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How did you pick your name?
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TOPIC: How did you pick your name?
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 5
I'm a witch and Tataru means 'to cast a spell' in Japanese. One of my tag lines was 'I will cast my spell on you...' with my writing I hope, lol.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 11
Man, this is REALLY interesting reading all of these! And no, Heartless, I love your story - at least it has background! It made me smile <3

Well, mine's uber boring, and I mean OOOOber boring.. -_-zZZ

Honestly, I have no idea why I picked the name. I guess it sounded like a good pen name after sifting through my favorite words and phrases. Put them together, and Destiny'sTears is what I got.

And, if I made up an improv story behind it, I would probably say, "Sometimes things never go as you like them to." Hehe, cheesy right? ^_^'

And actually, my "real name" is somewhat of a pen name as well, as Bynel is not my real last name. Bynes and Harwell combined; some of my favorite people! ^v^
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Shikon Miko
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 31
Ready for the 'S's ?!

In school, Smittee got her name from Smote and Smeargeldecut. Somehow the same name stuck through school days and sites. Forever more, Smittee is Smittee, and Smittee has hard time remember her real name. Luckily, my special someone tells me my name every day. XD
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
Arigatou is the first word I learned in japanese... I'm not a creative person so when I had to make a username that's the best thing I could think of... And 87 is the year I was born. But I use Ari for short because as someone said in the chat once, it's a little wierd saying "good bye "thank you""
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 156
arigatou87 wrote:
But I use Ari for short because as someone said in the chat once, it's a little wierd saying "good bye "thank you""

If my memory doesn't fail me too much, ari is a Japanese word as well, meaning an ant. xD Just thought it might amuse you.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 31
Phishbon3s was born of a pitstop on our way back home from our trip the Onix Caves in Cave City, KY. When we stopped by the Jeffersonville Outlet mall, there was a Disney store outlet there. I had found a keychain trinket (that in hindsight I wished I had bought) in the shape of fishbones, all silver and shiny and basic in shape. I was quite taken with it but decided to hold onto my money in case of an unexpected emergency. The image stuck in my mind and has stayed with me these odd some years. I wanted to make it interesting so I changed the F to a PH and the E to a 3. I also answer to Leez (for the last part of my name) as Leslie was considered by a friend to be too long to yell, so it was shortened.

My but that was more information than anyone ever wanted to know.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
Chiera wrote:
arigatou87 wrote:
But I use Ari for short because as someone said in the chat once, it's a little wierd saying "good bye "thank you""

If my memory doesn't fail me too much, ari is a Japanese word as well, meaning an ant. xD Just thought it might amuse you.

Nooo, really? oops... lol I didn't know that... I don't know that much japanese:P an ant. hmm... here in Norway it's actually a boys name... Ari that is... Imagine an norwegian guy called Ari travelling to Japan. "Hello, my name is an ant"

Maybe it's time for a name change?
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 8
kimakaanna is supposed to be read like "kim also known as anna" hence the aka. A lot of people (and I mean a lot) call me kima but it's not a problem. I combined kim (the short version of Kimberly, my real name) with Anna (one of my nicknames) because of a game I played with my cousins when I was younger. I was this ghetto-french maid named Anna. That's where it originated
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 3
hmmm well, i needed a name for gaiaonline and like most fans getting into the anime fandom, i wanted it japanese. really, my name just came from a website of japanese terms. Eien-no-Melody just means Eternal Melody. i thought it gave a mystic feeling and reminded me of Kagaya Studio (such lovely art work)

I use this username for practically everything for social networking
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 156
arigatou87 wrote:
Chiera wrote:

If my memory doesn't fail me too much, ari is a Japanese word as well, meaning an ant. xD Just thought it might amuse you.

Nooo, really? oops... lol I didn't know that... I don't know that much japanese:P an ant. hmm... here in Norway it's actually a boys name... Ari that is... Imagine an norwegian guy called Ari travelling to Japan. "Hello, my name is an ant"

Maybe it's time for a name change? [/quote]

Oh, you're Norwegian? That's so cool. I'm a Finn, and Ari is a boy's name over here too! And that mental image sure is amusing. x3
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 3
JessiCeleste89 comes from my name. Jessica and my middle name Celeste and the 89 is the year I was born. And thats it.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 1
It's my great grandmother's name.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 29
Hm. Well, I took countless hours of thinking it through, matching up letters. Using different type of alphabets and numbers, and came up with... my name O.o. Lol, there was zero thinking behind my name choice.
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Last Edit: 2010/02/21 15:40 By xMaddiex.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 7
Lol I love Kagome!! So that's how I picked my name
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 1
Anglo came from one of my best friend's character when he used to roleplay. I was amazed on how he build up his character in the msn group world until sadly all msn groups was taken down (damn you msn!! >:O) good thing we kept in contact and join into the myspace rpg where i barely got a chance to talk to him again since he is always busy with senior year and barely logs in :[
As for written hmmm..that is really complicated since i dont exactly remember how i came up with it o-o;
I usually use my pen name as miss irisu or irisuchan <- my real name is iris *hinthint but i wanted to try something new C:
so thats my little background for mine
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 11
Well, when I first started with the IY fandom, I really got into Kouga. It got even worse when I discovered that the voice of Kouga was the exact same voice for Wolverine on X-men Evolution. Scott McNeil really made me love Kouga with his sexy voice and I was done for. So that is where I got Koga (this is the spelling that I had seen on the anime) and angel came about because my ex-husband used to call me his 'angel'. So, I put the two together and came up with Kogasangel. Had I gone into my Sess/Kagome obsession first, I would probably be Sesshoangel, but I'm happy with what I have.

However, my days of being the ex-husband's angel are long over. If he had his way, I'm sure that my name would now be Kogasbitch. Aren't exs fun?
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 52
For some reason I can't get to the first page of the topic, but anyways I digress...

Back when I started first writing Inuyasha FF on, I was also heavily into Hellsing, watching the first anime produced. Walter C Dollneaz was my favorite character, so I borrowed his name. Plain Walter was unavailable, so I just chose a random number to tack on the end of the name, and wala!
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 0
Ammaranth actually started out as a small, side character in a story I was working on. People always use cool character names for nick's on the net, and as a kind of private joke to myself, I thought it would be amusing to use one of my own character names for my net persona. And it stuck. Years later, I'm still using it all over the place -- here, on Wilted Rose, DA, FF, etc. Meanwhile, the original character has taken on a life of his own, splitting off into two different characters in several stories, none of which I've ever managed to even START, much less finish. But the name lives on, so there's still hope I'll write them yet!

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Twilight Dawn
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 5
My name just popped into my head and it stuck.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 5
My name came about because its my real name lol.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 0
Nakiwarai is Japanese for 'smiling while crying'. I stumbled upon it while I was searching for kanji meanings, and thought it really pretty. I use Nakiwarai for gaming, here at Dokuga, and my fandom email.
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 0
Well...I think I picked up my name from watching too much InuYasha. It seems like all the demons on there are drop dead cute, so I picked KawaiiDemons. Lol, it just fits my fetish.
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Lady ky
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 0
my story isn't anything good, I came up with Lady Ky because of a story I was writing the never got posted. Ky is actually the name of Kagome's and Sesshomaru's daughter therefore called Lady Ky
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Shrine Girl
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 23
Ah, I can't remember if I already replied to this topic or not, and for some reason I can't go back through the pages to see if I had. So, if I did, I apologize for repeating but if not here is my answer:

PRVN is short for 'Punk rock vampire ninja'. Random? Yes. But not really XD

I've been into Punk music for the past 13 years. It's been a major part of my life, and has had some important role in my life to(leading me to met the people who basically saved my life)

Rock obviously stands for 'Rock' music. Another important thing in my life.

Vampires + Ninja = I've had an obsession with vampires since I was a baby. I really don't know why but they get my attention. Ninjas too, I just think they are awesome.

So putting all these things together, my friends and I made this little sort of 'club' a few years back. Because it took so long to say, we just put PRVN. It was fun, and since my main friend who started this 'club' with me passed away a year ago. It is even more important to me now

As for my other name I use on and deviant art(PiratekitAG and piratekit) is because Kit was my nickname since I was a baby(random since my name is Amanda) but that's a story for another time. N' I found Pirate's interesting, AG-is my initals(sp) Nothing special XD
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Hoshi Phoenix
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Re:How did you pick your name? 15 Years ago Karma: 8
Well, let's see my name just popped into my head one day. I've always liked phoenix's so I chose that. But of course there are a lot of people with the name phoenix, so I added Hoshi (looked it up in my Japanese dictionary first) because I like stars as well. Hoshi is Japanese for star even though some people in chat call me Houshi which is monk. Which I find very funny!
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