters came in and were like 'Put it out!' my friend and I both looked at them and said what do you think we are doing? Anyways, we eventually got it out and the carpet was burnt it wasn't that big, but still noticeable. When her mom came home the next morning she saw it and was like 'What's that?' I told her it was spilled soda and she believed me but yeah, it was stupid and funny. the other thing that happened that night, after the previous incident was we were still playing with the candles(cause we don't learn apparently) and both of my parents smoke, I haven't been interested in it but I don't honestly know what I was thinking-- I rolled up a paper and was like 'Oh I'll pretend to smoke' so I lit the end and then took in a breath of it and I just gotta say worse idea ever. Small lit pieces of paper flew into my throat and I was coughing and everything, it was bad, my throat was sore afterwords too. Learned my lesson that time. Never smoke paper.

Reading all of that, and writing it down, I feel like I was a really bad child
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Last Edit: 2010/09/09 02:04 By PRVN.
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Lady Shikibu
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Re:Funny things we did as teens... 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 4
I can't claim to have done as much as you, but I did do a few stupid things.

Top of the list would be teaching my best friend how to drive, two months after I got my license. And then recording it on her phone. Where her mother found it. Yeah... those were the days...

Then there was the time we drove to a town a little ways away so she could give her boyfriend something. We got lost going there, and then on the way back, after driving for almost an hour, we realized we were going the entirely wrong way. As we got back into town we got a call from her grandma asking where she was, because she was supposed to be at the mall, and she definitely wasn't supposed to be in my car, let alone the next town over (and then the nest town over from that >.<).

Hm... I think I really shouldn't have been given my license...
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Re:Funny things we did as teens... 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 5
My friends and I did all kinds of things, we used to change clothes going down the road not caring.
Skip school to go swimming in the local rivers when it was hot enough. Egg houses, and there was this one house that had all those ugly yard ornaments and we would rearrange them in the middle of the night.

Now the senior pranks were god awful horrid of us,

There was a large fancy subdivision near the school like next door to the school, they had these two very fancy fountains, they were shaped like ponds and rather large. One on each side of the drive to enter the subdivision. Well me and a friend and some accomplices poured around 5 of the large liquid laundry detergent jugs in each fountain. These fountains were beside the main road, it was a major road in our town too. The suds from the fountains ran over into the road and shut it down for around 5 hours, man the cops were looking for the people responsible for years. lol we never got caught and the only reason is because two of the people helping happened to be cops.

Then we moved the principal's office outside to the senior court the entire office and re set it up outside while he was called down to the main county office.

We put the school officer's car on blocks, and the football team picked up the ass't principals car and moved it over two spots. The only reason it was possible is he drove a little vw bug. lol

At actual graduation there were about 50 of us with hip bags on with two white mice in each bag, the mice had little paw prints of orange and powder blue on them. We set the lose right after the last person got their dimploma. They could not search us because the hip bags were pushed under our clothes. They didn't catch all of the mice either. Man that was funny as hell, my little brother said after that they were finding white mice in the school for around 3 years. lol

Now this kid I knew in high school he got us three early out days in a month once. We had a payphone in our high school lunch room, he decided he wanted to go home early one day and called in a bomb threat to the school, our counties policy was to send the kids home and then search the schools. He did this three times before they caught on that it was being called in from our own school. I thought this kid was an idiot, because that was major shit if he got caught. He ended up expelled, and arrested and in jail for about 2 years. That doesn't seem alot but this was just about 20 years ago so it wasn't as bad as if someone did that now a days.

Then a couple of us hung up mistletoe around the whole school the last day before winter break to see who noticed. Well that caused a shit load of fights, from guys kissing other guys g/f's, and vice versa. The best though was when the biggest and most prejudiced redneck in our school was kissed by the only gay kid in our school who also happened to be black. I thought he was going to drop dead of a massive coronary right there, omg the look was priceless. I also thought that the kid that kissed him was gonna have to go into witness protection because he was gonna hunt him til he found him and killed him.

The best was the joke we played on the guys at the firehouse though, it was not actually a joke but could be taken as one. Our county did practice drills for the fire dept all the time and had the different schools provide the 'bodies' for the so called accidents. The thing is the make up artist we used was a professional make up artist like for hollywood and had all the best make up and stuff and the county would buy more so it looked real. The last year, they chose the drama dept to help from my school. It was supposed to be a nasty 4 car accident we looked terrible. Some of us were going to be corpses, and that was the hardest, being able to breath shallow enough to pass for dead. Some of us had 'injuries' that we were no way able to survive. So they had us covered with sheets until the c.c. showed up. What no one told us was it was my station's first due area that we were going to be in, I was like my guys are gonna flip the f' out. Of course the idiot in charge decided I had to be one of the dead ones.My guys were freaked out, and still did their jobs even though alot of them had tears in their eyes. We were nearly done, they had the 'bodies' in one area, near the woods. This senior who was a body with me, suddenly sat up screaming and hopping around , the firefighters started screaming, and freaking out. A black snake had decided to investigate the body under the sheet and crawled down his shirt. There went the whole thing, I sat up, and started laughing as I took the snake off the poor kid. My guys were freaking out, and yelling at me. It was funny, but not funny at the same time, later when asked how I felt about it,I told them it was like I was a guest at my own funeral, and that it was a mistake to have someone that was a member be in the set up, but I can understand if they wanted to see if they would be able to do their job.

on a related story to the firefighter thing, my dept was one of the only ones with a dive team and when there was a drowning we were always called out on them. We were sent to a quarry, where someone had drowned three days earlier and his body had risen to surface. So we get in the boat, there are four of us out there, and I am not supposed to be there at all because I was only 17, and our county had rules about ages and what calls you could go on, and well I was too young. We get the boat to where he is, and pull his body in and get it situated in the bottom of the boat. We head back to shore, about half way back, suddenly we all hear a loud moan and the body sits up. Well I personally don't remember jumping out of the boat and swimming back to shore but I did, evidently so did everyone else in the boat. You know how in cartoons and stuff how the boat goes in a circle, well it did. We were all on shore fighting who was going back out to get the boat.Turns out the gases had been trapped and when we moved him, it released them, causing the moan. The body sitting up was muscles spasms from that as well, at least that is what the coroner was trying to convince us. Finally the chief and asst chief had to go out to get both boat and body, that call was both the scariest and silliest call I ever went on.

By the way Chaotic, beautiful snake, I have two ball pythons, one is just over 5 ft and the other 3. They are my babies Aries, and Hades, I had a pastel Ball named Aphrodite, but she died last year.


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Re:Funny things we did as teens... 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 5
Haha, wow you've got quite the list. I don't think we did too much in regards to messing up big events or screwing with the staff, but there was one time when we smashed a school window on spare. It sucked, though, cuz we got ratted out and had to pay for it.

The only other thing I can think of was that we messed with our precalculus teacher. He had a flask in his desk that he used to drink from, and one day while he was out a friend and I switched the contents for really heavy iced tea. It was great, because when he came back and took a sip you could totally tell that he was pissed... but he couldn't say anything because there was originally alcohol in there and if he made a big deal about it he would have been in huge shit. XD

Unfortunately that lovely specimen in the picture is not mine *sigh* he belongs to my photographer. We have to wait a few years befpre we can purchase our red-tailed boa. I only have a sinaloan milksnake right now (name's Hubert), and earlier I had a black and white california king named Norman. Sadly, he passed too. *Sniffle* he was th best snake ever. He sat in a blanket on my lap when I was on the computer, and he had a wicked little triforce on his forehead. It looked exactly like the one from Zelda.
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Re:Funny things we did as teens... 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 10
I think one of the funnest maybe not funniest thing that i did as a kid was definately going trick or treating with a couple of good friends. We were mimes and literally mimed everything we did. It was a windy halloween so we acted like the wind was blowing us away it was funny. We saw a lot of schoolmates and they were all like 'O.O DUDE THAT'S AWESOME!" aswell as we scared quite a few children >:3
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Its okay to be insane, I mean lookit Dokuga, its FULL of nuts
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Re:Funny things we did as teens... 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 78
There was this kid in school, he came over to see my brother and me. Somehow he did something to one of the reflectors that marked the edge of our family's driveway. The kind that is a round disk mounted on a yard-long metal spike, which gets shoved into the ground were very popular back in those days when the snow was so heavy no one could find their own driveway. My mom was a very intense person (my mom was a violent nutcase), and she went apesh** on this poor kid, his name was Jimmy. A few mornings later, there was this line of reflectors of all colors and types stuck in the ground all the way from our garage, down the driveway, and up the street. Jimmy must have stolen every reflector in the county and spent additional hours sticking them in the ground. There were litterally hundreds of the things.
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Re:Funny things we did as teens... 14 Years ago Karma: 0
You know that boy obssessed age. Well me and a couple of my friends used to toss grapes into manholes in the street where construction workers hung out to fix the pipes just so one of them would pop out. If he was cute we all would giggle and wink at him.

When I was about 15, we would sneak into a wooded area next to a friend's house to smoke pot.

My good friend and I used to do phone pranks back in the day when caller id was not as common. I chose a random number and called. We started cussing the guy out in greek and lowerd our voices to sound like boys. It just so happed that the guy was a greek travel agent and he did have caller id. Anyway, He called back and spoke to my mother and told her what we did. Can you say

There's more, but I could write a whole research paper on the topic, co 3 examples is enough.
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Minister of Silly Walks
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Re:Funny things we did as teens... 14 Years ago Karma: 25
I wasn't extremely wild, but my friends and I did do some odd things.

One of my close male friends and I would switch clothes at school. Even when I wore a skirt. Lemme tell ya, he had nice knees XD That stopped when the assistant principal yelled at us and told us no more cross-dressing.
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Re:Funny things we did as teens... 14 Years ago Karma: 5
That's amazing. Haha, we had such a prude for a vice principal, and I can only imagine what she would have done if she saw a boy in a skirt.
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Re:Funny things we did as teens... 14 Years ago Karma: 5
Ohhh grapes in a manhole... that's cute. My friends and I always smoked pot at the sports park right across the street from our highschool O_o... we got busted by the principal so many times. Hmmm, maybe not the smartest place to do it.

Also, wow, what are the odds that you would get someone who spoke greek? That's not really all that common of a language when you live in a place that's majority english.

Good stuff! XD
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Re:Funny things we did as teens... 14 Years ago Karma: 0
ChaoticReverie wrote:
Ohhh grapes in a manhole... that's cute. My friends and I always smoked pot at the sports park right across the street from our highschool O_o... we got busted by the principal so many times. Hmmm, maybe not the smartest place to do it.

Also, wow, what are the odds that you would get someone who spoke greek? That's not really all that common of a language when you live in a place that's majority english.

Good stuff! XD

We have a good number of greeks in NY, but yeah the odds would be stacked against us. The funny thing was the number was totally random off the top of my head. My friend and I still get a kick remembering that day.
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Re:Funny things we did as teens... 14 Years ago Karma: 5
I was unaware there were a lot of Greeks in NY. Huh...
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