Labyrinth: watch it or not? (For curiosity's sake) 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 2
Well I've been seeing a lot of Labyrinth related fanart lately so I've been asking questions from friends, and they say it's a great movie.
Here, I'm asking for opinions whether I should check it out or not cause I feel like I missed out on a big thing here. ^__________^;;;;
Last Edit: 2010/06/30 10:23 By Madame_Saide.
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Re:Labyrinth: watch it or not? (For curiosity's sake) 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 3
Compared to most movies, it's not that great. The story isn't strong, the effects are average, and the last half of the movie follows the Benny Hill theme. Really it's popularity is in it's nostalgic value and David Bowie's...outfit. Bowie's the real reason most people watched it for females and maybe Jennifer Conner for males (if you can get them to admit it).
If you liked the muppets or campy movies you should check it out. By the end of the movie, you'll probably have at least ten fanfic ideas in your head. It leaves much to the imagination why a Goblin King would fixate on a 15(?) year old girl.
ps- the nostalgic value for this movie is so high, there's a manga following the life of the main character's little brother after the movie events.
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Re:Labyrinth: watch it or not? (For curiosity's sake) 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 2
Compared to most movies, it's not that great. The story isn't strong, the effects are average, and the last half of the movie follows the Benny Hill theme. Really it's popularity is in it's nostalgic value and David Bowie's...outfit. Bowie's the real reason most people watched it for females and maybe Jennifer Conner for males (if you can get them to admit it).
If you liked the muppets or campy movies you should check it out. By the end of the movie, you'll probably have at least ten fanfic ideas in your head. It leaves much to the imagination why a Goblin King would fixate on a 15(?) year old girl.
ps- the nostalgic value for this movie is so high, there's a manga following the life of the main character's little brother after the movie events.
A friend did tell me it was one of Henson's best~ but I still want to give it a shot ^^;;; Well you did warn me considering that it might give me ideas but I'm not there yet. Albeit you said fixation on a 15 year old girl...?
Ahahahaha...somehow it reminds me of our fandom here though it's different. ^^;;;;;
Sesshomaru as the Goblin King huh...hmmm...>D Hmmm nice ring to it~ XD;;; (please don't kill me ;___:)
Manga huh...hmmm, I'll look to that. XD;;;
Last Edit: 2010/06/30 11:07 By Madame_Saide.
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Re:Labyrinth: watch it or not? (For curiosity's sa 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 29
I'm not a fan of the movie - but it IS one of those classics that people talk about. Its right there with Willow, and the Princess Bride. For me it was one of those "best watch it and get it over with" so that I didn't feel like an idiot when a Labyrinth reference was made. Its not great... in my opinion it isn't even any good, but it might be something to watch on a rainy day, when you have nothing else to do. Its like ripping off a band aid. You just gotta do it, and get it over with.
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Re:Labyrinth: watch it or not? (For curiosity's sake) 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 11
I feel I have to make a disclaimer at the beginning: As anyone knows who has seen my DA account - I am something of a die-hard Labyrinth fan. Labyrinth was how I got into fandom. I was obsessed with it in my early teens, and my early teens coincided with expansion of fandom on the internet in the mid-late 90's. Labyrinth introduced me to fanart, fanfiction, fan communities, and lit class level analysis of canon material by fans.
That said I hope I am able to have at least a little perspective that isn't totally tainted by my positive associations with the film. Labyrinth came out when I was very young, so I only vaguely remember seeing it as a child. When I rediscovered it, only a little over 10 years after it was made the special effects were already dated and the costumes screamed "80's". Its now been almost 25 years since it was made. You have to make allowances for what it is - its an 80's fantasy film that was aimed at kids. It isn't high art, or a great movie, but honestly how many movies that are considered "great" are things you want to watch over and over?
I think the reason it appeals to so many teenage girls is that its very much the sort of fairytale a teenage girl would write for herself. I still enjoy watching it, even in my mid-20's. Not the same way I enjoyed it when I was 13, but I still think its a fun little diversion for a couple of hours. And as an artist I appreciate the kind of set artistry that was done before CGI was widely available (really the only CGI in the film is painfully bad), and yes, the Goblin King's costumes are fantastic (though unlike most Laby fangirls, I never thought he was 'sexy', I thought the character was sexy, but not Bowie.)
Last Edit: 2010/06/30 19:27 By janey-jane.
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Re:Labyrinth: watch it or not? (For curiosity's sake) 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 2
I just watched the trailer. And although I admit the effects look outdated, I'm willing to concede that it may have been just the 80's and their technological abilities. Aside from that, the story line looks somewhat interesting. I think I'll watch it.
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Re:Labyrinth: watch it or not? (For curiosity's sa 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 29
Gabrielle wrote:
I just watched the trailer. And although I admit the effects look outdated, I'm willing to concede that it may have been just the 80's and their technological abilities. Aside from that, the story line looks somewhat interesting. I think I'll watch it.
yeah a lot of it was the 80's but it was also a Jim Henson flick if I recall. thus the cheese-tastic muppets. 
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Re:Labyrinth: watch it or not? (For curiosity's sake) 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 33
That movie ruined something in my brain when I was young...for some reason, I think guys in eye-liner are so hot, and I have traced that all the way back to David Bowie in Labyrinth.
I saw it in the theatre, and seriously, for the time it came out and girls that were in the target age...it was completely kickass.
Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Re:Labyrinth: watch it or not? (For curiosity's sake) 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 3
Since there are some Labyrinth fans, you guys should check out Pika-la-Cynique's comic called "Girls Next Door". It's this huge cross over story using characters from movies and books (anime is referenced a bit, but it's not a big part). Characters like Pirates of the Caribbean, Sweeney Todd, Lord of the Rings, etc...
"Spin-off from *AsheRhyder's original idea and fancomic, 'Roommates'. Sarah Williams from Labyrinth and Christine Daaé from The Phantom of the Opera - trying desperately to get on with ordinary lives, in spite of their respective stalkers-slash-suitors, glitter, unexpected crossovers, Random Black Chickens, meddling Powers of Fanservice, preternatural perverts, Sushi Incidents, Nanny Ogg, strange neighbours, thin-to-defunct Fourth Walls and oodles of Unresolved Sexual Tension."
Actually, this comic has inspired me to do a spin-off for an anime comic using the 3 known time traveling girls: Kagome (Inuyahsa), Miaka (Fushigi Yuugi), and Yuri (Red River).
I just gotta get things written down and it'll be awhile before there's any drawings.
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Re:Labyrinth: watch it or not? (For curiosity's sake) 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
I love that movie. It's very whimsical and while it is very obviously 80's it's still a good story.
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Re:Labyrinth: watch it or not? (For curiosity's sake) 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 2
I love this movie!!! The music is great and yes its a cheesy movie but totally worth it you will laugh at some of the corniness but its just that good. The muppets are funny and all look like the need a good cuddle!!!!! deffintly watch it!!!!! Kinda reminds me of Alice in Wanderland.
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Re:Labyrinth: watch it or not? (For curiosity's sake) 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 10
I'm actually a die hard labyrinth fan. Not because of Bowie (even though he was a major plus)its one of those classic films i grew up watching (i.e, legend, willow, the princess bride, etc) because my mum introduced me to them. It has catchy music, sure the effects weren't amazing, the costumes do scream 80s as one person said here. It is a more.. aimed toward 7+ children than younger ones because of the fieries (god i hate them still to this day). Its not AMAZING with all the plot holes, but I still love it. I still get a kick out of watching it. For me I watch it whenever i get in the mood to just reminisce on good times when i was little. You might like it depending on your taste in movies. Its all in opinion. Some think its cheesie and a terrible movie and others like me love it still (and im gonna be 20 soon).
banner made by me! Art was commissioned by me and done by Electrikfeather on deviantart.
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