I was wondering, how do you usually come up with the plot for your story?
Is it just something that randomly comes up(comes to mind)? Or do you get your ideas from dreams? TV shows/movies? music?
I think i get mine from all of these, but most of the time it is from my dreams. You know those dreams where you wake up and are like 'What the fudge was that?!?!'
I always kind of just sit there for awhile and then I'm like 'Ah these characters would be good, for this anime/manga, it can work'.
Dreams are pretty good for helping me write and think up new stories(which sometimes could be bad). It's not just for coming up with new plots for different stories either. My dreams also help me if I have hit a block in my current story. I just see different scenarios that could help move the story forward. It's pretty interesting
So what about all you other writers out there? How do you usually get the plot for your story?